u @iNt nEv@ sEeN Sw@g LiKe MiiNe profile picture

u @iNt nEv@ sEeN Sw@g LiKe MiiNe

I gotta go. I gotta leave. So please don't make it hard 4 me. I've given up, I'm tired of luv, I got

About Me

AKA Tree-Tree

♥ ♥
First let me say, if you plan on sending me a message or adding me as your friend because of my pictures, please read my page before you do that, thanks!! Well, I go by the name Satrina, also known as Tree. I have dreams of being a beautiful BBW model!!! I dont really care what people have to say about me cuz they dont pay my bills and usually they assume shit about me and dont know me but its all good!!! It is easy for someone to talk about you when they dont know you!! I love being a FAT girl because that is what makes me who i am!!! & cuz im still FLY!!! I love to dance and everyone who knows me knows that. Other than goin out and having fun i have two jobs.. So yes i am very busy and ii dont have time for games!!! I am down to earth and i am open to tryin new things.... I dont have time for immature ass boys who cant respect a real ass woman who about this money!! yea bitches say they are but they still ride the bus and shit!!! Yes ii gets mine!!!
*Some Thingz i Luv*
♥My m@n.. iM d@ddY's LiL pRiiNcEsS
♥ D@ BiiTcHeS D@T C@LL mY m@n BoO.. Ye@p ii LuV u ToO!!
♥ MoDeLiN
♥ DrEsSiN CuTe
♥ HooDieZ
♥ My SiDeKiCK
♥ ThE FiVeHe@rTbE@Ts
♥ @Ir FoRcE 1's
♥ M@c LiPgLoSs
♥ sTuNN@ sHaDeZ
♥ GeTTiN mY NaiLs & HaiR DoNe
♥ CuTe @sS BoI sHorTs
♥ cHiLLiN wIt Ma giRlz
♥ PuRpLe CrEmE sLuShiEs
♥ BeIn a BbW (big beautiful woman
♥ DaNciN--- ii gO 18 N d@ cLuB
♥ XsCape-Tr@ceS oF m@ LiPsTicK @LbuM
♥ mY c@r
♥ PeOpLe WhO sT@rE!!! ii FuCkiiN LuV iiT
*Some ThiNgZ i dIsLiKe*
♥ LiErS
♥ wHiTe HoEz wHo tHinK tHeY bLaCk
♥ cLinGy PeOpLe
♥ Sc@rY niCCaZ & HoEz
♥ PayLesS tEnNiS sHoEz
♥ F@kE PeOpLe
♥ NoN d@nCin @ss PeOpLe
♥ wHiNnInG
♥ BiTcHeZ wHo GoT PiCtUrEs oF mY m@n oN DeY p@gE
♥ H@TiN @sS HoEz
♥ PeOpLe wHo DoNt ReSpEct Me
♥ ii RoC d@T nUnU sHiT ♥

My Interests

My DoWn @sS BiTcH.. mY PaRtnEr N' cRiiMe

This is my nigga, my ace, my bitch, my sister!! I ♥ this girl like no other!! Its been a long road and people just dont understand the importance of friendship until you found a true friend!!! When you cry i cry when you laugh i laugh!!!! From steak knives to RT rides!!! To gettin SKITTLEZ & ANGEL BABY to SHITTY & MIDKNIGHT!!! I love you bitch!!!

Man I love this dude!! We became friends out of nowhere and its been all good ever since!! This is one of the realist dudes i have ever met!! No one can ever take his place!! I swear when shit goes bad he is the one there to tell me it will be ok!!! Ladies this aint my man!!! But who ever gets him, you are very lucky!!!

MaN my little big bro Jigga!! and i think i was the one that started callin him that!! LOL but we been through sum shit and i mean some shit but we seem to always be hella close afterwards!!! ii love you with all my heart and there is nothin in the world that i wont do for you!!! who would of ever thought... almost 7 years of friendship!!! life is crazy!!! love ya bro!!!

Mikey It started wit just bisness that he started tell me all of his!! LOL but no fa real this friendship is special to me because there is no one that can make me laugh like him!! I miss the days @ work when e fight and then laugh, you throwin ice in my eye and makin me listen to ur new tracks afterwards!! LOL Man this dude is somethin special to me!! Luv you MIKEY!!!!

Sabrina, my muthafuckin twin sister!! I had to save the best for last!! Man i love her i dont know wat i would do without her!! she is my strenght, my drive!! She is the reason where i am today!! There is nothin i wouldnt do for you!! I know we argue alot but thats all good cuz we always get through that shit!!! I Love you so much!!!

ThiiS sOnG gOeS hElla HaRd!!

I'd like to meet:

About Satrina "Tree" Love

My name is Satrina [est. 86'] but everyone calls me "Tree" [est. 00] because of the way you pronounce my name. Im an aspiring plus-size model, photographer and graphic designer. I am not the BEST but ii am better than most! I am a fun kind of girl, full of joy and life! ii love laughin and working hard! Money is my motivation so ii stay on top of the game! im not interested in drama or any other bullsh*t that comes to my page! so please keep your comments to yourself! so besides that my favorite movie is The Five Heartbeats and my favorite song is Mr. Telephone man by New Edition! im a MAC type of girl! ii enjoy new electronics and gadgets! lol im kind of a nerd but im cute! lol ii am the happiest when ii am creating and discovering new thnigs with graphics.. ii love my life and my friends! ii sing @ the top of my lungs in the car!! ii enojy watching sports [football, basketball & some baseball]! To all my ex's just want to say thanks for everythin you did to me cuz it made me the person ii am today! made me see exacly wat ii dont want in a man! to all the bitches that dont like me for any given reason ii want to say that ii love you 2! if it wasnt you yall ii wouldnt work as hard as ii do! cuz as long as yall there ii know im on my shit! fa real!! so enjoy my page and leave comments make sure to visit my official site as well! click it on the navigation bar!


if u leave me a comment then yes ii will return the favor! thanks!! much love babe! Comment here duh =]

My Support Code
so just copy the code in the box && post a bulletin so then all your friends will see it! let me know if u post it and ii will return the favor!!!

Click pic to add


Satrina .Tree. Love
add me to your friends && tell all your friends to add me too!!! =]

Reasons 2 add
--7K+ Friends
--Leaves Comments
--support 4 support


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My Blog
My Personal Site
My Model Mayhem

NAME Satrina "Tree" Love
HEADLINE had a good past, but looking forward to a GREAT future!!! Live, Love, Laugh!!
Mood Pretty
SEX Female
AGE 21
BIRTHDAY 10/2 wat u gettin me? LOCATION 916, Cali
COLOR Red, gold, blk && white
CURRENT ARTISTs Ashanti Rick Ross, Raheem DeVaughn



[email protected]

make sure to send a pic with your aim or yim request! thanx =]

ii support

The followin links are to other pages that ii support! from other models, promoters, graphic artist, photographers and && music artist!! if ii like you then ii may support you!! never know just got check back and see!!! but add them if you havent already!!

Model Sierra Lashay
CerTiFied Thick
Thick Chicks ent.
Slap Ent Da CEO
Get it Designed
SharpLife Photography
Music Page of ‘YNC’
Music Page of Klappa
Music Page of Go Slim
Music Page of L-Solo
Music Page of King Quis

every so often ii will have a featured pic done by me! the first one will be of my brother just because ii am very happy with the way it turned out!



My Blog

You Sideline Hoez

So ladiies that come to my page just to see wat i have to say about my man.. well read this... all you ladiies can stare and say what you want cuz you dont know me.. you just see my pics and probly th...
Posted by ::Y dO FooLz F@LL n LuV:: on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 11:11:00 PST


ok ok... you guys know i was gonna write another blog sooner or later... but heres the deal... Everybody runnin around here and shit talkin bout they ballin... well you are really not ballin... You re...
Posted by ::Y dO FooLz F@LL n LuV:: on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 04:18:00 PST

When will the hatin stop?? I love it!! i FUCKIN LOVE IT!!!

----------------- Original Message -----------------From: dont hate cuz Kastro wit meDate: Sep 8, 2006 3:56 PM whats up charcole u heela biig biitch loose sum of that goog ol weight hoe n quit eatin -...
Posted by ::Y dO FooLz F@LL n LuV:: on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 06:11:00 PST

Aint this about a Bi**h

----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: stephanie Date: Aug 21, 2006 1:49 AM look at u u one ugly cow----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: iM @LLeRgiC 2 bRoKe H...
Posted by ::Y dO FooLz F@LL n LuV:: on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 05:18:00 PST


SOMEONE MAY KNOW THE ANSWER!!!   Ladies we all know that when dealing with dudes sometimes it take a while ti know what they are all about... So i just have a few questions for the men and women ...
Posted by ::Y dO FooLz F@LL n LuV:: on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 05:48:00 PST

POEM: untitled

This poem is not yet titled or finished, but enjoy   Is this what was chosen for meWill this be my idea of love for all of eternityWill you ever be the prince charming i need you to beI dont know...
Posted by ::Y dO FooLz F@LL n LuV:: on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 08:30:00 PST

Response 2 "Never Did I Imagine"

Never Did I Imagine   There is not one day that does not go by that I don't think of you. I see your face in my mind. Then wonder if i'll see it another time. What we had was great I'd have to s...
Posted by ::Y dO FooLz F@LL n LuV:: on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 05:53:00 PST

POEM: Being Me

I am a proud fat girl!!!I am not a size four nor am i someone's whoreBut i will tell you what i am...I am smart sophisticated and very talentedI am not disrespectful or rude but if u make me mad i wil...
Posted by ::Y dO FooLz F@LL n LuV:: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Do i have dirt on me?Do i have shit in my teeth??It there doo doo on my jeans??Cuz u keep starin at me like i got a diseaseEyes rolled, hands folded, head movin up and down is the attitude i get when ...
Posted by ::Y dO FooLz F@LL n LuV:: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

what defines a hoe??

So there is this guy that i conversate with on a regular basis. I wouldnt say that we are talkin but i would like us to be... The reason we are not on that level yet is because the both of us are so b...
Posted by ::Y dO FooLz F@LL n LuV:: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST