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Hyde Park Heat

Youre favourite source of news & hot gossip in Hyde Park...

About Me

I am a free newspaper that you can find dotted around in various corners fo town and in Hyde Park. Inside I contain the Cats Face Productions Newsletter promoting FREEBOOTER - an excellent free night at Carpe Diem in Leeds. On the back I contain SERVERtheTOE who host HOt Damn! a quality punk/hardcore/grind night, a cripplingly wittly accurate fanzine full of history, rants & opinion. On my front & inside I contain all the latest hot gossip and scandels about Hyde Park.
WRITE FOR ME! Or send me some jpegs, manipulated images or other funny shit, I want to print the best that there is out there! Send to:
[email protected]
I'm always looking for contributors so drop me a message with any photos or stories that'd you'd like to see printed. We try to present a patchwork quilt of democracy, satire, opinion, arts, community & opinion; keep it snappy, funny or scathingly accurate:
here are some of the best jpegs from issue 5 (November 2006) that just don't quite reduce or go black & white as well...
Bellow: The waste ground at the back of Barracca is about to be developed & no they’re not just throwing up another ramshackle student halls! Instead a mighty 1000 capacity amphitheatre is built. Various events take place every night for residents viewing & participation, alcohol is served…
Above - what is happening to the old Hyde Park school? Apparently it my be turned into a kind of community centre - I hope they do a something good in there, it seem obvious to me that encouraging arts to develop and giving people an area to mix, congregate & participate in & learn new activities is better for an area than packing a new student halls or straight money-getting venture...
Up - I went to the fireworks this year, despite them not being advertised in the Hyde Park press again - it was OK. One unessesary thing there I noticed was the floodlights that they had in place – why do you need floolights to see fireworks? In sim-Hyde Park winter months are lightened up by these same flood lights up in the evening so we can play park footy all year round. These rotate locations so the ground is given a chance to rejuvenate. I have also added large recycling skips to key locations so the park doesn’t get a fucked for litter in the summer. The random ‘paving slabs in the middle of the grass - a hazard to anyone playing football in the park have also been removed.

My Interests

Current events, erase of past history, changes, same old bastardizing systems, who is ripping you off, how and why?

I'd like to meet:

Contributors, photographers, advertisers people with things to say, dissadents, crazy people, sane bastards, people with interesting theories or who can spot trends, opinionated people, a letting agent whose not gonna screw me for my deposit and who will fix my problems, Mr Jackson & Mr Sainsbury all you Hyde Park spinsters and Phelanthropists.
Above- Idiots playground Church/ Nightclub ‘Halo’ is converted into an extreme lazer-quest – just like the addictive .. battle game Halo. As blas-phemous but more entertaining then a nightclub for nobheads; a futuristic style combat zone would bring commerce to the area as well as training for futuristic wars, exercise & teamwork. Share a jar afterwards in the expensive Judas Bar.

Above - We go back in time to recreate real events at Goals Football on Kirkstall Road. For 3 months between the March & June ’06 there was a massive leak in the middle of Goals Give Way Sign that ran all the way down the lane, under the bridge practically to the massive generators at the bottom of the hill - very dangerous as none of the 3 companies involved would take liability! I’m glad no flash floods occurred during that time - we would have been fried! I almost miss it now; ruining my car in every week, seeing the man in charge of pump doze behind the wheel of his van as the water oozed down the hill. The leak disappeared just before they Goals whacked their prices up again like they do every September in time for the new student season. Now I can’t believe I’m trapped in some fuckwits system that wrecks my car a whilst a shmuck middle manager is too lame to sort out safety at his own gates, while pompous gits in Scotland make money from pricing the best teams from their facilities. Heady days indeed. Check out the new .. Goals ‘Fanz-site’:
- myspace.com/goalsfootball
help keep the price of football reasonable sign the .. petition:http://gopetition.com/../9445.html
Older news...

At Hessle Terrce between 3.30 & 4.30pm on Saturday 5th of May 2007 cops used heavy handed tactics and attack dogs to break up an entirely peaceful gathering.
pictures & opinion are on the Survivors of Police brutality Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2329503566
Divisional Commander, Weetwood Police Station, 300 Otley Road, Leeds, LS16 6RG
& also more importantly:
Independent Police Complaints Commission Evergreen House Unit C, Cedar Court Office Park Denby Dale Road Calder Grove Wakefield WF4 3DB
The events of the evening of the 4th and early hours of the 5th May are documented below -
In the early hours of Saturday 5th May a peaceful gathering of students between 19 Hessle Terrace and 20 Hessle Avenue was forcefully, aggressively shut down by a police force armed with night sticks and assisted by dog handlers.
We believe this was an obvious display of police brutality and excessive force. Students were charged and beaten back by the police, even when moving away from the party. The response from the revellers was passive especially in relation to the level of violence displayed by a service supposed to protect its citizens.
Prior to this there had been insufficient warning from the police, and no justification for mounting an offensive where people were left bruised, bloody and wondering why this had happened. At least 8 people were hospitalised.
If you were there and are willing to give an eyewitness account, publish your pictures or just want to discuss the night, please do.
We do not wish to discredit the police force; we understand what a difficult job they have, especially in an area populated by both students and families. We simply wish to highlight the despicable actions of a minority of police in order to spread the word and make sure that people know we will not tolerate this kind of behaviour from a force who are supposed to protect the public.
if you wish to make an official complaint through the union regarding a serious issue such as personal injury, here are the contact details you need -
Damola Timeyin - Democracy and Communications Officer
0113 380 1241 [email protected]
Aidan Grills - Director of Membership Services and Development0113 380 1408

Full witness is on as blog, check out the May issue of the Heat which is full of the incident...


Nurse! Prep the Patient, Unspeakable Easels, Mickey P Kerr, Dirty Piartes, Small Town Stereotypes, Gay Pope, Derrida, MC Silver Finger, GWYLO, JOGA, Checkpoint Charlie, Beasts, System of a Clown, Gay Pope, No Beef Pedro, Danny Pig, Proud Scout, Feluka, TH3, The Listeners, No Beef Pedro, Gay Pope, capdown, Lightyear, King Prawn, all the tunes from SOuth Park...


Hollywood Misrepresentations only please! Please spend lots and lots of money to show me my history with the addition of the down to earth American Joe saving the day this time please!!! I need to be told that story over and over again it reassures me so...


is not as good as conversation.


Burn 'em! I'm the only thing you'll ever need to read!


Heat Magazine + George Orwell & Aldous Huxley

My Blog

Hyde Park Comic Strips

I love it when we get anonomous submissions like these:February 2008:Makes me wish we could afford colour......
Posted by Hyde Park Heat on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 04:54:00 PST

Royal Park School to be converted into 80 flats for the elderly

(taken from November 2007 issue 17 of Hyde Park Heat, cover story & page 2)Royal Park School to be converted into 80 flats for the elderly Residents outraged as property transfers into private ...
Posted by Hyde Park Heat on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 06:04:00 PST

Issues 2 -7

Here' the backdated ones:Rare christrmas issue, no-one around to read it & all the printers were closed! Whacked a few photocopies out at the libary & left them a few places:robbing bastards.....
Posted by Hyde Park Heat on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 09:34:00 PST

May Heat online in PDF format! ***Police Brutality Special***

Hello, no sleep last night so I could get this in print today, It'll be hitting Hyde Park & town shortly, however on this occasion I was bang keen to get it on line & with more help aginst fro...
Posted by Hyde Park Heat on Fri, 18 May 2007 07:48:00 PST

Witness Account of POLICE BRUTALITY & MALPRACTICE 3am - 4.15am Say 5th May back Hessle Terrace

  Witness Account by John Davison   3.40 am, Saturday 5th of May 2007: Riot Police & dogs break up party in the Hessle Terrace in what I can only describe as totally over-handed, fuckin...
Posted by Hyde Park Heat on Wed, 09 May 2007 02:03:00 PST

April Heat available in PDF format

It's here, few weeks after planned & in full colour - nicest from a fresh sheet reading in the park or to leave about to read or wipe your rear with on the bog! Anyway if you wanna download g...
Posted by Hyde Park Heat on Wed, 02 May 2007 02:08:00 PST

March Heat in PDF Format

Yep, its well into March, & so time to reel out the previous issue online, very happy with this, tho a little bit more ranting & little bit less journalism than the previous heat, anyways...
Posted by Hyde Park Heat on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 06:45:00 PST

February Heat in PDF format!

Thanks a lot Thom Blake for the PDF help - get by with little help from my friends, anyway here we are on the mfing internet at last! In full colour & available to downloadf in PDF format we prese...
Posted by Hyde Park Heat on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 04:37:00 PST

Back dated issues

I tried for 2 months to get a word doc to JPEG converter working when I suddenly thought fuck why not just scan them, a quick change of levels brightness/contrast or opacity on photoshop & we're a...
Posted by Hyde Park Heat on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 04:16:00 PST