Eyes of Chaos
Eyes of Chaos is a professional illustration & design service specializing
in the creation of horror, dark fantasy imagery and surreal artistry
Site: www.eyesofchaos.com
Services Offered :
Illustration: for CD Packaging, publishing
projects, Film, DVD/Video covers, concept art, & Web graphics,
Motion Graphics: for TV, Film, and DVD production.
Graphic Design, Layout and Creative.
Mike Bohatch - BIO:
Mike has illustrated, provided artwork and been featured in numerous publications
and websites across the globe. These include such publications as X-files,
Savage, Outburn, Pit, Spectrum, Third
Alternative, Cemetery Dance, and Fangoria to name a
few. A highly acclaimed artist, his work can be found on book covers,
magazines, CD cover/packaging and in film both nationally and internationally.
He has produced several CD covers for the music industry and book covers for some of horror's top authors. Techniques used combine the mixed mediums of traditional
art and digital mediums. Mike's main focus and inspiration originates
from his love for the horror genre and refers to his work simply as "an
exploration in nightmare realities". He has recently expanded on his
offerings with motion design, concept art for film, & art for haunted attractions. Mike has completed 2 books both available by 2006.
To obtain a quote on your project or to reach Mike, you can contact per
e-mail at [email protected]
Publications interested in featuring his work, please contact per e-mail
with your request and specifications.
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Nightmare Kinetics - Title Sequence - Reel 2008