AKA Tree-Tree
♥ ♥
First let me say, if you plan on sending me a message or adding me as your friend because of my pictures, please read my page before you do that, thanks!! Well, I go by the name Satrina, also known as Tree. I have dreams of being a beautiful BBW model!!! I dont really care what people have to say about me cuz they dont pay my bills and usually they assume shit about me and dont know me but its all good!!! It is easy for someone to talk about you when they dont know you!! I love being a FAT girl because that is what makes me who i am!!! & cuz im still FLY!!! I love to dance and everyone who knows me knows that. Other than goin out and having fun i have two jobs.. So yes i am very busy and ii dont have time for games!!! I am down to earth and i am open to tryin new things.... I dont have time for immature ass boys who cant respect a real ass woman who about this money!! yea bitches say they are but they still ride the bus and shit!!! Yes ii gets mine!!!
*Some Thingz i Luv*
♥My m@n.. iM d@ddY's LiL pRiiNcEsS
♥ D@ BiiTcHeS D@T C@LL mY m@n BoO.. Ye@p ii LuV u ToO!!
♥ MoDeLiN
♥ DrEsSiN CuTe
♥ HooDieZ
♥ My SiDeKiCK
♥ ThE FiVeHe@rTbE@Ts
♥ @Ir FoRcE 1's
♥ M@c LiPgLoSs
♥ sTuNN@ sHaDeZ
♥ GeTTiN mY NaiLs & HaiR DoNe
♥ CuTe @sS BoI sHorTs
♥ cHiLLiN wIt Ma giRlz
♥ PuRpLe CrEmE sLuShiEs
♥ BeIn a BbW (big beautiful woman
♥ DaNciN--- ii gO 18 N d@ cLuB
♥ XsCape-Tr@ceS oF m@ LiPsTicK @LbuM
♥ mY c@r
♥ PeOpLe WhO sT@rE!!! ii FuCkiiN LuV iiT
*Some ThiNgZ i dIsLiKe*
♥ LiErS
♥ wHiTe HoEz wHo tHinK tHeY bLaCk
♥ cLinGy PeOpLe
♥ Sc@rY niCCaZ & HoEz
♥ PayLesS tEnNiS sHoEz
♥ F@kE PeOpLe
♥ NoN d@nCin @ss PeOpLe
♥ wHiNnInG
♥ BiTcHeZ wHo GoT PiCtUrEs oF mY m@n oN DeY p@gE
♥ H@TiN @sS HoEz
♥ PeOpLe wHo DoNt ReSpEct Me
♥ ii RoC d@T nUnU sHiT ♥