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Sandra Schwab

About Me

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Sometimes I'm an author, sometimes I'm a teacher, sometimes I'm a PhD student, and for my cats I'm mostly the can-opener extraordinaire. In April 2008 my third novel is going to hit the stores, a Regency-set historical with paranormal elements:
After a magical mishap that had turned her uncle's house blue, Miss Amelia Bourne was stripped of her powers and sent to London in order to be introduced into polite society--and to find a suitable husband. Handsome, rakish Sebastian "Fox" Stapleton was all that and more. He was her true love. Wasn't he?
At Rawdon Park, the country estate of the Stapletons, Amy began to wonder. Several inexplicable events suggested that one sip of punch had changed her life forever--that this love, this lust, was nothing but an illusion. She and Fox were pawns in some mysterious game, and black magic had followd them out of Town. Without her powers, would she be strong enough to battle those dark forces and win? And would she be able to claim her heart's true desire? Magic potion or no, what she felt for Fox was a spell that could never be broken.
Enchantment and romance abound in Schwab's captivating tale of a spell gone wrong, a love potion gone right, deceit, revenge, black magic and redemption. Her romance captures the aura of the Regency and the essence of a paranormal, which should make it a surefire hit with fans.
~ Kathe Robin, ROMANTIC TIMES, 4 stars
Watch the trailer for my 2007 release CASTLE OF THE WOLF:
I am currently reading a free novella on my podcast
: BETRAYAL, the story of a love betrayed and a love which just might be regained.
Watch the trailer:
I've always loved writing, inventing stories, stepping into the lives and heads of my characters. It's truly wonderful I can now share my stories with so many people. My books and stories travel the world, and I hope whenever you read one of them, you'll finish it with a happy sigh and say, "That was a good story." :)
For more info, please check out my website!
Sandra's Website
Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

Not surprisingly, I simply love books (I own way too many! Have you ever heard of books procreating? I believe mine do.) I write Regency-set historical romances, thus I enjoy finding out about everyday life in former times as well as digging up old scandal and gossip. Putting itty-bitty details into my novels is great fun: e.g., the Green Man, whom the heroine of THE LILY BRAND sees in Hyde Park, was a real person. He wore indeed only green clothes, had his hair dyed green, and even his poor poodle had a green tinge. You gotta love these absurdities of the time!
I also got a great love for medieval literature; unfortunately, I was always too lazy to properly learn medieval English or German, so I can't read all that much in the original language.
I love ballett and one of my favourite choreographer is Matthew Bourne. His version of SWAN LAKE is just delicious! And it kept me sane when I was writing my master thesis. There's no better cure against a Hamlet-induced depression than watching white-powdered men in feather trousers, I tell ya! :)

I'd like to meet:

Readers, writers, friends & fans :O)


classical music, Rodgers & Hart musicals, John Denver, Alanis Morissette, Annett Louisan


Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake (lots of gorgeous men in white feather trousers - what more does a girl want? *g*)
Tonari no Totoro
Whispers of the Heart
Howl's Moving Castle
The Wedding Date
Failure to Launch
Das doppelte Lottchen


My three all-time favourite authors are Dorothy Dunnett (Francis Crawford of Lymond will forever be unsurpassed), Rosemary Sutcliff & Terry Pratchett.
Among my favourite romance novels are: Stephanie Laurens's A RAKE'S VOW, Kathleen Givens's KILGANNON, Gaelen Foley's LORD OF FIRE, Teresa Medeiros's THE BRIDE & THE BEAST as well as YOURS UNTIL DAWN, Anita Mills's THE DUKE'S DOUBLE, Julia Ross's WICKED LOVER as well as NIGHT OF SIN, Margaret Moore's THE WASTREL (one of the sweetest romances I've ever read), Christine Feehan's DARK DESIRE, Sophie Kinsella's CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET?, Susan Elizabeth Phillips's THIS HEART OF MINE, Penny Jordan's LOVER BY DECEPTION, Kate Walker's THE TEMPTATION GAME, Janelle Denison's BRIDE INCLUDED, Day Leclaire's LONG-LOST BRIDE, and many more

My Blog

More News on Sandy's Chatterblog

As I totally suck at updating this blog, I invite you all to step over to Sandy's Chatterblog, my regular blog, where madness rules in lovely shades of pink....
Posted by Sandra Schwab on Sat, 12 May 2007 12:32:00 PST

Does this work?

I  had a lovely smooching party with the Muse this morning (good thing, given the fast approaching deadline!), and once again things didn't quite go according to plan (remember that time when I w...
Posted by Sandra Schwab on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 07:50:00 PST


My greedy, little researcher's heart is currently yearning for a 19th-century book on garden management. There are basically two different versions available from abebooks: a facsimile from the 1980s ...
Posted by Sandra Schwab on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 07:36:00 PST


It's carnival in Germany, and today, on Rosemontag, we've got the big carnival parades in Mainz, Düsseldorf and Cologne. I've posted a few snapshots of the Mainzer parade on my regular blog. Come over...
Posted by Sandra Schwab on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 07:08:00 PST

Sunday Wisdom

On some days, each word becomes an effort, and to write three sentences takes half an hour. Today was one of these days: I just stared dully at my AlphaSmart-mini-monitor-thingie and it stared dully b...
Posted by Sandra Schwab on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 12:42:00 PST

How to kill a plant

I'm currently killing a plant. Or rather, I let my characters kill a plant. An eeeeeevuhl plant. But the big question is: should they use a magical sword? Or should they use a simple spade? It's rathe...
Posted by Sandra Schwab on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:28:00 PST


Today was my last day of teaching for this semester (yes!) and in order to celebrate I indulged in a book-shopping spree. The results can be admired here. For some reason or other, amazon doesn't have...
Posted by Sandra Schwab on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:57:00 PST

Views of the Black Forest

Today I put the finishing touches to an article about the Black Forest and went through our old family pics (as you might know, I spent my early childhood years in the Black Forest). I've posted some ...
Posted by Sandra Schwab on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 02:01:00 PST

Check out this video: CASTLE OF THE WOLF by Sandra Schwab

Here it is, the trailer for CASTLE OF THE WOLF. What do you think of it?CASTLE OF THE WOLF by Sandra Schwab Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Sandra Schwab on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:41:00 PST

Horrible Histories of the Rhine

What happens if you cross a scholar for popular literature with an author of popular fiction? MADNESS! I'm currently having a lot of fun writing a fictional book into my WIP, BEWITCHED, a Regency-set...
Posted by Sandra Schwab on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 09:54:00 PST