Graphics & Layouts
Plus-size women from all over the world who are ready to make a statement validating their beauty and self-worth and the men who love us! Also-any marketing execs or magazines/models-anyone in the fashion industry who would be able to help me spread my message to the world! I am a hard working young lady! I am NOT looking for a handout! Just a HELPING HAND! Anything worth having is WORTH SACRIFICING FOR!There are currently 2 designs that have been released so far-Curves Are Better, Baby (our Club Diva shirt)which is our latest release to date, and Who Says Thin Is In?-our premiere release. Both styles come in black, red, brown, khaki, violet, Carolina blue, fuschia, light blue and light pink. Sizes are Medium-6X, (4X-6X are limited in colors-I will get the prettiest, most flattering colors I can find). All shirts are PRE-SHRUNK-Medium-3X are ladies cut, fitted shirts-4X-6X are standard cut sizes. I hope to add more colors soon. I am currently working on the Fitness/Workout/Gym shirts that I hope to have released in the coming weeks-Girls-you know we have to look cute at the gym! LOL. I am designing Tank Tops at this very moment with summer quickly approaching and I hope to include baseball shirts as well.The prices are $20.00 for each shirt-$4.00 shipping in the US via United States Postal Service. Each addt'l shirt after the first 3-add $1.00 for EACH ADDITIONAL SHIRT. For now, I am ONLY taking US Postal Money Orders (until I get my PayPal account set up). Insurance is OPTIONAL-Add $2 if you want to insure your purchase. I have not had any problems so far with anyone not receving their purchases. Please contact me for shipping info. Thank you SOOOO MUCH-U R APPRECIATED!!!
Please tell all your friends and family about me and encourage them to not only buy a shirt (s), but to WEAR THEM!!! There is STRENGTH IN NUMBERS-WE NEED OUR MESSAGE HEARD, LOUD AND CLEAR!******************************************************
**********GOD-You are first and foremost in my life! Without You, I would not exist and this blessing You have bestowed upon me would not be! You created the moon, the stars and clouds-things that continue to fascinate me! THANK YOU for loving me and being the God of 1,000,000 chances! God, You know what I have been through and still am going through and yet... You STILL give me clarity and presence of mind to reach for the stars in my business endeavors! Praise God from whom ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! I am a woman-just a woman-who doesn't have much money, but I am funding this endeavor myself with every spare dime I have because I am PASSIONATE about the message I am trying to SHOUT TO THE WORLD that curvy women are beautiful and we should be recognized as such! And I believe in myself! I don't know what tomorrow holds, but with YOU LORD-ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! Please help me to touch people in a positive way and be a blessing to ALL that I come into contact with and help me to do what is pleasing to You in Your sight. I AM CLAIMING SUCCESS IN YOUR NAME!!! AMEN!My other hero-my SHE-RO: my Beautiful Mom (R.I.P. Mommy-I miss you soooo-it still hurts so much). I would give away ALL MY WORLDLY POSSESSIONS TO HAVE 5 PRECIOUS MINUTES WITH YOU AGAIN. Thank you for being a "TRUE EXAMPLE" of what a strong woman is! You instilled in me your strong work-ethic and FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION! HEAVEN MUST HAVE NEEDED AN ANGEL-but YOUR SPIRIT IS WITH ME ALWAYS! MOMMY-I HOPE YOU ARE PROUD OF ME. GONE TOO SOON...I LOVE YOU, QUEEN...
GOD-You are first and foremost in my life! Without You, I would not exist and this blessing You have bestowed upon me would not be! You created the moon, the stars and clouds that continue to fascinate me! THANK YOU for loving me and being the God of 1,000,000 chances! God, You know what I have been through and still am going through and yet... You STILL give me clarity and presence of mind to reach for the stars in my business endeavors! Praise God from whom ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! With the faith of a mustard seed...Please help me to touch people in a positive way and be a blessing to ALL that I come into contact with.My other hero-my SHE-RO: my Beautiful Mom (R.I.P. Mommy-I miss you soooo-it still hurts so much). I would give away ALL MY WORLDLY POSSESSIONS TO HAVE JUST 5 MORE "PRECIOUS" MINUTES WITH YOU AGAIN. Thank you for being a "TRUE EXAMPLE" of what a strong woman is! You instilled in me your strong work-ethic and FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION! HEAVEN MUST HAVE NEEDED AN ANGEL-but YOUR SPIRIT IS WITH ME ALWAYS! MOMMY-I HOPE YOU ARE PROUD OF ME. GONE TOO SOON...I LOVE YOU, QUEEN...