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About Me

I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am not your expectations.
I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am a soul that lives within.
Does the way I wear my hair make me a better person?
Does the way I wear my hair make me a better friend?
Does the way I wear my hair determine my integrity?
Breast Cancer and Chemotherapy
Took away her crown and glory
She promised God if she was to survive
She would enjoy everyday of her life!
On national television
Her diamond eyes are sparkling
Bald headed like a full moon shining
Singing out to the whole wide world like HEY...
I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am not your expectations, no no
I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am a soul that lives within.
" B e w h o y o u a r e a n d s a y w h a t y o u f e e l , b e c a u s e t h e o n e s w h o m i n d d o n ' t m a t t e r , a n d t h e o n e s w h o m a t t e r d o n ' t m i n d . " - D r . S e u s s
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What kind of Fairy are you?

Air Fairy
You are an Air Fairy! You are peaceful and Calm. You are the most beautiful of all of the Fairies. You are popular and have good friends. You may not always be the most kind but your good intentions make up for it.
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What kind of love are you? *Pix*

You Are Pure Love
Pure love is matchless in majesty; it has no parallel in power and there is no darkness it cannot dispel. -Meher Baba
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My Interests

The Sri Yantra Mandala. The most beautiful of all Yantras.

When thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light. ... Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.
Luke 11:34-35

"It is possible to become the master of the entire universe. You have that potential within you, but you must work. Actually, you are already the Lord of the universe. You are the emperor of the entire world, but you are dreaming that you are a beggar who has to beg for food. The moment you stop dreaming, the moment you realize that the present so-called waking state is, in fact, a dream, you will realize that you are the Lord of the universe, and you will awaken to God-consciousness.
€“Amma Amritanandamayi Devi

"Thought is the primary energy and vibration that emanated from God and is thus the creator of life, electrons, atoms, and all forms of energy."
€”Paramahansa Yogananda

"Apart from thought, there is no independent entity called €œworld.€? Just as the spider emits the thread (of the web) out of itself and then withdraws it, likewise, the mind projects the world out of itself and then withdraws it back into itself."
€”Ramana Maharshi

"A human being is a part of the whole called by us €œthe universe,€? a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of understanding and compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
€”Albert Einstein


"The moon is most happy When it is full. And the sun always looks Like a perfectly minted gold coin That was just Polished And placed in flight By God's playful Kiss. And so many varieties of fruit Hang plump and round from branches that seem like a Sculptor's hands. I see the beautiful curve of a pregnant belly Shaped by a soul within. And the Earth itself, And the planets and the Spheres­. I have gotten the hint: There is something about circles The Beloved likes. Hafiz, Within the Circle of a Perfect One There is an Infinite Community Of Light."
€”HAFIZ, The Great Sufi Master

Power Trainer
Alan Giron

"Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, on your powers instead of your problems."

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My Blog

Giving of Yourself - Update

Okay, I said I would experienment with giving of myself, and I have done so. I used to be so fiery and friendly, so it seemed like it should be no problem to fall back into that habit. However, I must...
Posted by Enlightenment on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 05:26:00 PST

Tonight I Wanna Cry

I may not know anyway, so don't ask me why....but tonight I wanna cry.....
Posted by Enlightenment on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 11:28:00 PST


I've been doing a lot of thinking about what makes someone a desirable person to others. And I'm not just talking about romantic or sexual interests or prospects. I am referring to people we want and ...
Posted by Enlightenment on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:26:00 PST

Love Yourself

They say it takes a year after a divorce before you should really start dating again. But I happen to believe it takes a year after a divorce before you can get used to YOU again - forget about d...
Posted by Enlightenment on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 11:50:00 PST

This Made Me Laugh

AN AFFAIR       A woman was in bed with her love when she heard her husband opening the front door. "Hurry," she said, "stand in the corner." She rubbed baby oil all over him, then dus...
Posted by Enlightenment on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 02:14:00 PST


I am writing this to validate the fact that there is, indeed, two sides to every situation, and I make this comment in reference to my last post. I am honored to say I was wrong in assuming that ...
Posted by Enlightenment on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 06:05:00 PST


If there is one thing everyone should try, it's shaving your head - especially if you're female. I recently shaved my head, and let me tell you, you would think that by people's reactions to me, I ha...
Posted by Enlightenment on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 08:23:00 PST

Can't Get This Out Of My Head!!

Do you know what I have been singing all day? "Who Says You Can't Go Home?" by Bon Jovi. All freakin day! You know, they say if you have a song in your head and for some reason you can't stop singing...
Posted by Enlightenment on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 12:03:00 PST


There is something to be said for honesty. I'm not talking about the honest opinions between people about a third party or topic. I'm talking about direct honesty from one person to you, ABOUT you. I ...
Posted by Enlightenment on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 01:43:00 PST


Okay, here is an interesting thought. Yesterday, I was approaching the check-out lane of a supermarket. I had only two or three items in my hand. Approaching the same lane at exactly the same time was...
Posted by Enlightenment on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 03:42:00 PST