I'm interested in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE!
I LOVE meeting my fans, and chatting with them, and taking pictures with them, and just hanging out with them. I LOVE my fans!
I love ALL kinds of music. But especially, opera and classic rock.
HORROR HORROR HORROR MOVIES!!! I LOVE classic horror and suspense thrillers! Give me Karloff, Lugosi, Hitchcock, Romero, Jason, Uncle Frank, and Michael Myers...ANYDAY! And then there's Napoleon Dynamite and Star Wars. I LOVE THEM!!!!!!
Some of MY movies:
Victor Blood (2007)
Jestour (2006)
Hell's Threshold (2006)
Gas Who's Coming To Dinner (2006)
Deja' vu (2003)
Thanks, We'll Call You (2001)
What else?! STYLE TV and SOUTH PARK!
I like Lucky Magazine.
My heroes are my family. And my super great and really kind fans. They're always really sweet and I love them all for it. xoxoxo