Film, writing, photography, art,quantum physics, sex, crap tv, funny tv, football, science fiction, my motorbike, dreaming, joking, laughing, running, falling
In no particular order; Charlotte Church, Julliette Lewis, Uma Thurman, Albert Einstein, Iain M Banks, Akira Kurosawa, Dennis Hopper, Marlon Brando, Ray Winstone, Nelson Mandela, Harvey Weinstein, Quentin Tarantino, Shakira, Denis Bergkamp, Thierry Henry, Tony Adams. Marilyn Munroe, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Will Self. Christopher Walken, Robert DeNiro, Jonny Depp, The Queen. My future self, My past self.In order to piss on their shoes and shit in their hats; Tony Blair, George Bush, Donald Rumsfield, Dick Cheyney, Jack Straw et al. Graham Taylor. Ken fucking Livingstone!
James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Public Enemy. Old school rave tunes whose names I can't remember or never knew. Anything that makes me want to dance, bob my head, tap my feet, rip my clothes off and run around screaming 'ohmigod this tune makes me rush!'
On The Waterfront, Apocalypse Now, The Shining, Sexy Beast, Deliverance, Zoolander, Dodgeball, The Matrix, The Godfather I&II, Goodfellas, Casino, Scarface, Carlito's Way, At Close Range, We're No Angels, Ronin, Black Cat White Cat, Point Break, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, Barton Fink, The Big Lebowski, King of New York, King Of Comedy,, Dr Strangelove, The Party, Bananas, Manhatan, Annie Hall, Zelig, Mighty Aphrodite, Natural Born Killers, American Psycho, Batman Begins, Old Boy, La Haine, A Bout de Souffle, Last Tango In Paris, Run Lola Run, Steel Magnolia, Kagemusha, Ran, 7 Samurai, Ujimbo, Rashemon, Being John Malkovic, Pi, Requiem for A Dream, 12 angry men, Dog Day Afternoon, Bladerunner, Full Metal Jacket, Dobermann, Heat, Donnie Brasco, Donnie Darko, Jackie Brown, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Kill Bill I & II, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Lady Killers, Lawrence Of Arabia, Casablanca, Cape Fear(both), Ciudad de Deus (city of god)Akira, Legend of the Overfiend, Legend Of The Demon Womb, Leaving Las Vegas, Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas and many many more
Match of the day,, Big Brothr, X factor, film 4, EXTRAS! Brass Eye, Day to Day. I'm Alan Partridge, Nighty Night, Blue Jam, South Park, Green Room, family guy, the simpsons, lost
Player of games. Use Of Weapons Consider Phlebus. Altered Carbon, Singularity Sky. The Reality Dysfunction trilogy. Elegant Universe, The Quest For the Quantum Computer, The Karma Sutra, Look To Windward. Oolon Coluphid's trilogy of controversial blockbusters: Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes and Who is This God Person Anyway? Also by Oolon Coluphid; That About Wraps It Up For God Then
Derren Brown, Arsene Wenger, Akira Kurosawa, Marlon Brando, Quentin Tarantino, Sidney Lumet. Hugo Chavez, Nelson Mandela. Trey Parker & Matt Stone I WANNA WORK FOR YOU!!!!HEROES WHO'VE LET ME DOWN Samuel L Jackson (for doing that banking ad)Ken Livingstone (for his love of power and taxes)Stanley Kubrick (for not having the strength to stand by his convictions and depriving me and everyone else in England of A Clockwork Orange for so long)George Lucas (for making the second 3 Star Wars films)Chris Morris (for doing the IT crowd, the only shite thing he's done)and Christopher Reeve (for dying RIP)