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Cette chanson est dédiée aux enfants sans papiers et à leurs parents. Vous pouvez la télécharger gratuitement depuis Février 2008 ou l'acheter pour 0,99 euros… les bénéfices de son achat seront reversés à Réseau Education Sans FrontièresPour acheter la chanson au format audio à 0,99 euros, c'est sur Fnacmusic , Starzik , E-compil , Virgin et sur l'Itunes Store .
L'article de l'Huma .
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En bonus, le karaoké pour les grands et les petits.
Le 13 Juin 2006, une circulaire de Nicolas Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa avait pour objet de régulariser un nombre "non-défini" d'immigrés sans papiers et leurs enfants, pour la plupart nés en France et scolarisés. De nombreuses personnes se sont présentées aux préfectures, (33548 adultes), en donnant leurs coordonnées dans l'espoir d'obtenir leur régularisation. Seuls 6924* adultes l'ont obtenue ! (* sur 33538 dossiers déposés : 6924 soit 20,64% ont été acceptés / 26614 soit 79,35% ont été refusés).
Chaque semaine, des familles entières risquent d'être renvoyées avec leurs enfants scolarisés et nés sur le territoire Français.Aujourd'hui on estime entre 200 000 et 400 000** le nombre de sans-papiers en situation irrégulière. (** estimation de Dominique Galouzeau de Villepin lorsqu'il était Ministre de l'Intérieur).
The Skunk’s projectLe Putoisis a French pop-rock group who made a song denouncing the politics of Nicolas Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa , the new French President. The son of a Hungarian immigrant, his real name actually being Nicolas Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa, he is currently Minister of the Interior. George W. Bush recently gave him a very warm welcome in Washington.On June 13th 2006, Nicolas Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocas took a decree aiming at regularizing the status of an « undefined » number of immigrants without papers. Most of the children of these immigrants were born in France, where they go to school. Many people (33548 adults) volunteered in giving their name and address to the police, in the hope of getting a regularization of their situation. Only 6924 * adults did get it !
Every week, whole families are in danger of being sent away from France, along with their children who go to school in France and were born on the French soil.This situation is unworthy of the country of the Human Rights.
Today in France, the number of people without papers in an irregular situation ranks between an estimation of 200 000 to 400 000 **.* out of 33538 applications : 6924 were regularized, i.e. 20,64 % 26614 were turned down, i.e. 79,35%
** estimation made by Dominique Galouzeau de Villepin, ex Prime Minister, when he was still Minister of the Interior, very recently.The Skunk(chorus) Ninico Olala Sarko zyzyzy of Nagy Bobocsa
He’s real hot and a true star With a massive crowd at his feet Young ones old ones devotely mad About his vibrant conquering looksSo it’s big times for the big man Leave it to him for straight action The golden job is the Elysée Palace Here is the reggae of the great burglar(chorus) Ninico Olala Sarko zyzyzy of Nagy Bobocsa Ninico Olala Sarko zyzyzy of Nagy Bobocsa
And he’s not the one to be put off Liberalism with turbo-drive option Crash injection of the Sarko gene It’s Disneyland for top dogs and crooksHe has a dream of a special regime With an appetite of a tyran for it And if my friend you don’t like it He’ll blow your ass and wipe you off the map(chorus) Ninico Olala Sarko zyzyzy of Nagy Bobocsa Ninico Olala Sarko zyzyzy of Nagy Bobocsa Everyone a winner but everyone is me I own it all and you got nibs Obey to me such is my law Olala Sarko zyzyzy of Nagy Bobocsa
Tell me Nico is it the truth That I’m gonna leave, far away from here And that I’ll never never see again My friends all my buddiesIf they come and get me at school Can I keep my dolls with me And say good bye to the neighbours Before the plane takes offFriends are you ready to put your lives Into the hands of the Great Vizier And the life of your kids and their future For one day they’ll ask you why
(chorus) Ninico Olala Sarko zyzyzy of Nagy Bobocsa…