Family, Music, Poetry, Writing, Gaming and Technology
People who overcame against all odds. Because that's my story. So if you fit that profile, then I want to meet youDead Prez - We Need A Revolution
Old School Hip Hop (Da Real Ish), Early Motown Artist, Contemporary Gospel and Neo Soul
One Documentary after the other Documentary....I need to think about which ones to list.
Stay away from the "Idiot Box"
Lots of books ....lemme think about a few to list.
Idella, Traci, Darell, TJ, Danual, Maggie Riley, Mary Kay Welch, Josh and Easter Simmons, Charles and Laura Clark, Anna Bess, Uncle Leon, Mylaine, Larry Templeton, The Rodenburgs and a host of talented, creative, outspoken, original musicans, artist, poets and rap stars that I have on my friends list. I'm not just a FAN of their WORK, they have also set examples in their REAL LIFE that has inspired me. They are real people that care about real people issues. Thank you for sharing your gifts and I am truly encouraged by you, You and YOU!
Which Revolutionary Are You?
Huey Newton
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