-go here ( http://prokomedy.com )for info on upcoming shows-I like spending time with friends (I was just kidding about that spending my time alone in my apartment drinking) And I know that probably sounds cliché, but it’s how I really feel. Sometimes we go to shows. Sometimes we go to bars. But allot of the time they come by the Peoples Republic of Koffee and we sit and chat. Oh, it would be cool if someone brought a chess board by so we could play chess.
Like minded people that own and operate coffee or coffee related businesses out of the garages of tattoo parlors.
I like all kinds of music. I have very eclectic taste. Doesn’t that make me sound like an interesting person?
I don't watch allot of TV, but i did as a kid. I think The Office was pretty funny though. I also follow the OC, but there was so much death in that season finally that I just don't know how the writers are going to write their way out of it.
I haven’t ever written a book, but I like to think that I have at least one novel in me somewhere.
You are all my heroes...in a way.