Good Beer - Backgammon - Cheap Beer - Whisk(e)y - Baseball - Cameras and Darkrooms - Books - Road Trip Adventures - Hockey - Darts - My Dog
Anyone who will play backgammon in bars with me (bonus points for drinking scotch while playing).
Bowling Partners
The Super-Hero
Mr. Waits
Hail #21
Tom Waits - Replacements - Fugazi - The Hold Steady - Lightning Bolt - Les Savy Fav - Turbonegro - Cash - Clash - Big Star - Descendents
Zombies - Comedy - Documentary - Western
Arrested Development - The Wire - Flight of the Conchords - Game Shows - Sports Pundintry - Stella - The Office - 30 Rock - Venture Brothers
Thompson - Camus - Salinger - Vonnegut - Robbins - Tolkien - Anyone Who Writes About Baseball (Except Maybe Canseco - no actually definitely not him)
Hunter S. Thompson - John McGraw - Paul Newman - Tom Waits - The Super Hero - McNulty