Suzana Quentin profile picture

Suzana Quentin

About Me

Hi, I am Suzana. I am a beautiful person both inside and outside, Single, great talker and listener, attractive, caring, passionate, outgoing and full of life.I know how to have fun but at the same time i am down to earth kind of girl. I have many interests and many talents but I always try to be open minded and understanding. I have a wide circle of friends that I love and care for and they do the same for me. Even though I have been betrayed by people in the past I still believe in human relationships and I do not hesitate to give "my all" to the person who is gonna love me for who I am. I am looking for that special person in my life that will treat me with respect and make all my dreams come true. I was born in Borneo ( Cat city )on the 19th of August 1981.I am Buddhist and deeply spiritual and I also believe that when you are kind to people they will be kind to you. Working in public relations and as a dancer, my life goals are to become a film actress and performer. Into all kinds of film, music, television and celebrity culture. My favourite program is the "David Letterman Show". I love watching the news and keep myself informed about whats happening in the world. I like to meet new friends that can teach me and show me new things that I have never had the chance to experience in the world so far.I try to look after my body and my mind because I believe that a healthy person should maintain a balance of both. I enjoy and celebrate life to the maximum regretting about things that I have done rather than things that I have not done. I hope you enjoy this profile and I wish peace and love to everybody both friends and enemies.Yours,Suzana

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Wonderful friends, it is nice to have someone like you.

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