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Heart Against Bully


About Me

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Hi all friends and visitors of this page .I am Johan a guy from the Netherlands and being bullied for 5 years long with violence. It has an impact on my live and I want to make clear that bullying really people can damage. Bullying hurts people and most people never forget the time they are being bullied.People who are being bullied should not keep their mouth but talking about it with people they trust or want to listen to your side of the story from bullying.In the Netherlands I make clips because when i visited the internet I saw ther where no clips to find in Dutch what tell the true about bullying . So I started to make the clip Frozen that was the first one. All people and artists are very welcome to support a heart and to discuss what we all can do against bullying in the world.200 miljon kids are being bullied in the world and a strong voice against bullying is nesasary. One of my hobby's is by the way mixing music like this:) In dutch we call it mashups its a nice way to learn mixing music.I wana learn better to show that people who are bullied can do much more so look what you can do in your life good and use that power is my message .
FREE service provided by MusicWebTown.comAt www.freewebs.com/mashups-are-cool you can see what mashups are I hope bullied people are thinking not that they are worthless.Use talents and never be afraid to show it so i make sometimes mashups. I ll know mashups have nothing to make with bullying but its an exemple when you trust yourself you can do a lot an. Thats why I like when people dare to dream ,dreaming that bulling stops is one of my dreams because it hurts to many people .................. May I dare to dream that after being bullied for 5 years with violence?About dare to dream speaking euhhhh typing a nice artist Paris Hilton give that message in a song ,thats why I like her music:-)Nothing in this world a song with message s for people who are bullied is Paris blond and stupid? No i say a looser a winner and dare to dream that we each can do ............ Well lets dream that bullying stops and that we we are the winners! How can we bring back bullying to be open about it in the first place and then looking to how you can feeling worthfull. For me that cost a lot of time but I am happy i have given it a try:-)

My Interests

Banner from heart against bully place it at your myspace if you like!!A photoshop what telling a lot start to learn talking about bullying....

I'd like to meet:

Website's:www.pestenisgeweld.punt.nlwww.harttegenpesten.hyve s.nl..


Safety and Internet a clip for parents & kids Safety &internet a clip that is very important because the world internet is not an playground or circus so check it out and share because education is important.Heart against bully -Never gonna give you up A clip about never gonne give you up and bullyingAll I wanna Say Is Who Is A Hero A clip about school shootings and who is a Hero!Mobile Phone Bullying clip A song from ELO Telephone the clip goes about bullying with a mobile phone .Many young ones us e it wrong. So feel free to set it on your myspace .NEW ENGLISH ANTI BULLY VIDEOhart tegen pestenYou've gotta be strongWake UpBokito ala Dombo.. .. <mspmb src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7CGUVeuNQR4" type="application


A Clip from Mika with Big Girls a beautifull a verry good song from an artist like Mika with a statement that big girls are beautifull in a powerfull song!! How many times are big girls bullied I asked myself. So great from Mika to sing about big grls i think...

My Blog

There is no mountain high enough

When someone is bullied think there is no mountain high enough and that everyone can reach it in life .... When you are bullied it can sometimes feel that you are worthless .Thats why i always say nev...
Posted by Heart Against Bully on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:21:00 PST

Internet and safety

..Hi readers from this blog... In this blog I wanna ask you to think about internet and safety,because that is very important for kids but evensoo for parents. When you are a parent I wanna ask you do...
Posted by Heart Against Bully on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 12:17:00 PST

All friends and visitors a happy new Year

Hi all friends A blog about a happy new Year .... A year what started with a heart against bully on myspace thats for me a nice place to meet people ,people who are against bullying but even people wh...
Posted by Heart Against Bully on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 03:51:00 PST

Having the wrong hero

Some people on the internet have wrong heros .If i sometimes looked at the internet and wanted to look to a clip about schoolshootings i saw clips where I have seen that some called the Columbine shoo...
Posted by Heart Against Bully on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 11:43:00 PST

bullying and feelings and a clip about it.

Hi all friends and readers from this blog. Bullying when it happens is mosly questioned how can we stop it.Let me tell one thing bullying will stop never people who beleave that keep dreaming on I say...
Posted by Heart Against Bully on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 03:21:00 PST

My first blog about nice music

Hi all friends & visitors from this blog. This is my first blog on myspace and goes about music &bullying.Listening to music is always one of the things I do and when there are songs abou...
Posted by Heart Against Bully on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 08:56:00 PST