Frizby Rest in Peace profile picture

Frizby Rest in Peace

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

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Born in 1998 in Estcada Oregon. Passed away March 3, 2008 .
9 years old. I'm a Queensland Blue Heeler and the AKC likes me to be called an Australian Cattle Dog. Now that is dif than an Australian Shepherd. I do Big ugly mean Cattle. Well maybe I just eat them these days. The only thing I heard these days is the fridge. I like to snowboard better than chase cows.I have an affair with my Purple Stuffed Barney and he keeps me satisfied every nite. I blew out both my knees at 1 1/2 yrs coming down from the highest Frizby catch I ever did. Now I have BIONIC knees and a new mortgage on Mom's house. I love my Mom Kary. She calls me a velcro Dawg... cuz I never leave her side. ALL PHOTOS TAKEN BY HER. KARYLEE. www.Karylee.comI edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

eating, playing soccer, bugging mom, liking peanut butter out of Kongs, going for rides and peeing on everything in site when on a walk.

I'd like to meet:

All the Bitches from the Westminster dog shows the last 5 years.


Who Let the Dogs out of course


last of the DogMen, and that Mel Gibson movie that had on e of my kind in it.


Leno and Conan


dog training for dummies


my Mom

My Blog

Letter to my Fur Friend Frizby

My FrizelbeeWill always be with me, AlwaysYesterday you passed away unexpectedly. I miss you so much already Frizelbee. I knew it would be hard this morning when you didn't put a squeaky by my side a...
Posted by Frizby Rest in Peace on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 08:00:00 PST