I would like to pursue a career as a pirate....kidding! Acting of course! Although, pirating did lead to acting. It really makes one think.Well, I've always wanted to remake Annie Hall. Except, I wouldn't want to get in bed with a green producer like a Sofia Coppola, though. Oh, but give me an old pro like a Robert Redford. Oh, I'd jump into bed with him in a second
I can safely say that I can scratch legendary actor Carl Weathers off of my list now. This man has so many life lessons to teach that will change the way you view the world and how to survive its harshness. And to think I learned all of this for a mere scant $1500!
I believe this is a good time to so some own self plugging: Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution. Every song was about new medicines and their potential harmful effects on consumers. Each performance was underwritten by the Natural Life Food Company, a division of Chem-Grow, an Allen Crayne acquisition, which was part of the Squimm Group. Their motto was simple: "We keep you alive". Unfortunatly, we're not together anymore as a singing group. I have tried replacements out, but it was either hit or miss. So sorry to get your hopes up.
I would say check out my new film where I star as "Frightened Inmate #2", but they haven't decided upon a name as of yet.
Ah yes, TV. One of the many great inventions of mankind. On television, as it was once called, you can enjoy a showing of a series entitled "Scandal Makers". On one particular episode, you might notice yours truly in the leading role of George Bluth, Sr. With speaking lines no less!
Books are the gateway to ones true self. It speaks out about who the author really is and shows it to world, despite their denials. Speaking of books, one such as yourself can always look for mine, the runaway bestseller known as "The Man Inside Me". I even had a chance to do a public reading recently. The attendees were all of the Male sex so I thought it might make for the ease of reading if I changed all the pronouns in the book to "he". I felt as though the crowd understood my work and where I was coming from. Here is my book: This here is the alternate cover I thought of going with:
Only one person comes to mind when I hear this word. He's much more though. Teach me all you can you wonderful man