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☆Glamorous☆ ★ßutterfly★

<♥>I'll never leave you♥God put us together forever my angel♥Never Leave You, Y

About Me

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[NAME] Omaira Martinez
[STATUS] Single
[AGE] 19
[BIRTHDAY] 11/8/87
[ETHNICITY] Puerto Rican & Mexican
[HAIR COLOR] Natural hair is Brown...Right now its Red
[HEIGHT] 5'5
SomeOne You Know Has LUPUS

My Interests

you feel sad...
you get "help"...
but its still there...
only now you hide it...
you want everyone to believe it is ok...
but its not, i'm not ok...
its a rollercoaster of emotions...
you slowly start to feel better and then all of a sudden you crash again...
then it starts all over

I wake up, late at night Take me on a journey
Take me somewhere new
Take me somewhere quiet
So i can be alone with you

Let me know who you are
Let me know whose your brightest star
Cause you are the one that shines bright
You are the star in my night

I wish we could start over
I wish we could start new
That way for once I could
Get along with you

No keeping secrets
No telling lies
I wish we could start over
And keep me from crying
In the night

Take me on a journey
Take me somewhere new
Take me somewhere quiet
So i can be alone with you



The Moment You Doubt Yourself Is The Moment You Fail To Succeed....
Happiness Will Never Come To Those Who Fail To Appreciate What They Already Have....
Don't Cry For Anyone Who Wont Cry For You....
In Order To Succeed, You Must Be Willing To Fail....
Don't Cry Because It's Over; Smile Because It Happened....
Achieving Starts With Believing....
Learn From Yesterday, Live For Today, Hope For Tomorrow....
The Best Things In Life Are Unseen Thats Why We Close Our Eyes When We Kiss, Cry, And Dream....
Love, Laugh, And Live....
Be Youself; Because The People Who Mind Don't Matter, And The People Who Matter Don't Mind...
. Everything Happens For A Reason....
Everytime I Try To Give Up Hope Whispers "ONE MORE TRY…."
Stand Up For What You Believe In - Even If Your Standing Alone....
My Eyes Tell The Secret That My Lips Will Never Tell....
Never Overlook What's Right In Front Of Your Eyes....
Never Let Success Get To Your Head And Never Let Failure Get To Your Heart....
What Is Meant To Be Will Always Find Its Way....
There Hardest Thing To Do Is Watch The One You Love, Love Someone Else....
Love Deeply And Forgive Quickly....
Let The Moment Last Forever....
Live Without Worries And Love Without Limits....
Say What You Mean, And Mean What You Say....
Never Make Someone Your Everything Because When They're Gone You Have Nothing....
Live Everyday Like Theres No Tomorrow....

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet cool new people...It doesnt matter where from...Also I would like to re-connect with people that I have lost touch with




Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.....
Please, if I can't have what I want let me want what I have.....
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising everytime we fall.....
I don't fear death because I know the man and he's got nothing special against me. But I am afraid of not living enough to have a good tale to tell him, on the long walk back home.....
Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.....
It's much easier to turn a frienship into love then it is to turn love into a friendship.....
Friendship multiplies joy and divide griefs.....
Hope is the dream of the waking.....
You can only see the stars when it's dark.....
What is mind. No matter. What is matter? Never mind.....
A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing.....
All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is a philosipher.....
If it weren't for electricity we'd be watching television by candlelight.....
A friend is somone who knows all about you and loves you just the same.....
Tell me who you love and I will tell you who you are.....
I was nauseous and tingly all over... I was either in love or I had smallpox.....
Where love is concerned too much is not even enough.....
Love is the heart of the soul.....
Don't be afraid to give up the good for the great.....
Love does not consist of gazing at each other but of looking outward in the same direction.....
The ultimate test of relationship is to disagree but hold hands.....
All the world loves a lover.....
A compliment is a kiss through a veil.....
Love is frienship set on fire.....
You want promises... I promise that when the sun shines at midnight, snow falls in july, and thunder comes before lightning... I'll forget you....
Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, I love you more than she does?....
You don't have to worry, I'll be just fine. All the cuts I have because of you will heal in time.....
The hours are long but the days seem even longer without you in my arms.....
Fate only takes you so far, because once you get there, it's up to you to make things happen.....
Life is about risks and driving a little too fast and letting that one boy have your heart even though you told yourself you wouldnt let him.....
A girl is much more than she seems, not a toy by any means. Underneath the makeup and hair, there's a sign saying handle with care.....
Roads are a suggestion, just like pants.....
So handcuff me to your heart and make me swallow the key.....
Anyone can just give up, its the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold together when everyone else would understand if you just fell apart, that is true strength.....
Yes I plan to forgive and forget; as in forgive myself for being stupid and forget you ever existed.....
The only thing that hurt me more then my broken heart was knowing that if I had the chance to do it all over again, and suffer the same, I would.....
The wilted flowers that I gave, not as nice as your bouqet. All the lyrics that I wrote, not as smart as the words you spoke. Every drawing that I drew were never ever as cute as you.....
It's only right you should play the way you feel, but listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness. Like a heart beat, that drives you mad in the stillness of remembering of what you had and what you lost.....
Love is a openbook we all have it, but some fear to let the chapters write itself, we are more less scared of being hurt, but in that we are also scared of being alone.....
The saddest thing in life is to see the one you love love somebody else.....
Today I prayed that my plane would crash so you'd hear the news and maybe think of me as much as I do you.....
Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.....
Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, and don't let people be reckless with yours.....
Time waits for no one.....
The pure and simple truth is rarely ever pure, and never simple.....
The fastest way to succeed is to look as if you're playing by somebody else's rules, while quietly playing by your own.....
Truth is the perception of reality, whereas reality is the perception of the truth.....
If you're going my way, I'll walk with you.....
Maybe someday love will find me in the rough. Maybe someday love will finally be enough.....
Bloom where you are planted.....
Be yourself. Who else is better qualified?....
Don't postpone joy.....
A goal is a dream with a deadline.....
Remember that life isn't about the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away.....
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Others stay for a while and leave footprints in our hearts and we are never, ever, the same.....
Never apologize for saying what you feel. It's like apologizing for being real.....
True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen.....
Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.....
You only live once but if you live right, once is enough.....
The best gift you can give is a hug: 1 size fits all and nobody ever minds if you return it.....
Sometimes you gotta let your heart lead you even if it is somewhere your not suposed to be.....
When the one you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure.....
Some people are alive because it's illegal to kill them.....
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.....
If you dont know me, you've no right to judge me, I got a good heart, but this heart can get ugly.....
Some guys are like playing with flames you don't want to get to close for the fear of getting burned.....
I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I'm saying.....
You don't like your job? There's a support group for that. It's called everyone.....
The greatest thing in life is to love and be loved in return.....
If at first you don't suceed, destroy all evidence that you tried.....
If everyone played by all the rules, life would be no fun.....
In life, when you fall on your face you are still moving forward.....
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.....
Love is like a rose, a precious thing that should be cherished, but treat it wrong you'll get a prick.....
You know you are in love when you see the world in his eyes, and his eyes everywhere in the world.....
We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.....
We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.....
When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.....
If a kiss were a raindrop, I'd send you showers. If hugs were a second, I'd send you hours. If smiles were water, I'd send you the sea. If love was a person, I'd send you me.....
The reason god put spaces in between your fingers was so another person's hands could fill it up.....
Sorry I can't be beautiful or perfect, deal with it, I do….
Life is like a pen, you can cross things out, but you can never erase them…..
You'll never see the stars if you keep looking down....
Don't blame me for FALLING in love with you , your the one that TRIPPED me….
god made spaces between our hands so are lovers can fill them in…..
People walk in and out of our lives but true friends leave footprints in our hearts….
no one warned me id fall so gad damn hard for the biggest dick in the world….
you'll never see the stars if your always looking down….
it only takes on look for my hearts to flutter….
sometimes ill look cold just so you'll hold me


Learn from your past. Move on, grow stonger. People are fake, your trust last longer. What you have to do, but always stay true, never let anyone get the best of you....
Life is hard. Love is strange. Nothing lasts. People change. People talk a little too much. You never know just who to trust....
Forget what you heard. Recognize what you see. I know you heard rumors, forget them, here's the real me....
Everything happens for a reason. The hard part is figuring out what the reason is....
Keep your head up gorgeous. There are people that would kill to see you fall....
Laugh your heart out, Dance in the rain. Cherish the moments. Ignore the pain. Live, Love, Learn. Forgive and Forget. Life is too short to be living with regrets....
The greatest challenge in life is finding someone who knows all your flws, differences and mistakes, and still love you with everything they have....
Letters start with ABC. Numbers start with 123. Songs start with DO - RE - MI. And love starts with YOU and ME....
Sure, I think other guys are cute, but everytime I see a cute guy, I remind myself of how cute you are, of how much I love you, of how sweet you are, of how much you brighten my day, && suddenly that other guy doesnt look so good anymore, so I look the other way....
Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale....
It's a lot easier to say your mad than to admit you're hurt....
One of the hardest parts in life is deciding when to give up and when to try harder....
Sometimes it's not always easy to fall in love with somebody or make someone want to love you....
The hardest gift to give is love because you know you wont be able to get it back....
Leave it alone now, the feelings are gone. There's no time left, and you just need to move on....
Kisses are a dangerous thing just to throw around, what means one thing to you could mean a lot more to someone else....
She competely fell for him; But he didn't even stumble....
Boys don't kiss and tell. They kiss and exaggerate....
Harsh words hurt feelings but silence breaks hearts....
I've been a lot of things but never yours....
When you love someone everything about them seems to be simply adorable....
Quit saying you love for once show it....
Why must boys make it oh, so complicated?....
I love the way you smile at me and make me feel like nothing can go wrong....
Our hearts decide what we want to hear. Then we're deaf to everything else....
You have three choices: you can give up, give in, or give it your all....
I'm learning that perfection isn't what matters. In fact, it's the very thing that can destroy you if you let it....
You'll never find a girl like me, you know why? no girl is stupid enough to love you like I do....
There are no regrets in life, just lessons....
Never frown. You never know who's falling in love with your smile =] Sometimes you gotta let your heart lead you somewhere its not suppost to be....
When your right, no one remembers. When your wrong, no one forgets....
Sometimes it's best to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve....
Holding onto broken hearts memories are what's left of us you're trying too hard to be my friend & i'm placing all our pictures in these broken frames to remind me never to fall in love again…
Time stands still when no one understands you and you don't quite understand yourself. Today didn't have to be this way, tomorrow is another day, another chance to make things right....
We're friends, real friends. & that means, no matter how long it takes, when you finally do decide to look back, I'll be here....
Don't give up on love because there is always someone who loves you, even if it's not the person you were hoping for.....
if a guy really likes you he'll listen to what you have to say and not what he hears from others....
You know you're in love when you see that someone & your heart flutters, your stomach gets butterflies, & the rest of the world disappears....
I'm glad you're happy. Really. I'm glad you're in love. Just remember no matter how many guys come & go we'll always be together. Friends last longer than lovers....
I promise when we're old, we're gonna be best friends chasing eachother around in our motor scooters all day long....
We're all a little weird. And life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up in mutual weirdness and call it love.....
I'm not afraid to fall; it means I climbed too high. Either way it shows at least I tried....
My best friends are like a fairytale. They've been there since once upon a time & will be there until forever after....
To hell with my pride. tonight i want to cry....
It's completely impossible to find a guy who won't ever hurt you, so go for the guy who will make the pain worthwhile....
Love is just a serial killer and we're all innocent victims....
Spare me three last words i love you is all she heard....
If you really want her tell her;; because she can wait but she cant wait forever....
Let's set the record straight. No one makes me smile quite like you do....
Everything we've gone through & everything we've accomplished can never be explained in words....
Drama's made for movies, not reality.....
I don't care about your imperfections that's what makes me adore you.....
Meet me at our old spot. I know it's been awhile, but I think we need to talk… I'm falling again.....
So let's drink to the truth. Let's speak through drunken minds & say how much we truly love each other & tomorrow, we can go back to pretending that we hate each other....
You had me from the day you smiled....
He leaned over & kissed me. I kissed him back & then, our eyes met & it was like we both knew… So we smiled & kissed again. It was so perfect.....
&& I don't understand by the way you look at me why we can't be together....
I just want a different ending to our same old story. Let's try & make it last this time & prove them all wrong....
No matter how many times he hurts me, I will always forgive him. Some may call it stupid. I call it love....
I don't like missing you. But I love having you to miss....
I think I found my new addiction tonight....
She may be confused about a lot of things, but she knows the only time she's truely happy is when she's with him.....
& I think that I'm impressed with you one night stands & your contagious kiss. I'm trying to get this right. Yeah. 'Cause I'm rediculous like that......
Let's kiss in the rain… Where the rain is so hard that the only thing we can see is each other......
I faintly remember breathing on your bedroom floor where I layed & told you, but you swore you loved me more......
Don't make her wait for you, just because you know she will......
She closes her eyes, as make-up runs… He got the best of her......
You're only young once, so be bad, break the rules, get caught… & make it count......
So what if I think too much or if I over analyze things. So what if I can't eat or sleep… At least you'll know why. You're always on my mind......
So just kiss me and let my hair messy itself in your fingers. Let me steady myself in the arms of a boy who won't ask me to be what he needs, but let's me exist as I am......
& Lately, she'd say anything to make him turn his head… anything just to make him laugh & just stare at her......
I'll be your cheap novelty......
I regret every word I said to make him feel special......
Go ahead. Kiss her. I hope she bites your lip And you choke on the blood......
let's just drink to get drunk, and tell each other everything. for a drunkin mind ; speaks a sober heart......
he means the world to her && doesn't even know it......
let's run away ; we'll never look back......
the best kind of kiss is the un-expected ; unplanned ones that come naturally. like, in the middle of a sentence.....
stand up for what you believe in - even if your standing alone. i wanna kill you . . . but i`d kill for you all the time sometimes one smile means more then a dozen roses......
t o o h a r d t o f a k e i t nothing can replace it.....
drama — lies — tears ..teenage years......
SHE D0ES, SHE DiD && SHE'LL D0 iT AGAiN......
& keep your head up kid because there are people killing to see you fall-*.....
eVeRy TiMe We KiSS .. i SWeAR i CAN FLY.....
after a while;; you'd think we'd eventually learn......
note to self - first to last......
and so i'll sleep this life away, because my dreams are so sweet; now that your in them. i don't want to leave this place without you.....
she wipes off the black rivers running down her un-made cheeks. she takes a deep breath in and steadies herself. she can do this, keep going, pull through;; t h e-s h o w-m u s t-g o-o n.....
Take your damn fairy tale endings and your hopes, dreams, & wishes and shove them up your ass. This is the real world, && that shit just doesn't cut it anymore.....
i have more feelings for you, than any other girl ever will......
sleep is overrated we stay awake and cry if this is love, than kill me now and save me from my life.....
he looked at me & said, "do you ever feel like you're working for something you're never going to get? you shoot-&-miss kind of deal. like, no matter what, you can't have it, but that makes you fight for it just a little bit more?" i looked at him, stared at him for a second, & replied, "everyday…".....
even if you & her are together, I guess that won't change us right? We'll still be friends, We'll still laugh together.. We'll still smile at each other are friendship will still be there, & we'll be ok..won’t we?.....
Never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart......
It's all just magic when I think about you. & when I'm not with you, I go crazy......
True faith is to have confidence in who God is.....
she's an artist a painter actually; see that 'smile' on her face? well it's her most famous piece.....
love is about being cute and stupid together not being in bed together......
You can't tell your heart what to do it does it all on it's own.....
Isn`t if funny how day-by-day nothing changes, but then when you look back, everything is different.....


Everything changes * nothing stays the same But as we grow up * one thing will remain Together forever until the end cuz no-one replaces my true best friend
Smile, boys, tears, joys, accomplishments, failures, best friends.
So many laughs through the years And a few stories i hope no one hears I'll always be by your side Best friends forever till the day we die
Best friends couldn't possibly come any better you're my strength, my other half , & what holds me 2getha.
Cross ur (HeArT) & hoPe 2 (DiE) Clothes & MakeUp...BoYs & (LieS) FoRevEr there TiLL da EnD Definition of: True Best Friends
Some say that as times change, and best friends can become strangers? but I know that wont happen. What people say doesn't matter anymore. It's you and me there's no-one else. One time, i know your gunna think i don't care, but i will, always and forever even if your not there for me. I will always be there for you because when i say the letters "B.F.F.A.E." to you as a promise not a label and if you know me i wont break that promise.
We weren't sisters by birth, but we knew from the start... Fate brought us together to be sisters by heart
My best friend and i do everything together, but if I was to jump off a bridge, she wouldn't jump with me.... she would be waiting underneath ready to catch me
*100 memories, 200 jokes, 300 great times, 400 secrets < 1 ReaSoN: BeSt FrienDs >
We may fight. .and we may cry. .but our friendship will never die. . I'll care for you until the end because y0u are my best friend.
Best Friends are like the glue that holds you together when your falling a p a r t.
The bEsT fRieNdz Fo eVa [bAsicaLLy UnStOpAbLe] tEaR uS aParT? hA [ mIsSiOn iMpOsSiBlE ]
Everyone hears what you say, Friends listen to what you say, Best friends listen to what you don?t say
Best friends never tell each other they are best friends. They just know
* I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends* * I'm surrounded by angels, but i call them my best friends *
WeRe ReaL bEsT fRiEnDz n We GoNnA sTaY tRue YoUr aLwAyZ tHeRe fOr mE HuNni & i LuV yOu
Friends might get you drunk but best friends hold your hair back when you puke
A friend is there when wanted, and true friends are there when needed, but a best friend is there for LIFE
BeSt FrIeNdz FoReVeR iS WhAt wE SaId WiThOuT YoU gUrL My sOuL wOuLd Be DeAd YoU TaUgHt mE ThInGs I NeVeR KneW WhAt wOuLd i Do WiThOuT YoU?
*A friend...is someone who will bail you out of jail. *A best friend* is the one sitting next to you sayin...That was Frickin' awesome!
Best friends are like diamonds, precious and False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.
Sometimes i wonder where I would be if I didn?t know you and you didn?t know me Who would I laugh and cry with at the end? Where would I be without my best friend?
i'LL Be hErE fOr YoO TiLL DeAtH BeSt FriEnDs TiLL MaH LaSt BrEaTh
Smiles and Tears- Giggles and laughs Late night phone calls-and cute photographs ill be there fo you till da day of my death Best friends forever till my very last breath
** You're my best friend, a favorite song that will never end... **
No matta where we go No matta what we do Foreva & eva we will be < the i n s e p e r a b l e 2 >
Somewhere between the phone calls and all the lil walks in the halls Somewhere between the "What are you doing tonite's" and all the arguments and stupid fights Somewhere between all that stuff we became true and i cant thank you enough..
a LoT oF LaUgHz & a LoT oF tEaRz ShArIn oUr DrEaMs & CoMfoRtiNg fEaRz TaLkIn fOr enDLeSs HoUrS oN tHe PhOnE aLwAyZ aT eAcH oThErZ hOuSeS : oUr SeCoNd HOmEs We HaVe SuMtHiN sO pReCiOuS iT cAn nEvA bReAk oR bEnD ThATZ wHy i CaLL u MY EvErLAStIn BeSt FrIeNd
When you look around and your world is c.r.u.m.b.l.i.n.g, and when you think no one loves you, your *best* friend is the one to run to.
uR dA DeFiNiTiOn Of dA aBsOLuTe *-BeSt FrIeNd-* uR dA rEaSoN i gEt ThRu LiFe WhEn iTs a ToTaL mEsS
i'LL bE wIt U eVeRy StEp Of ThE wAy NeXt MoNtH nExT yEaR aNd EvEn 2DaY wE bEeN tHrU tHa bEsT aNd EvEn ThA wOrSt In mY WoRLd y0u dEfiNaTeLy cOmE FiRsT.. {BeSt FriEnDz FoReVa}
Naw we aint friends..We are *stronger* NaW we aint sistas...We last *longer*
*.fRiEnDs tRy tO PrOVe Ur Not A ReTaRdEd psYcHopAtH.* *.BeSt FrIendS JuSs sHarE thE rEtArdEdNesS wItH yOu.*
Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, but somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends
[x] she..s the best friend I c0uld ask for [o] she..s all that *&* s0o must m0re [x] i don..t deserve to have a friend so true [o] especially after all i put her through [x] but i have learned from the past [o] *&* I..m gunna make this friendship last
we're not perfect. we laugh too hard, we are way too loud && we make complete fools of ourselves, but doing it together is what makes us best friends forever
You like your ---»friends Your always together- You tell eachother everything Your best friends forever*
We shared so much laughter, shared so many tears. We had a *special* friendship that grew stronger each year. We were not siblings by birth but we knew from the start, we were put together, to be siblings of theBoyfriends stab you in the heart.. Friends stab you in the back.. But Best friends d0n't carry knives.. They carry shovels to dig you out of the holes you burry yourself into.everyone says that GOOD FRIENDS are hard to find well that..s because the BEST are already MINEWe unDeRstanD eachOtheR; .. aNd thAts g0od enOuGhh * .. my best aLwaysIt's funny how in the end you always go back to the ones who have been there from the very beginning.. y o u r l b e s t l f r i e n d s
at times i get the feeling that no one cares, but other times i feel like i'm sitting on top of the world. it all comes down to your friends, & in the end, i find you really do need a best friend.. and for those times, i'm grateful that there's you
bEsT fRiEnDs bY hEaRt, SiStErS bY sOuL qUiEt & sHy, HeLL nO--tRy OuTtA cOnTrOL..
In ten years there`s not way in hell we`ll remember all the boys we got with ;; all the girls we hated;; or how many crazy rules we broke; just that we did it all together
a BEST FRiEND sticks up for youu even when youu`re wrong
yOuR thE DeFiNiTiOn Of ThE aBsOLuTe BeSt yOuR thE rEaSoN i GeT tHrU LiFe wEn iTs a MeSs
When your life falls apart, always remember that i will be the one who will stay to help you pick the pieces up. & when the rest of the world walks out on you, remember not to close the door, because i am the one who will be walking in to help you through it all..
we went from strangers to best friends and everything in between.
Alot of laughs, and alot of tears. Sharing our dreams & comforting our fears. Talking for endless hours on the phone Always at each other's houses cuz those are our second homes. We have something precious » it can never break or bend that's why i call you my everlasting best friend.
A real best friend never gets sick of you they always want to hang out with each other they have all the insiders in the world no matter what happens or who comes along . . . nothing gets in the way of their friendship [( NO MAttER WHAt )]
This girl is my other half. When I turn 16, she..ll be right next to me blowing out the candles. When I get married, she..ll be my maid of honor. When I have a baby, she..ll be the godmother. And when I die, my grave will be right next to hers. This girl is more than a best friend, she..s a sister.
We're going to grow up and things will change, but I..ll tell you one thing, we're going to stay the same. We said best friends forever and what we said is true, without my best friend, I wouldn't know what to do.
A best friend isn`t the one you come home, call, and tell you whole day to ; it`s the one who lived through it all [ w i t h Y o u ]
you're not friends because you sit together at lunch` or talk on the phone; or have matching flip-flops' or can recite each others wardrobe. you're bestfriends because when she smiles, a grin forces itself across your face. no matter how mad you are-- when she cries, you instantly feel her pain, & want to cry with her. When you look her in the eyes you know there's no one you could ever trust more. regardless of how many broken hearts you've had. that's what it means to be best friends.when your life Falls to pieces ....3 ___youu need a BEST FRiEND to help youu put them back together ....
I know you're my best friend when you say you'd take the pain so I wouldn't have to bear it alone, but I wouldn't let you, I wouldn't want anyone to feel what I've felt, you mean that much to me.
wiTh GoOd fRiEnDs YoU cAn Do NoThiN & hAvE a GoOd TiMe BuT wiTh BeSt fRiEnDs YoU cAn Do NoThiN & hAvE tHe [ TiMe oF Ur LiFe ]
fiindiing a friendship like 0uRs..' is like nailing jello to a tree / .. i m p o s s i b l e .. ..
[ its the days were soO crazy peOple thiink we`re hiigh ] [ the tiimeS we`Re : : sO bOreD : : we laugh till we cry ] [ all tha -- !ns!d3 j0k3z -- nD " .. remember weN .."z ] [ these r the reasons u'll always be my best frends ]
Best friend's get you through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your best friend follows. If you lose your way, your best friend guides you and cheers you on.
i GoT uR bAcK .. yoU kNoW i Do JuSt LeT sOmEoNe TrY 2 sTaRt WiTh U We sTiCk ToGeThEr LiKe CrAzY gLuE iF sOmEtHiNg HaPpEnS ..iM tHeRe 4 u - -B e S t F r i E n D s F o R e V e R- -
A friend wears pjs t0 y0ur h0use... A best friend keeps extras at y0ur h0use, 'just incase'
L0neLiineSS & emptiineSS wud bE my 0nLy fRiiend iF y0u weRent theRe t0 c0mf0rt me untiL tha veRy end; y0u d0 tHa »haRdesT« thinG`z in liFe th0uqh they aRe aLwayz t0uGh .. buT c0nsequenCez aRent made eaSy - tHey aLway*z tuRn 0ut rouGh.. i neveR onCe feLt judGed by y0u .. y0u listen'd t0 aLL that i had t0 say.. y0u battLed aLL my feaRz in liFe .. untiL tHey wenT away ; y0u l00ked pasT aLL my faiLinG p0inTz ; y0u l00ked pasT aLL tHa liez.. y0u heLped me thr0uGh tha t0uGh timez wid famiLy, fRiendz, 0r quyz; i thank y0u f0r tHa memoRiez thaT we have aLwayz shaRed . . y0u heLpeD me win my battLe*z nD y0u`ve sh0wn me tHaT --» y0u caRed «--
member tha timez we had n tha b0ys we kissed remember tha secretz and tha biaz we dissed and how you aLways remained lyk my sis i love ya gurL all for this - ``´´f r i e n d s h i p``´´
I'll never find another friend to take the place of you. No one will ever touch my world exactly like you do. No one who is quite so thoughtful, no one I cherish so. No one will mean so much to me... just wanted you to know.
WeVe aLwAyZ bEeN MaDd TiGhT FoReVeR fRiEnDz .. YeA dAtZ rIgHT We sHaRe cLoThEz n MaKEuP .. BrAiNwAvEz tOoWiTHOuT hER i DuNo WHAt iD dO
I'm there for her no matter the sitch. Whether it's sipping vodka shots or fucking up a bitch.
from boys * to jokes* to failing tests to goin to parties * sleep overs and all the rest i'll be here for you no matter what the deal fresh to death best friends for real
* M y * B e s t * F r i e n d * you * stand by me * and you believe in me , like nobody ever has ', when my world goes crazii . ; . you're right there to save me i l o v e y a !
So many memories we can't throw away. Best friends forever is how it's gonna stay. Someone who understands me and knows me inside and out, helps keep me together believes without a doubt. it?s you.
tHanx 4 aLwAyS BeiN HoNeSt WheN i aSk aBoUt MaH HaIr uR 1 oF tHa TrUeSt nD i nO uLL aLwAyS Be hErE i LoVe u AnD DaTs a FaCt No mAtTa wUt i gUt yA Back
best friends for ever the 3 of us stuck together n forevers wut i mean u girls come 1st before anything you helped me get up wen i failed n now ya'll mean everything thanks gurls -- i know we'll last becuz without you my world would turn too fast
nO mAtTa hOw sErIoUs LiFe gEtS ` yOu STiLl gOtTa hAvE tHaT oNe wHo cAn bE cOmPlEtElY sTuPiD WiTh
~There are people in your life that you can trust forever. Tell them anything and they won't tell a soul ever. As long as they are with you, you're happy as can be. Whenever your life goes downhill, their friendship is that loving key. I've never had anyone that cared so much, In your heart is where you hold that special touch. I hope that you realize what you mean to me, as long as I know you, best friends forever we will be.~
*u beEn there fOr me fOr so MaNii yeaRs* * aLwaYz maKiNg me LaUgh eVen weN iM in tEarS* *neVer Will I LeT aNyWun TaKe Ur spoT* * b.c Ur thE beSt fRiEnD thAt i GoT*
Shes my other half, my sidekick on the side. Were just like sisters, partners in crime. Where she is, Im not far behind. If shes in danger then my life too is on the line.
.:peOple say friends cOme and gO but this time it wOnt happen i knOw i gOt the best friend i ever had she was there when i was sad we pinky promised tO never break we'll stay tOgether till heaven we take she is my babi gurl till death tO us part she always asks "did yOu fart?" i lOve her sO much yOu dOnt even knOw im praying tO gOd she'll never let gO:.
to0 many memories t0 even count best friends
you could have a smile on your face and a twinkle in your eye but only a true best friend knows that ur really about to cry.
Best friend of mine will stay that way til the end of time slippin n slidin in nd outta trouble we like xtc more like doubled we got that tight bond the jealous hoes want the trouble we make they always wanna taunt but they can make fun of us all they please cuz ourselves are the only ppl we tryin ta please
when yOu're down - i may nOt be able tO pick yOu back up --but i prOmise i`ll be willing tO lay dOwn right next tO yOu.
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost….
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born….
My friends are my estate….
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out….
A friend is one who walks i when others walk out….
A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else….
A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself….
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow….
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead….
Walk beside me and be my friend….
Everyone is a friend, until they prove otherwise….
A hug is....


I'm scared to fall in love, scared to fall fast, because every time I fall in love... it never seems to last.....
I'm so sad when you're gone. Come back soon. Miss you!....
In my dreams and in our love for 1 another there are no impossibilities.....
Love is like quicksand - the deeper you fall in it the harder it is to get out.....
You're just my cup of tea....
Love is like the truth, sometimes it prevails, sometimes it hurts.....
Love is not something you feel. It's something you do.....
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control.....
My boyfriend told me, I should be more Affectionate, so i got two Boyfriends.....
My heart is breaking since you went away....
My love belongs to you.....
My love is ever in your service.....
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.....
To feel love gives pleasure to one; to express it gives pleasure to two.....
To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world....
True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen....
True love never lives happily ever after - true love has no ending....
Trust, Love & Keep Moving (Growing)....
We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.....
We must love one another or die ....
When you left, I stopped smiling....
Where ever I go, whatever I do, I carry a little part of you with me right here in the center of me heart.....
Who cares whether this is a poem or rhyme, I will love you until the end of time....
With love and patience, nothing is impossible.....
You gotta learn to laugh, it's the way to true love....
You need Money to call someone Honey....
You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back....
You touched my heart and changed my life for the better....
You're the icing on my . What's that? Chocolate, of course....
You're the laughter in my life.....
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.....
Your love's better than a cold beer on a warm day. Almost...OK then, definitely!....
Your love's better than a home run with the bases loaded.....
Your love's better than chocolate.....
'I love you' means that I accept you for the person that you are, & that I do not wish to change you into someone else. It means that I do not expect perfection from you, just as you do not expect it from me. It means that I will love you & stand by you even through the worst of times. It means loving you when your in a bad mood or too tired to do the things I want to do. It means loving you when your down, not just when your fun to be with. 'I love you' means that I know your deepest secrets & do not judge you for them, asking in return only that you do not judge me for mine. It means that I care enough to fight for what we have & that I love enough not to let go. It means thinking of you, dreaming of you, wanting & needing you constantly, hoping that you feel the same way for me.....
There is some consolation in the fact that even if your dreams haven't come true- neither have your nightmares.....
It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone - but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.....
He holds me when I start to cry, makes me smile with just his eyes, shares my hopes, dreams and fears, wipes away all my tears, I love him without regret, I just haven't found him yet.....
One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, loving someone else....
see my halo, bright and shiny, mess with me, i'll kick your hiney....
No, I haven't met Mr. Right but I have met Mr. Cheap, Mr. Cocky, Mr Rude....
Kisses are like tears, the only real ones are the ones you can't hold back....
You may only be one person to the world but you may also be the world to one person....
There's just something about him that grabs my heart, and makes me hurt that I can't have him....
If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were....
--Love is when u cant pay attention in class-- --cuz u foreva writin ur first name wit his last--
I cried today, not because I missed you, or even wanted you, but because I finally relized I'm gonna be alright without you When you're ready to look into the eyes of true love, it turns its head....
Never give up if you still want to try, never wipe your tears if you still want to cry, never settle for the answer if you still want to know, never say you don't like him if you can't let him go....
I'm in love with the one man I can't have and I have the one man I can't love....
Moving too fast is like going over the speed limit, theres a chance you might crash....
I loved you once, you loved me not, I loved you twice, but I forgot, you never loved me, you never will, but even so, I love you still....
I'm gonna smile like nothings wrong, talk like everythings perfect, act like its just a dream, and pretend he's not hurting me.....
A break up is like a broken mirror, it is better to leave it broken then hurt yourself trying to fix it back together.....
Some day you'll be sorry, some day when memories will remind you, that we were meant to be....
Angels are suppose to be good, so why did one just break my heart....
How can I stop crying when the only person that can make me stop is the one who made me start?....
I was born when you kissed me, I died when you left me, but I lived for the 2 months you dated me....
He looked at me deeply in my eyes, he lied and said 'I won't make you cry' and when I thoguht it was too good to be true, he blew me off and found someone new....
There are easier things in life then finding a good man, nailing jello to a tree for instance....
I loved you once-I love you still-I always have-I always will....
Don't cry for anyone who won't cry for you....
Have you ever noticed that the worst way to miss someone is when they're right beside you and yet you can't have them....
If you love someone put their name in a circle not a heart, a heart can be broken but a circle goes on forever....
I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for their religion - I have shudder'd at it. I shudder no more. I could be martyr'd for my religion Love is my religion And I could die for that. I could die for you.....
I'd like to run away From you, But if you didn't come And find me ... I would die.....
You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it. ....
To be in love is merely to be In a state of perpetual anesthesia: To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god Or an ordinary young woman for a goddess. ....
I love thee, I love but thee With a love that shall not die Till the sun grows cold And the stars grow old.....
Because sometimes you have to step outside [ the person you've been and remember the ] person you were meant to be. The person you w a n t e d to be. The person you are."....
You go around now trying to be someone else Its like ..Where..s the girl I used to know?.. Just be yourself
In a world of comparison and conformity, make your own statement. Honor your own truth. Have the courage to be yourself; risk speaking your own thoughts and claiming your emotions. Share your vulnerabilities, tears, doubts, and insecurities; let others experience the real you. Have the courage to be yourself and realize that you are a wonderful person.
If you keep trying so hard to be everything you..re not You'll miss everything you were meant to be
-¦-there..s only one person I want to be-¦- -¦-and that..s me-¦-
she's lost in all the latest trends and doesn't remember who she is
You've labeled your whole lifestyle And changed the way you dress Now take a good look in the mirror And tell me who are you trying to impress
JuSt Be YoUrSeLf ThAts aLl YoU gOtTa Be DoEsNt TaKe MuCh To HaNg WiTh Me
it`s HALL0WEEN all year here. People dressing up to be someone they`re NOT.
aLwAyZ sTaY tRue N JuS bE *yOu*
Always be yourself no matter what because you don't want people to remember you for something you're not.
You don't have to prove how strong you are to earn respect. You don't have to show how brave you are to be admired. You don't have to be perfect to be loved. You need only be yourself.
I may not be beautiful* an I may not be sassy* but just being me is* what makes me happy*
[im not gonna drink just 2 please the crowd] [im not gonna be a slut and sleep around] [im gonna say what i think and say it out loud] [ima say what i beleive and im gonna stand proud] [im gonna be me no matter who im around]
.:*I'M OnLy Me tHaTz aLL i CaN Be*:. .:*No MoRe, No LeSs, DoNT 2Nd gUeSs*:. .:*YoU mAy NoT LiKe Me BuT tHaTz oKaY*:. .:* BuT tHiZ iZ Me aNd HoW i'LL sTaY*:.
I think i've finally come to the point in my life where I..m happy with myself and know that I don..t have to change or be a certain way for people to like me anymore. I am just fine and if someone doesn..t think i am.. ..screw them..
aLways be y0urself you d0n..t want any0ne t0 remember y0u as s0me0ne y0ur n0t
I am who i am and i like it alot dont try to make me someone im not
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself a victim. Accept no one..s definition of your life. Define yourself.
<..You were born an original..> .:+ Don't die a copy +:.
You drink what you want And smoke what you see Acting like your real saying "Baby this is me" Quit trying to fit in Cause your friends do it to Don't hide behind your cloud of smoke Cause it really isn't you I can't believe how true this is Even though you say you're different You fit the description perfectly
<.. Just be yourself. .> It doesn't matter if it's good enough for someone else.
don`t [ forqet ] to be yurself becuz the peOple wHo matter dont care and tHe people wHo care * -| d o n ` t mAtter
.b.E you do what you d.O.
dUn LeT yOoR hEaRt FiLL Wit sOrRoW - fOr aLL yOo kNo yOoR wIsh mAy *(( - cOmE tRu. tOmOrRo : nD dUn eVa LeT pPl gEt tHe bEsT oF yOo // aLwAySs FoLLoW yOoR hEaRt nD dOo < - wAt yOo wAnNa dOo - > . . .
Make your own footsteps. Don't follow in others.
I..m a very independent girl, and sometimes people think I..m weird because of it. but that doesn..t bother me. just because I..m not afraid to stand up for what I believe in, even when everyone else is sitting down, that's no reason to follow the crowd. because maybe, just maybe, I'll make someone's life better because I wasn't afraid... x/3
in a world where you can be anything || bE yOurseLf ||
I work on being [me] and not at satisfying [you] thats exactly who i am and thats exactly what i do
bE yOurself -- everOne else is I'm s0rry i cant be like e v e r y o n e the best i can d0 is 0nly being m y s e l f
The point is not to be beautiful. The point is to be you.
i'm NoT tHe KiNd Of GiRl ThAt GoEs FoR tHa -::-B l I n G b L i N g-::- Or ThE kiNd oF gIrL tHaT gOeS fOr tHa $ $ C h i Ng C H i N g $ $ I'm ThE kInD oF gIrL tHaT LikEs ThAt B e - U r S e L f - T h I n G
Be sexy. Be true. Be wild. Be you.
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind do not matter and those who matter do not mind.
[-] i..D RaThEr bE ReAL [/] aNd SaY hOw I FeEL [-] ThAn aCt aLL fake [..] aNd be sUmThiN I AiN..t
Above all be true to yourself and if you cannot put your heart into it take yourself out of it.
~» always be y0urself cuz y0u only get 1 chance t0 make «~ [({ y0ur 1St iMPrEsSiOn })]
Be wh0 y0u wanna be Not what 0thers wanna see


his world brought me down...crashed me to the floor and stomped on me. let me down, turned its back and walked away to leave me lay on the cold hard ground to die alone....
You cry... you feel sad... you get "help"... but its still there... only now you hide it... you want everyone to believe it is ok... but its not, i'm not ok- its a rollercoaster of emotions, you slowly start to feel better and then all of a sudden you crash again... then it starts all over....
everytime someone asks me if im ok, its just a reminder that im not. Im crying inside and no1 knows it but me....
you see happy people walking in the crowd they call to you and you put on a simle, but those bright shinny people wil never know what your going through and they will never know that pretrending to be happy is causing a part of you to go to a dark place and lie down and die....
Harsh words & violent blows Hidden secrets nobody knows Eyes are open, hands are fisted Deep inside I'm warped and twisted So many tricks and so many lies Too many whens and too many whys Nobody's special, nobody's gifted I'm just me, warped and twisted Sleeping awake & choking on a dream Listening loudly to a silent scream Call my mind, the number's unlisted Lost in someone so warped and twisted On my knees, alive but dead Look at the invisible blood I've bled I'm almost gone, my mind has drifted Don't expect much, I'm warped and twisted Burnt out, wasted, sad, and hollow Today's just yesterday's tomorrow The sun died out, the ashes sifted I'm still here, warped and twisted
I never understood why there is a point to living when no one understands the pain that you feel. What is the point of enduring this everyday pain just to be somewhere that you aren't wanted and no one cares. Depression is such a everyday thing that it has become part of my life that seems wrong if it isn't there. How is it that I have come to this where I can't function without it anymore? The pain leads to such suffering that there is no stopping it. How did it get so bad? Well I guess that I can't hide from something that won't go away. No one cares and no one's there. I depend on myself and that isn't even enough sometimes. The pain overcomes me and engulfs me in it's internal and endless suffering. ..
++one of the most difficult things to think about in life is one's regrets.something will happen to you,and you will do the wrong thing,and for years afterward you will wish you had done something different
++i think im afraid to be happy because whenever you get too happy something bad always happens
You know how you told me my heart would get broken a thousand times in my life? Well there goes heartbreak number one.….
If I had the power to take my heart right out of my chest and show you how many pieces you broke it into, would that at least ruin your day?….
I want to cry, really I do but I guess I just dont want to give you the satisfaction of knowing that you hurt me....once again.….
I'm so tired of you confusing me. Really I am. And its like each time I feel that I've made a little progress with moving on, you do something like hugging me and saying you love me. Please just stop paying your games with me. don't get me thinking there's a chance when all you really want is to reassure yourself that I still love you. it hurts me, becuase I do still love you. damn you for not letting me go. Stop holding onto my heart. I was nice enough to give it to you, can't you be nice enough to return it now that you're done using it?….
Being with you is like taking me to the top of a hill, showing me the world, and then marching me back down, saying, 'look, this is what you can't have!….
Somehow the conversation mentioned your name. And someone asked if I knew you. Looking away I thought of all the times we had together; sharing laughter, tears, jokes, and tons more. And then, without explanation you were gone. I looked to where they were waiting for an answer, and then said softly, 'Once, I thought I did.….
You told me that you loved me, I started tearing down those walls, I really started to trust you but you set me up to take a fall.….
My heart fell out of my pocket today, into this puddle, so he picked it up, brushed it and tore it apart again. And all I could do was stand there and watch.….
I've made it through a lot, but only because I've always had his love to count on to be there for me through it all. Now that I've lost that, I'm lost and alone and I don't think I'll make it this time.….
Am I mad at you? That's your main concern after shattering my whole world? Mad For what? for breaking my heart? All the lies? Maybe for letting me put all my trust in you only to be betray the decency to tell me to my face?? how about the fact that you didn't even care the way you think its crazy that I'm crying over it, cause you think breaking up is no big deal? Am I mad? No. more like crushed. Did I ever even really know you?….
I hope that you're ok even though I'm dying.….
This is where I say I've had enough and no one should ever feel the way that I feel now. A walking open wound, a trophy display of bruises, and I don't believe that I'm getting any better.….
This is the hard part. I'm supposed to sit here beside you and pretend like I don't feel anything for you. I'm supposed to pretend like I'm happy for you. I'm tired of pretending.….
You walked out that door, I swore I didn't care. But I lost everything, darling, then and there.….
I hear his name and shiver. His voice reaches my ears and my heart breaks. I'm empty and alone and the only one who can comfort me is the only one who does not care." "I saw the heartache coming. At least this time I wasn't oblivious to everything. I must be getting better at this....which is really sad.….
I'm not sure why everything is so lonely this year. Maybe because always before I've been drunk on love, but now... now I'm hungover on heartbreak.....
I told you I'd never say good-bye, now I'm slipping on the tears you've made me cry. Why does it come as a surprise? To think, I was so naive. Maybe it didn't mean anything to you, but it meant everything to me.....
Some hearts are broken and mended, others are shattered or torn, although it was never intended, for love is eternally sworn, I've cried and prayed and pleaded, for that love to hold its ground. Hope was all I needed, and pain was all I found.....
I just believe that maybe he isn't the lifelong best friend that I once thought he was. If what we had was as strong as we say it was, he wouldn't have been able to take back the things he said. But maybe that's just it.. maybe he really didn't mean what he said, maybe it wasn't what I thought it was. But I don't think I'll ever know, and that's what hurts the most.....
Before I met you, I was always considered the strong one, the one who never got hurt; I could do anything and never fall. I felt like I was the epitome of invincibility; of confidence. Now you've come along, you've broken my heart, and you've shaken me from that really strong foundation that I had spent years constructing. I found out more about myself than I ever had before. I found that my foundation wasn't as strong as I thought it was -- I found that love isn't all it's cracked up to be -- and I found that this time, maybe I won't be able to get back up quite so easily.....
If this is just a crush, then I don't know what I would do if the real thing happened.....
People ask me why I sleep so much... why I love to dream. Well, it's not hard to see. In my dreams, I get to be happy. I get to be with my baby, loving each other with no limits, and just living life the way I want it. Then I wake to reality of misery and depression. Who wouldn't want to dream?....
If I'd have known the way that this would end, if I'd have read the last page first, if I'd have had the strength to walk away, if I'd have known how this would hurt, I would have loved you anyway, I'd do it all the same, not a second I would change, not a touch that I would trade, had I known my heart would break, I'd have loved you anyway.....
I always said I'd never cry over you, but it's hard to hold back tears when your worst fears come true.....
Once I swore I would die for you, but I never meant like this.....
I'm so sick and tired of acting like I'm fine because truthfully, I'm not. I can't even talk to you without being so incredibly sad. You were the one person who was always supposed to be there for me, my best friend, my everything.. and you ruined it all in that moment. And I acted like it didn't hurt, and for a while, I didn't think it did...but the tears are here and I now realize that it hurt more than anything in the world.....
It wouldn't have been so bad if my expectations hadn't been so high...I just expected us to be together for so much longer...and for you to never hurt me...I'll never expect anything from you again because all it gets me is a broken heart.....
You're so callous and cold now. You can tell something's wrong.. I told you that outright.. but you still couldn't manage to ask me exactly what the problem was. Not that I could tell you because you are the problem. .the fact that you still have my broken heart is the problem...please.. give it back.....
I've seen this all before. It's like a reoccurring dream, only with different people. It's the same script with a different cast. The same heartbreak, with a different person causing the pain. Only, I'm still the one ending up heartbroken.....
I can't do this anymore. I've been strong, now I just can't. No more calm and cool. I can't lie anymore. I'm not as strong as you thought I was. I'm breaking down ... and there's nothing I can do.....
Got no direction and my world is spinnin' round. Feel like I'm risin' up and never comin' down. A million people talk, but I don't hear a word they say. Don't know what to do, I'm losin myself over you.....
He's the reason I'm messed up, the reason I can't get myself into another relationship, No matter how hard I try, no matter how bad I want to, I'm scared. I'm not scared of getting hurt....I'm scared of hurting someone else. I dont want anyone to feel how he made me feel. I dont want anyone to hurt that bad.....
Okay. It's been raining for seven days, how do you explain that? Cory: Warm air meets low pressure system? Shawn: Wrong! It's raining because God is crying and he's crying because he created you and Topanga to be the role model of the perfect couple for the entire universe.....
I never needed to test my feelings for you. I moved away from my parent's in Pittsburgh to be close to you. Ever since we were little kids, I felt like I belonged with you. I would have given you everything Cory.....
I couldn't be any more hurt than you hurt me already. You broke my heart.....
So now that you've stolen my heart and shattered it into a million pieces, will you glue it back together like always? I know that you'll be back and you know I'm going to be here waiting. You'll bring back my heart, but everyone knows that once something is broken and carelessly fixed for the wrong reasons, it's even more fragile, and it's never the same.....
One day you said everything was just right. I don't see how it changed over night. One day you said everything was so strong. The next day you turn to me and say it's been wrong all along. I never meant to cause you any harm. How could two people start out so close and end up so far? I'm breaking down.....
My shattered dreams and broken heart are mending on a shelf. I saw you holding hands, standing close to someone else. Now I sit all alone, wishing all my feeling was gone.....
As I stand here tonight and look up at the huge sky filled with all those stars I think of you. I think of the times we were together and I think of the times we looked up at that very same sky. and then I realized how much I miss you. I thought I could get through it, I thought I would be okay. But how can I be? Without you I stand alone. In this huge world, I stand alone.....
I don't want to hear you say that I will understand someday, I don't wanna hear you say we both have grown in a different way, I don't wanna start over again, I just want my life to be the same, just like it used to be. Some days I hate everything. Everyone and everything.....
The bruises on my heart will fade away but the words we said hit so hard their impact will always remain.....
It was as if I wanted to cry myself to sleep. I thought that maybe my tears would cause him pain, let him know how bad I was hurting, but I knew that was just silly. He would not know of my pain. He would not see my tears. So it doesn't matter, I would be the only one to ever feel the pain anyway.......
Im frozen in our memories, trying not to cry. I know that you love me so why say goodbye? I'm frozen in our kisses as your body pulls me near. We kiss && you lick your lips as you wipe away my tears....
the c r a c k s in the concrete are just reminders that we all fall apart sometimes ;; no matter how strong we are.....
she's addicted to the song lyrics that spill her heart out for him....
Me With People I Love
Best Friends For Life
Fun Day @ Cearserland

My Blog


See the Light of LifeI have Lupus, but my spirits run high, I promised myself, that I wouldn't die. I wake up some mornings, with joints that do ache, and a body so tired, and drained like a lake. I'l...
Posted by °"»♥Aqui♥Estare♥«"° on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:23:00 PST

Sick And Tired

Sick And Tired I am sick and tired of not being right for you of not being good enough of not being your ideal I am sick and tired of always being the friend and never the girlfriend of being second ...
Posted by °"»♥Aqui♥Estare♥«"° on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 10:30:00 PST


Posted by °"»♥Aqui♥Estare♥«"° on Mon, 29 May 2006 10:52:00 PST


Posted by °"»♥Aqui♥Estare♥«"° on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 08:21:00 PST