Roli Rivelino profile picture

Roli Rivelino

It's not about the money for us is it? It's the charge, the buzz, the sheer fuck offness of it all!

About Me

Writer, Photographer, director, (piss)artist, wannabe editor, wannabe everything. Mad, bad, sad, ecstatic, lively, lovely, clumsy, scientific, artistic, verbose.I DO NOT DO FACEBOOK! I Just don't need another thing in my life capable of wasting many hours of my precious time :-)I also will not add random bands, if you are a band and I know you, then message me otherwise I will delete the request without listening to the music (I know I Know, but what can you do?)I'm a very visual person as you'll see from my page. If I was stuck on a desert island, I wouldn't have an ipod (not that I want one anyway) but rather a few hundred books (mainly sci-fi or science based) a portable dvd/divex player and several hundred hours worth of film. There are many films that I love that I haven't put in the film section, because I have a very weird, selective memory and so can't remember some of my most loved films unless I'm sitting nowhere near my computer. As my friends will tell you, I can't stop quoting films and that weird memory of mine, will allow me to remember an obscure line in a film, but not the actual film itself, sometimes not even the name. So if you see some strange quote, just remember I'm not (too) mad it's just a movie.Please feel free to have a look at my blogs and tell me what you think, whether you agree with what I say or not, I'd like to hear from you, you don't have to be a friend to comment on them. People tell me they're quite funny, but most of the time I'm not trying to be funny. I'm just ranting at the world in a pissed off manner and that seems to amuse people.I used to be/still am a profesional photographer and as you can see I've added quite a few of my photographs to the site. If you're interested they're ALL for sale, special edition, limited edition and so on. The videos are NOT mine, but they will be soon. Hopefully someone will see that it is indeed wise to contact me and offer me a lifelong tenurship doing what I love. Making pretty pictures, whether moving or otherwise or writing stories for books or film and or making love to lovely ladies. I've put agnostic for religion (the atheists cop out) but actually I'm a 7th level Jedi Knight, so there.
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Get this video and more at
.. Get Your Own! | View SlideshowenableJavaScript="false" src="" flashvars="m=856594845&type=video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="346"..
Get this video and more at MySpace.comGet Your Own! | View SlideshowRECLAIM THE STREETS/ANTI-CAPITALIST MARCH 1999Get Your Own! | View SlideshowI love this tune!!

My Interests

Film, writing, photography, art,quantum physics, sex, crap tv, funny tv, football, science fiction, my motorbike, dreaming, joking, laughing, running, falling

I'd like to meet:

In no particular order; Charlotte Church, Julliette Lewis, Uma Thurman, Albert Einstein, Iain M Banks, Akira Kurosawa, Dennis Hopper, Marlon Brando, Ray Winstone, Nelson Mandela, Harvey Weinstein, Quentin Tarantino, Shakira, Denis Bergkamp, Thierry Henry, Tony Adams. Marilyn Munroe, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Will Self. Christopher Walken, Robert DeNiro, Jonny Depp, The Queen. My future self, My past self.In order to piss on their shoes and shit in their hats; Tony Blair, George Bush, Donald Rumsfield, Dick Cheyney, Jack Straw et al. Graham Taylor. Ken fucking Livingstone!


James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Public Enemy. Old school rave tunes whose names I can't remember or never knew. Anything that makes me want to dance, bob my head, tap my feet, rip my clothes off and run around screaming 'ohmigod this tune makes me rush!'


On The Waterfront, Apocalypse Now, The Shining, Sexy Beast, Deliverance, Zoolander, Dodgeball, The Matrix, The Godfather I&II, Goodfellas, Casino, Scarface, Carlito's Way, At Close Range, We're No Angels, Ronin, Black Cat White Cat, Point Break, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, Barton Fink, The Big Lebowski, King of New York, King Of Comedy,, Dr Strangelove, The Party, Bananas, Manhatan, Annie Hall, Zelig, Mighty Aphrodite, Natural Born Killers, American Psycho, Batman Begins, Old Boy, La Haine, A Bout de Souffle, Last Tango In Paris, Run Lola Run, Steel Magnolia, Kagemusha, Ran, 7 Samurai, Ujimbo, Rashemon, Being John Malkovic, Pi, Requiem for A Dream, 12 angry men, Dog Day Afternoon, Bladerunner, Full Metal Jacket, Dobermann, Heat, Donnie Brasco, Donnie Darko, Jackie Brown, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Kill Bill I & II, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Lady Killers, Lawrence Of Arabia, Casablanca, Cape Fear(both), Ciudad de Deus (city of god)Akira, Legend of the Overfiend, Legend Of The Demon Womb, Leaving Las Vegas, Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas and many many more


Match of the day,, Big Brothr, X factor, film 4, EXTRAS! Brass Eye, Day to Day. I'm Alan Partridge, Nighty Night, Blue Jam, South Park, Green Room, family guy, the simpsons, lost


Player of games. Use Of Weapons Consider Phlebus. Altered Carbon, Singularity Sky. The Reality Dysfunction trilogy. Elegant Universe, The Quest For the Quantum Computer, The Karma Sutra, Look To Windward. Oolon Coluphid's trilogy of controversial blockbusters: Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes and Who is This God Person Anyway? Also by Oolon Coluphid; That About Wraps It Up For God Then


Derren Brown, Arsene Wenger, Akira Kurosawa, Marlon Brando, Quentin Tarantino, Sidney Lumet. Hugo Chavez, Nelson Mandela. Trey Parker & Matt Stone I WANNA WORK FOR YOU!!!!HEROES WHO'VE LET ME DOWN Samuel L Jackson (for doing that banking ad)Ken Livingstone (for his love of power and taxes)Stanley Kubrick (for not having the strength to stand by his convictions and depriving me and everyone else in England of A Clockwork Orange for so long)George Lucas (for making the second 3 Star Wars films)Chris Morris (for doing the IT crowd, the only shite thing he's done)and Christopher Reeve (for dying RIP)

My Blog

New Labour And The Fright Machine

There is a new and sinister danger on the streets of London today; something else to frighten us as we go about our daily lives, the danger has spread fast and without hardly a soul noticing it. The d...
Posted by Roli Rivelino on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 05:48:00 PST

Fears Of The Last Enemy

On Sunday night the BBC aired the fifth and final episode of its gritty and adventurous drama, ’The Last Enemy’. The series took the viewer on a journey into a possible future, using curre...
Posted by Roli Rivelino on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 06:16:00 PST

The Legacy Of Madmen

This week the Iraq war moves into its sixth year, five years ago George W. Bush and Tony Blair fooled the majority of the world into thinking that not only was this war necessary it was winnable. In A...
Posted by Roli Rivelino on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 06:04:00 PST

Paul Gascoigne Curse Of A Genius

Now and again a football player comes along who is so obviously blessed and touched with genius that fans of all teams and of all countries smile in wonder. Thierry Henry is one of them, Ronaldinho is...
Posted by Roli Rivelino on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 05:01:00 PST

A Glimpse Into The Future

Despite turkeys such as 'Strictly Come Dancing' and 'Dancing On Ice', the beeb are showing that now and again they can still produce an excellent, well thought out, well researched topical, gritty dra...
Posted by Roli Rivelino on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 08:15:00 PST

A Glimpse Into The Dark Side

I read something this morning that both excited and disturbed me; it was the news that scientists in Washington have taken a step closer to creating life from scratch. This is not to be confused with ...
Posted by Roli Rivelino on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 05:13:00 PST

Conspiracy: Religion For Atheists

As we move towards a technological nirvana or an ecological disaster; depending on whom you talk to and what you read, we in the largely secular west are moving away from more traditional religions. C...
Posted by Roli Rivelino on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 05:12:00 PST

PC v Mac What Are You Arguing About?

For most of the nineties and all the noughties so far, the world wide debate on whether an Apple Macintosh or a Microsoft Windows run PC is better has continued unabated. In pubs, bars, schools, place...
Posted by Roli Rivelino on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 06:42:00 PST

Wildlife And Kitchens Don’t Mix

It's 10.42 on a Sunday morning and I should be in bed, but instead I'm writing this blog full of ambivalence. Part of me is extremely annoyed that I'm wide awake on a Sunday morning and part of me is ...
Posted by Roli Rivelino on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 04:05:00 PST

Menace To Society

Today it has been revealed that our dear government has lost the personal details of twenty five million people, so in other words almost a quarter of the country, stunning. And just how did they mana...
Posted by Roli Rivelino on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 03:37:00 PST