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I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I am very greatful to God for all that he has given me in life. The job that I have is the one I really always dreamed about all my life. I work in the music business as a tour manager, and business manager which is pretty much one in the same. I have worked with many artists, Kenny Chesney, Dixie Chicks, Carrie Underwood, Pantera, Hootie and the Blowfish, just to name a few. myself, and my staff work very hard to plan and manage these large concert tours, and it is a great feeling to see everything come together and run like a well oiled machine. I have a great family, and two really great dogs, boomer and bella. Well as some of you might have seen I am having to change this because I Have met the girl of my dreams, and yes I am in love, she makes me smile and laugh, and makes me so very happy and I am so thankful to God that he has brought us together. I am pro life, but I am hoping, and praying that our next president in 2008 is Hillary Rodham Clinton, I believe that we need some change in this country, and I believe that she is the person to do it, yes some might say what can one person do and my reply would be to quote Hillary Clinton "It Takes A Village."--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ As most of you know I am taking on about 13 new acts besides the ones that I already handle working for WMA. What I am looking for is bands and solo artists that are ready to work, and go out on the road touring starting in feb, and running threw spring and all summer long. The venues will be A-list clubs, festivals, fairs, and maybe depending on what bands and or solo artists that I put on my roster, there will be some opening slots for major label artists that we handle that are open, and if you are doing well, there is a great chance that I will put you on one of those tours. I would say this if you are thinking about going to nashville or L.A. or even New york for that matter stay away, get out there get some time under you belts on the road and then think about nashville, and doing showcases. I have set up many, many showcases for people in the business, and they are the real ones, most all of the artists and song writers in nashville right now are not making enough money to buy a big mac let alone make a living. I have been in the business a long time and I am here to tell you there is a better way, and a real way, and playing for tips up and down broadway in nashville is not the way you are going to make it in this business, you have to be smart, and play your cards just right. so with all that said I am on the look out for those that are ready to take the next REAL step not some pipe dream, you have to get out there and pay your dues, I am sure that you have heard that many times over, but it still holds true today, and it always will.Free Myspace Graphics This profile was made at
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