K-Girl profile picture


Actress, Singer, Model, Dancer, and Student, not to mention Video Game Aficionado! Yeah, you know yo

About Me

This is me and Artie Lange back stage at his and Jim Florentine's Boston stop on their comedy tour! Right before this photo Artie Lange recognized me and said for the second time "You were my favorite guest ever on the show!" (he said it on-air on the Stern Show, but I thought he was joking!!). I wish I had some photos of me and Jim, but unfortunately it was hectic back stage and they kicked everyone out after a brief bit so I didn't have time!! :-(. I will get some great shots next time (I am still keeping in touch with Jim so I can find another show near me)! I wish this was a better photo, but all I had was a cell phone camera.
Hey Everyone!
I really am enjoying the surge of readers of my blog and I would totally love more readers! To read about my daily life go here: My Blog
I also have two films credited under my other stage name and a song as well. Both are linked together at IMDB
I currently have a single and an album contract in negotiation so stay tuned for more information on that, not to mention other WIPs. Additionally I have been credited on Internet Movie Database for being on 'The Howard Stern Show' and under another stage name on that same site been credited for two films, not to mention credits on other sites, and am in talks for more.
Since being on "The Howard Stern Show," I have received several offers from shoots with small magazines and websites.

My Interests

I love theatre and ballet and have studied both for over sixteen years. I also love gymnastics which I studied for 8 years. I'm a big fan of school, but not work, LOL... I really like to play video games and I play them way too often and sometimes that gets me into some trouble... But I really love video games, especially those of the RPG variety.

I just got the Wii and it it is the sickest thing ever; not to mention its gameplay but its wicked ability to download oldschool games from oldschool systems - like we're talking NES, SNES, and even TG-16 if you know what I mean, and let's not forget about SEGA and N64, so I am thoroughly convinced as of yet, this is the most wicked console to date, but am holding out for the 360 and PSIII.

I'd like to meet:

A lot of new friends. I really enjoy meeting all kinds of people, specially modeling agencies, directors, producers, musicians, actors, and management and agency representation. Just be cool, chill, and down; that's all I ask.

I'd love to meet Howard Stern (Oh wait, that's already happened, LOL), Jessica Hanson, Sasha Baron Cohen, Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg, Britney Spears, Owen Wilson and Luke Wilson, Christopher Walken, Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Will Ferrell, Robin Williams, Steve Martin, Topher Grace, Jon Cho, Kal Pen, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, and Demetri Martin, as well as Jim Gaffigan; their brilliance is unparalleled. Another person I'd LOVE to meet is Ashton Kutcher, he is wicked talented and if you'd like to add him, go here: add him here!

Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Howard Stern, Artie Lange, Robin Quivers, and Gary Dell'Abate, among other crew and staff members which was ridiculously exciting. They are all such kind, intelligent, and wonderful people!

Recently Jim Florentine invited me to his show - he opened for Artie and put me on his guest list and met me at the door to take me back, and he is SO hot!

Also, I have to say Demetri Martin is so f-in funny, I think I would die laughing meeting him - def on the top 10, and that is not to mention Jim Gaffigan, whom I recently had the honor of exchanging emails with and he is truly amazing, not to mention completely hilarious.

Check out one of my dearest friends here; she rocks the cazbah!

So you should totally check her out; soon the two of us will be starting a ridiculously sick podcast so stay tuned.


The Beatles, John Lennon (but that should just be understood), The Doors, Snoop Dogg (the slickest mo-fo on the face of this planet), Dre ("the Mother F-n Doctor, Bitch-hopper..."), Trey Parker and Matt Stone for "Blame Canada" and America: F-yeah!," Eminem, Moby, Britney Spears, NWA, Pearl Jam, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Steve Miller band, STP, Nirvana, Weezer, The Pharcyde, Rob Thomas, Matchbox 20, Buffet, Tenacious D, Black Eyed Peas, Jason Mraz, TaTu, Coldplay, Dave Matthews (especially when he plays with Tim Reynolds,) Hillary Duff, 50 Cent, Weird Al Yankovic, Dixie Chicks, Stacie Orrico, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, The Notorious Biggie, Tu-Pac, Bowie, Sting ("I don't listen to the music he makes, but the fact that he makes it, I respect it,") Cake, Shakira (one of my Arab peeps), Beyonce, Sheryl Crow, Eagles, Bare Naked Ladies, Ben Folds Five, Avril Lavigne, CCR, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Kid Rock, Simple Plan, Smashmouth, Oasis, Steppenwolf, Van Morrison, Busch, Live, Incubus, Big Head Todd and the Monsters, Hootie and The Blowfish, They Might be Giants, Counting Crows, Lynard Skynard ("Now old Neil Young We'll Remember..."), Tribe Called Quest, Arrested Development, Cherry Poppin' Daddies, Greenday ("I Hope you had the time of your life..."), Billy Joel, Spin Doctors, Shaggy, Soundgarden, Temple of the Dog, Hoobastank, Radiohead, Phish, The Grateful Dead, Madonna, Lindsay Lohan, and Christina Aguilera, and I'm really starting to apprecaite some country -some of it is really stellar.

Clearly I have a ridiculously eclectic taste in music but I had an older sister that totally taught me how to listen to appreciate all sorts of music, old and new, but mostly old because they are the true greats.


I love horror movies! Especially the 'Halloween' series. Micheal Myers is an amazing character; the entire Samhein legend and his birth and his necessity to fulfill what he must is classic for a premise. 'Nightmare On Elm Street' is a close second.
Over the past two years I have been getting into Japanese horror, more known as J-horror; there are too many of this variety to name as favorites.
Not to be forgotten but always remembered the original 'Omen Trilogy,' which cannot be replaced. Gregory Peck is a true genius; that is not to say that Liev Schreiber was not phenomenal and completely blew my mind, but just not the same. Also not to omit: I HATE remakes, however although it didn't have the stellarity of the original, the acting was outstanding. Also of worthy note is 'Rosemary's Baby' (Polanski is a mere genius,) 'A Clockwork Orange,' but then again, what else would you expect from Kubrick? Also digging 'The Exorcist' trilogy and 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose.'
Also enjoy 'Soul Survivors,' 'Breaking Dawn,' both the originals of 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre,' and 'The Amityville Horror,' (and this is not to say that Ryan Reynolds didn't kick ass in the remake; he was unreal,but I'm a sucker for the classics.)
Another set of movies to mention are some of those I have seen by the Master Rob Zombie including 'House of 1,000 Corpses,' and the sequel, 'The Devil's Rejects,' which in my opinion was even better than the first, if that is even possible. The ending was absolutely amazing!!!
My second favorite genre is comedy, with some of my favorite movies from that genre being 'South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut,' 'Team America: World Police,' 'Dodgeball,' 'Anchorman,' 'Old School,' 'Starsky and Hutch,' 'Zoolander,' and 'Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle,' and freaking 'Nacho Libre.'
I had the pleasure of seeing 'Borat' and thought it was brilliant; then again what else would anyone expect from Sasha Baron Cohen? I recently saw 'Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Rikki Bobby' which was classic!' Will Ferrell is just brilliant! Absolutely hysterical!!! Always a classic is 'Private Parts,' a production from The Howard that is not to be forgotten.
'Dude, Where's my Car,' 'Animal House,' 'Caddy Shack, 'Lost in Translation,' 'Groundhog Day,' 'Weekend at Bernie's, 'Half-Baked,' and 'Orange County.'
I saw the movie 'Beerfest' when it came out and I thought it was good, but now that it's been ON DEMAND, I have been watching it nonstop; I think it is one of the funniest movies and if I may quote one of my favorite lines, "I was in Thailand playing ping pong in Din Dang..." absolutely F-in hilarious!!!


I love 'South Park and Family Guy' as well as 'Law and Order: SVU.' Also, fan of 'Law and Order' when Jerry Orbach was on -what a tragedy!

Recently I have gotten seriously into 'Dexter,' and 'Weeds,' which have to be two of the sickest shows on television.

Recently I have gotten very into 'Lil' Bush.' I love that show, it's hilarious. "I'm admiral underpants!!!"

I am much more a movie person then a TV person though.


A Tale of Two Cities, anything Dickensian but I'm more into plays however: anything by Aeschylus, Euripedes, and Shakespeare.


Christopher Walken, Jim Florentine, The Howard, Artie Lange, Robin Quivers, Jamie Kennedy, Jessica Hanson, Britney Spears, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell, Hugh Hefner, Stewie Griffith, The South Park crew, Derek Zoolander (I haven't really seen any of his work, but the fact that he takes the time to model, I respect that...")

My Blog

My dad came to visit me

Hi all,Just giving you a quick update; I saw an ENT yesterday and another one today and to be honest, having something going up your nose and down your throat is really unpleasant, contrary to popular...
Posted by K-Girl on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 10:47:00 PST

So I’m kinda annoyed....

So I have had pharangystis and bronchitis for almost 4 weeks now.  I have been on 2 Z packs, one 14 day course of cipro, and 3 courses of hycodin, which don't get me wrong, the hycodin is great, ...
Posted by K-Girl on Thu, 29 May 2008 12:41:00 PST

Just chillin today

Hey luvs!!! I miss you all so F-in much, it's not even funny.  You guys really are the greatest and have stuck with me through thivk and thin.  Seriously, I couldn't ask for better friends. ...
Posted by K-Girl on Fri, 23 May 2008 11:05:00 PST

Some Artard Phished My Password... oh and whomever did is really F-in cool

So.... someone who just happens to be really cool phished my password, and messed around with my account... very cool, I'm so wicked impressed!  Like you have so much time on your hands F-ing wit...
Posted by K-Girl on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:50:00 PST

Quick Blog

Guys,Sorry I've been away for some time... my health isn't great and unfortunately, a few years ago I had a problem, and now it is catching up with me.  I am in and out of the hospital and it is ...
Posted by K-Girl on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 01:58:00 PST

ER Troubles

Hi guys!I am at a meeting for a new movie that I might be doing; it's a zombie movie so it sounds pretty cool, so we shall see.  I also received another script in the mail yesterday but I was in ...
Posted by K-Girl on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 07:09:00 PST

I Sang Live Today and I Rocked

Hi guys!I am in a totally rocking mood and I am over at a friend's apartment complex sitting outside at their pool, having a totally rad BBQ in my honor and I am feeling rocking.  My friends rock...
Posted by K-Girl on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 08:16:00 PST

Not Doing Too Well

Hi guys,Sorry for not writing yesterday but I have been feeling wicked sick... I am sitting here with Castor, my gay kitten and we are egerly awaiting the new 'Degrassi: the Next Gen.'  I have be...
Posted by K-Girl on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 04:51:00 PST

My Kitten is Gay and I'm Okay With That

So... I never thought it was possible to have a gay animal, until I started to watch Castor and let me tell you guys: he's gay, he's totally totally gay.  And I'm okay with this.  I mean, I ...
Posted by K-Girl on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 06:10:00 PST

And the Productivity Continues

Hi guys!Right now, I am sitting here with Sophie, my eldest cat, and actually she just let because I moved because I'm not feeling too well, I think I overate, or rather ate more than my body can hand...
Posted by K-Girl on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 08:30:00 PST