Please feel free to visit and join our HAU Group here at MySpace. We try to keep up ongoing topics about horror writing and the genre. Share your favorite authors, your publishing woes, interviews, articles, and all types of support.
If you are a horror writer and/or artist and would like your work featured here, please contact us. We are always looking to meet new creative people and help the up-and-comers."Everybody is a book of blood; whenever we're open, we're red."Clive Barker said that at the beginning of his classic series of short stories, "The Books Of Blood." HAU is here to help find and promote the Barker, King, Rice and Lovecraft in all of you out there. Once you become a friend, you may submit your short stories to us for the possibility of getting posted here in the blog section. While we can't pay you (not yeat at least!) we want you to be able to share your works with as broad an audience as possible. Blog/short stories will be rotated once a week, or as frequently as we get new submissions.*GUIDELINES* We only have one editor right now, and he's overworked as it is. So be kind to him and make sure you proofread carefully before you submit your work to us. While your concept may be incredible, your inability to use spellchecker will get your piece tossed. Just send it to us in a message, with the subject "Submission." Make sure to give us a title and your pen name! Keep your work between 1000 and 10,000 words. We like short pieces that will be easy to read and post. We are a horror and dark fantasy site here on MySpace, so keep with the program. However, needless gore, swearing, and sex will get your piece tossed, too.We don't care if your piece has been published before, currently published, or never published - as long as it's good! We don't care what age you are, where you live, or what your status is as a writer - everyone is equal here. HAU also has a Group Forum for discussions and topics. Feel free to join up there, too!Remember, the last letter in HAU stands for UNITED. Together, we can grow stronger as a community of writers..
Come check our website at
These HAU images and many others can be found in the Picture Profile section. Take a look and steal them if you want to promote the site!
Wanna read more horror stories? The incredible authors at The Cult Of The Bloody Quill are the Masters of Horror here at MySpace and the inspiration for this HAU site. We URGE you to go read their work... ææ Do you fear the Call? Or do you believe the truth lies with Those Who Dwell? THE ELDRITCH GAZETTE has as many answers as it does questions. From Cthulhu to Dagon, Innsmouth to the Miskatonic River... H. P. Lovecraft knew. Get a glimmer of that knowledge here.
The stories we want to read are YOURS! Take a look at the MISSION STATEMENT and think about submitting something!!!
We all know who our heroes are. Go to the forum and tell us WHY!!!