Music, clubbing, fashion, travel, good times....
All sorts of fun, fun party people and interesting types!
I can't get enough. I have an apreciation for most styles of music but when it comes to the clubs and who can keep my on the dance floor my favourite DJ's would have to be Stevie B, Steve Pitron, Per QX, David Jimenez to name a few... Listing all favourite artists/tracks... too much effort right now...
Not a big television fan, but certain programs keep me interested... Have I Got News For You, The Simpsons, CSI, The Daily Show With John Stewart, Desparate Housewives, and all sorts of nature and history programmes...
All of 'em... Few of my admired authors... Joanne Harris, C.S. Lewis, John Steinbeck, Bryce Courtenay(The Power of One), Lewis Carroll, Harper Lee... The list goes on and on...
My Mum, My Dad, Captain Jack Sparrow, Susan Sarandon, Willy Wonka, Morgan Freeman, James Brown, Johnny Cash, Johnny Depp, to name but of few...