Plus Size Castings has been working tirelessly with casting directors and advertisers in all the major markets promoting professional, healthy plus size women within the entertainment industry. Let's face it, plus size women make up over 68% of the population and it's about time that advertisers start using plus size women to help promote their products and we're committed to making it happen. OUR TIME IS NOW! Hollywood is slowly but surely beginning to open more doors for Plus Size models & actresses. It is a bit slow but Plus Size Casting is committed to kicking the doors down for all of you!We are currently updating our website to give casting directors and modeling agencies a place to go when they are looking for plus size women. The website also serves as a place for professional models and actors to be seen by the top executives in the industry who are willing to cast plus size women.We have some great projects coming up and are currently looking for talented and professional plus size models and actors who are ready to take their careers as far as their imaginations will allow. If that's you, then send us a message or email us at [email protected] and include your picture and contact information.Plus Size Castings is dedicated to quality and professionalism and operates soley with ethics and integrity. We also stand for healthy living and hope that you make a commitment TODAY to live a happy, healthy life no matter what size you is currently under construction!
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