Curvilinear! Magazine is the newest addition to the curvy and plus size community! This online magazine was created by a husband and wife team, Mike and Amber Canaan. It focuses on the beauty of women in their natural shape. Here at Curvilinear!, we believe that beauty is found in all shapes and sizes and that doesn't stop at size 12! It is enhanced there!
This magazine is fueled by the frustration of American women, who are frustrated with the constant pressure to loose weight and achieve or maintain a certain size. For many women, the size and weight they strive for is unreasonable and unattainable. There are many women who spend their whole lives working toward a goal they will never reach, because their body type isn't designed to be that small!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being curvy. Whether you are a size 10, 12, 16, 20, 26 or larger, we want you to realize that you ARE beautiful! We all have to learn to love ourselves as we are. Otherwise, we will continue to spend our lives sad and miserable when the scale doesn't budge, and we can't fit into a size 2. Hollywood is NOT reality! Only a very small, minute percentage of America is made up of supermodels! The average size in fact is around a 16! If "we" as curvy and plus size women are what is actually most prevelant, why are we made to feel like lesser members of society???
Curvilinear! Magazine strives to change all of that! We want women of all ages, races and sizes to realize that beauty is what they make of it...not Hollywood's ideal! Embrace yourself, and your curves...and learn to appreciate every inch!
Check us out at Curvilinear! Magazine