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the journal of modern interest

Blitzen, Dasher, Rudolph & Prancer - Or - Herpes, Aids, Flu & Cancer?

About Me

Currently tickling our collective pickle at Journal HQ:Mulligan & O'Hares instrumental of hit Cornershop classic, Brimful of AishaMorrisey on a tractor!! The look on Morriseys face at precisely 2:54 of the Suedehead video as he tries to put his tractor into gear followed by a tractor based montage. Gold!E. Smith-er reading-er out-er the-er football-er results-ER!!Genius& what the frig happened to this programme?What the hell else were we gonna do?Sure it's easy to write a journal about uninteresting things but we didn't want to saunter down that off-white road. No!! We said, with our renegade minds,let us write a journal of 'Interest'. Never before has such an interesting journal of 'Interest' been unleashed on this unsuspecting world.Cower before us like the insolent swine you are and reap the whirlwind you and your shitbag of a world sowed years ago when an unlikely bunch dreamers and schemers tumbled from their mothers womb, dazed, frightened and extra extra gooey into a world they have to this day never quite understood. That whirlwind being 'The Journal of Modern Interest'. And, you little fuckers, it's about to get super windy.Find us in all respectable ale houses in the Halifax area whenever we can get our arses in gear and shamble together an edition.Rants/reviews/opinions/abuse/agree with us/think we are talking total dog shit. Feel free to send us anything you want and if it makes us laugh/pisses us off/is at all half decent we'll do our damndest to put it in our next edition. Send your submissions to:[email protected] to find the journal of modern interest in Fagins & Bar up. but make sure to get one quick, these babies are selling faster than some kind of warm bun.