Chiropractic is about looking at the entire body. Our bodies act as a whole unit. Above, down, inside, out! Chiropractors are called D.C.'s for Doctors of Chiropractic, but we as chiroprators like to think that D.C. really stands for Doctors of Cause!
The cause of improper/abnormal body function, signs/symptoms of sickness and disease, and lack of homeostasis (or imbalance in the body) is due to interference in the nerves going to that area of the body, where the problem lies. These nerves exit your spine and go to the proper areas (whether it is a muscle in the foot, the stomach, a gland, the skin, ect.) to tell them how to function. If there is interference, the message will not get to that area. In turn... the function of that area will decrease... causing signs/symptoms to appear.
All of these nerves from the spine go to all of these organs... and other parts of your body!!!
How does your spine interfere with these nerves?
Through out the course of life, we go through the motions and do things to our bodies that cause one vertebra on top of another to become misaligned. We call this a subluxation. Whether it is falling off of a bike as a child, a car accident, stress, improper diet, sunburn, ect. All of these things and more lead to subluxations. Do you think you may be subluxated?
That is why chiropractors adjust the spine. That is where the cause is!!! In the subluxated area of the spine.
If you have any questions about chiropractic, health, or anything else... I would be more than happy to answer them for you! If you are looking for a chiropractor in your area... let me know your zip code, and I will help you find one that fits you and your families health needs!
Frequently asked questions, facts, misconceptions:
Question: Is chiropractic expensive?
Answer: No. Chiropractic is affordable. It is actually a cost cutter. If you were to add up the years of prescriptions and over the counter medications, doctor or surgery/hospital bills (past and possible future), other therapies that may have been used... you probally wouldn't be surprised at how much your "healthcare" is costing you... besides your money.
The majority of the people that are under regular chiropracic care no longer need to visit an M.D. as frequently... or their chiropractor serves as their primary health care provider. Many people no longer need as high of doses of medication or have been able to completely get off all medications after seeing the power there own body has to heal itself! There are countless cases where someone scheduled for surgery were able to avoid such an invasive procedure by trying chiropractic first! It is amazing what happens when we allow the body to heal on its own!
Not to mention... what about the money and time lost from work, family, other life activities... and the pain that accompanies most illness and disease?The quality of time and quality of life that accompanies proper nerve flow is definitely affordable! The results speak for themselves!!!
Fact: Chiropractic is not an alternative to healthcare.
In reality: Chiropractic is an ultimate form of health!
It is a way of life that allows our bodies to heal on its own, without the use of drugs or surgery. All natural, safe, & effective.
Misconception: Chiropractic is dangerous.
Fact: Chiropractic is the safest, and most natural way towards health.
There is statistically a one in million chance that you will get hurt by an adjustment... and out of the "accidents" reported... the majority of them were manipulations performed by laymen or non trained healthcare providers NOT educated in or licensed in CHIROPRACTIC.
FYI: A chiropractor's malpractice insurance is @ $3000 a year... and a medical doctor's is @ $300,000. The point being: chiropractors do not have many malpractice claims because of its safety and effectiveness!
Question: Can children get adjusted?
Answer: Of course!!! The younger, the better! Their bodies have all of the potential in the world. With all of the nerves functioning correctly... they are definitely at their full potential of life!
It is actually believed that one of the first subluxations in life occur during the birthing process. It is pretty traumatic and strenuous on both the mother and the baby. An aligned spine is a perfect start to life... right from the very first breaths!!!
Fans of Chiropractic!!!
Anyone with questions...
Those who seek an amazing way of life!
People who want to make a difference!
Anyone with knowledge or information...
All sorts of music. as long as it is uplifting, inspirational, and serves positively : )
The green books & other books by D.D. Palmer & B.J. Palmer.
There are tons of books by wonderful chiropractors... if you have any you would like to share... e-mail me and let me know : )
D.D. Palmer & B.J. Palmer...
Those who have and those who continue to fight, make a difference, support, and heal through chiropractic.
The children of our future!!! They have the key to the world with their smile : )