Holistic Health profile picture

Holistic Health


About Me

My page is primarily focused on health and wellness related issues.I created it to keep my friends and family abreast on things that are going on in the health industry.

My Interests


Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda

David Ayoub, M.D. goes through the relations of Mercury to Autism as well its connections to “National Security Study Memorandum 200”; for population control. Showing its shocking connections to today’s G.A.V.I. Are powerful forces really trying to help the poor people or could it be for another agenda; the sterilization of the poor? This is an upsetting video, so brace yourself.

AIDS Hoax-Ten reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS

2 hour video, HIV is not the cause and drugs like AZT are the most toxic ever released on the public.