Evil Eve profile picture

Evil Eve

Courage to think for myself!

About Me

Freedom has never been FREE. Someone IS paying for it. I Honor and respect our brave men and women in the Armed Forces. Come home soon troops! For those brave men and women who go where others fear to tread (for whatever the reasons) I offer My most humble 'thank you' for your ultimate sacrifice.I support our brave men and women in our United States Armed Forces, may you all come home soon!

Welcome Fellow Fiends To My Page.

DISCLAIMER: You must be 18 years or older to be on My friends list and be a law abiding citizen. I do not advocate ANY illegal activity, this includes drug use, acts of violence, blood drinking, cannabolism, OR ANY offense that is illegal. I expect My friends to be OUTSTANDING individuals who respect themselves, the law, and others. NO ACCEPTIONS!READ MY WHOLE ENTIRE NOVEL OF A PROFILE OR..........YOU MAY MISS SOMETHING. Want me as a friend? GET TO KNOW ME FIRST or don't waste both your and my valuable time. This isn't a popularity contest here. I'm looking for people who share the same interest as I do, people who I can benefit from and who can benefit from me, not pathetic nut jobs seeking higher numbers on their pathetic friends list.NO BAND REQUEST! NONE. If I like your band I will request YOU.BACKGROUND:I was born into 'Military Life' as my Mother was in the Army and my Father was in the Air Force. She worked in files and my Father was a mechanic who worked on and fixed our jets. Later Mother got divorced and married an Army man. I suppose being in two seperate forces was too hard on the marriage or maybe she was just a nut. I think the later is the correct answer. I was raised 'southern Baptist' and was forced to attend church 3 times a week. Twice on Sundays and once every Wednesday night. To my Fathers dismay I was the 'black sheep' or is that goat of the family?Perhaps this gives you a little clue as to why I don't have lasting relationships or like very many people. I moved around A LOT. Just when I'd think I had made a friend it was time to go to Alaska or New Jersey or YOU NAME THE PLACE. Never had any real 'friends' until my adult life and that just happened in the last few years.I am a Flight Attendant. The beauty of this job even with it's apparent dangers, is that I can go ANYWHERE and I do mean ANYWHERE in this world, not just the Country but the entire world. Talk about networking...I just got back from Scotland.....oh the stories I have about that place, it was beautiful. I've been to England, Germany, etc. I love going places, which is again why I have the job that I have.I've been based in PHL, DCA, ORD, spent a little time in PHX, and now? Now soon I get to go to IAD (WOE IS ME).Okay, that being said and out of the way. MEET THE REAL ME!I MOST LIKELY DON'T LIKE YOU. I MOST LIKELY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU (unless you give me a pretty damned good reason to). Let's get that straight from the get go.I like demented people. People that could in fact make the evening news. These are the people who make the world go round and make life interesting.I went to private Baptist Schools which might explain my dementia. I was thrown out of school faster than rabbits copulate for being a so called 'witch'. I can think of worse thing to be called.Ahhhhh teenaged days!I was always the seductress. The one who KNEW the boys were looking from outside my window and yet would undress in front of that window for the sheer enjoyment of knowing they were stricken. I love men.I used to be a stripper. I enjoy the human form and have no problems with showing it off. I like cars. Oh, cars are FUN! Not just any cars either. FAST CARS. OLD CARS. MOPARS!I have been a cover model for muscle car magazines (EVERYTHING CHRYSLER THANK YOU!) I was also at the Detroit Auto show with a press pass and actually have photos of myself with one Dieter Zeitche (last name might be spelled incorrect). He's the one on those commercials for Dodge that looks like the monopoly man.It was apparent that as a child I was different. I watched the Addams Family as a child while my kid sister and every other drone (you will be assimiliated) watched the Brady Bunch! I liked the Munsters.. I liked the dark.Still do. Can't escape who you truly are can you? I thought not.I like coffins. (Don't wish myself to be in one any time soon but I like them very much so).I like cemeteries and like to picnic at places such as these. A great cemetery to visit in Indianapolis CROWN HILL CEMETERY. This place holds many legends. Wierd? I don't care what you think. I think these places are peaceful and serene.RESPECT other people's right to have an opinion that differs from your own. You don't have to agree with their opinon. HELL NO. Stand your ground but don't give them problems or wear yourself out trying to prove your point just because they believe something that differs from the likes of your own beliefs. This is a waste of effort. Effort you could be placing into other aspects of your life that will GLORIFY YOU! Who's to say you're right? Who's to say I'm right? Who's to say they're wrong? Who's to say YOU'RE wrong? Exactly. Unless you are some higher being.....just shut up/ Unless someone is threatening you or your family just take it in stride and smile or better yet, just walk away.Believe in what you believe because...YOU are an individual. Hear what they say and like I said kids, take it in stride or just walk away and don't take it at all.This thing we call life is fleeting. Not usually worth the amount of energy we waste on fighting with others (even though fighting can be such fun). I pick my battles. I pick them wisely.I make so many mistakes, but I OWN UP TO MY MISTAKES. If you are going to fuck up, own up to it! Don't pawn your issues off on someone else (this includes me) I don't wish to hear about your sob stories and in turn I won't give you any of mine. Fair?I'm a fan of dark comics and like to collect creepy type toys and am a big fan of the arts. This includes theater, music, and especially art work. You will note I have many links to friends art work on my page. If you appreciate their art, please support them by buying a piece instead of telling them how great their work is. Talk is cheap and doesn't pay the bills. I have purchased several works and will get to everyone in due time.I also collect authentic items from the Nazi war era that I gather from various places such as Military stores etc.I like body piercings. I have 18 in totality all though only a few are in place now since the airlines don't appreciate body piercings. My neck piercing is my favorite. I got that done in Philly on South Street.I believe that one should respect one's self and that there is no hope of gaining respect from others without embracing this philosophy.People aren't going to come running to you with praise and respect if you haven't earned it, and if they do? BEWARE. These people aren't you're friends and wish to gain something from you without giving something of themselves in return.I keep a copy of the United States Constitution on me at all times in case 'the man' tries anything funny on me.I went through the sworn applicant process for the Indianapolis Police department. Guess what? They wanted me!What are they NUTS?Scary thought for me to be toting around a gun isn't it?I opted to stay in my current job as I am not used to having my feet planted on the ground for very long. I enjoy flying the friendly skies.I despise 90% of the general population. "YOU OUT OF THE GENE POOL!"I know this sounds sad but it is very true. I don't trust people. I know them too well.As much as I hate people..... I get along with the general population..... VERY WELL. I can get a 200 dollar room for 52 dollars. I can manipulate people very well. Becoming? Maybe not but I get what I need in this world very easy. You have to know how to talk to people to get what you desire. It's not going to bring it's self to you. YOU MUST GO OUT AND MAKE IT YOURS.I actually do 'try' to find some type of 'personable quality' in people but find that I just hate their attributes too much to give it the real 'college try'. Some people are actually decent individuals but you have to search high and low and in back alleys for these type of souls. I have lived in PHL in the GHETTO. Only white person there. People being shot on my street and me? I walked the streets at night and went to where I needed to go without fear, and have never had one single problem. It's your stance and the way you carry yourself.Give someone an inch and they think they're a ruler. I refuse.As I stated I do at times use people. I have no quams about telling you this. If they were any type of intelligent person they would know they were being used which is why I don't feel bad about this. We all use others to a certain extent be it for pleasure, money, fame, etc. Quit being such a victim. I feel that if you're going to lay on your back you might as well get paid for it Iin some way, shape or form) GET something out of life! You only have one life to live.I am naturally blonde and dye my hair black. Surprisingly I get more out of men with raven colored hair than that of the flaxen. Besides, I was tired of being labeled as a dumb blonde. I study science. I study the brain. MIT I LOVE YOU now marry me!I love Howard Stern and others who stand up for what they believe in and push the envelope. We need more people out there who will put their feet in the water.I used to model some and that was a lot of fun. The Hemi commercials? I know those two. Very nice guys. I got to meet Carol Shelby from 'FORD' which in my household is a dirty word. We don't mention FORD.But yes, it was a wonderful experience. (Carol was pretty interesting and I love some of his designs). I miss those days. Those times.About the cars.... the fast cars... Mopars.....My first car was a 62 Plymouth Belvedere. Leave it to Beaver....... that family had one too.It was a slant six push button transmission car. Very beautiful and interesting. I miss that car.I have been in magazines with my hotrods and once again, miss those days. I could get back into the scene if I weren't so busy all the time. I am usually in the air which is a problem when you want to drive your car across the Country to a show.Currently my daily driver is a 72 Dodge Dart Swinger, Panther Pink with hood scoops and a go wing. I love this car!My husband owns a 67 Dodge Coronet wagon (which in it's own right is pretty SCHWEEEEEEEEET). He painted it himself. He's pretty genious himself; ask me for his portfolio. He does a lot of cartoon's and airbrush and is a graduate of the Pittsburgh Institute Of Art And Design. He's wonderful at what he does.Now you know a bit about me. Another oddity:When I was a child before I knew what death was........ I buried dead bugs in my grandma's yard and put rocks up as headstones.I never knew what a cemetery was.WHY AM I CALLED GOTH? Goth? What is that? Who knows... I do know it's NOT A FAT CHICK wearing black lipstick and a black tee-shirt. I don't even really believe in such a term or label. I believe one can be dark and mysterious and different but to label someone as goth is not my cup of tea. You are either different from the rest of the flock or you are not. It is something IN YOU from the get go. You bury bugs. You put up stones. You don't know WHY you are doing this...... you just do. I have had people ask me to explain the word 'goth' and to this day I have no viable answer.Advice from Eve:Life is short. Learn something every day I don't care how small you may think it is..... knowledge is knowledge. Learn something! Impress your friends. Talk to the lady with bad hair at the bus stop and tell her something new. She may have some insight for you as well.Another piece of advice:GO SOMEWHERE NEW! Get out of your locality for a few days. LEARN SOMETHING about people. Take your passport and a backpack and GO DAMN IT GO. Try the food, talk to new people and relish the experience...... life abroad. This can mean the next state over or over the Atlantic. Do something with yourself while you still can.This is part of who I am. I try to keep a low profile therefore, you shall never know everything about me.I WILL however call you OUT if need be.
You scored as Heinrich Himmler. You are Heinrich Himmler. With your incredible grasp of Machiavellian politicking, your keen and calculating mind, and almost superhuman gift for organization, you have the potential to get far in life. The problem is that you may be almost obsessed with the dark side of life and death and don't have a firm grasp of right and wrong. You're a control freak, pure and simple. Everything in your life is scheduled, alphabetized and sanitary; God help anyone who messes that up. With your quiet little smile, people scarcely suspect you of great wrath, but you do not suffer fools gladly.

Heinrich Himmler


Adolf Hitler


Martin Bormann


Reinhard Heydrich


Josef Goebbels




Albert Speer


Rudolf Hess


Hermann G

Which Nazi leader are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
Your Personality Is
Rational (NT)
You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.
You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!
Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.
In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.
You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.
Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.
In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.
At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.
With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.
As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.
On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things. The Three Question Personality Test
You scored as Trajan. You are quite fortunate to rank as the emperor Trajan, possibly the greatest of Roman emperors. You have relentlessly expanded the empire and even humbled the mighty Parthian empire. Loved by all, vastly larger than life, you are the model for all future emperors. It is hard to find a bad thing to say about you. HAIL CAESAR!







Marcus Aurelius










Antoninus Pius











Which Roman Emperor Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com 03/12-13/07

My Interests

I am a big fan of History and have found that when the legend becomes fact? PRINT the legend. A little history lesson for you:Let me tell you a little something about this Country...Our Country's motto is based on one HUGE grammatical FUCK UP. "We the people, in order to form a more PERFECT Union. What's that? A more what? There is NO SUCH THING as a more perfect anything. You are either perfect or you're not! Ever hear of these famous lyrics? "Yankee Doodle went to town riding on a pony...... stuck a finger in his hat and called it "MACARONI". Did you know that the Brits hated us? They laughed and mocked us and there was this GAY club called the Macaroni club back in the Colonial times? Yeah so they were laughing at us saying basically "Hey here is this Yankee Doodle and he's going to the "macaroni club" eh eh? Hey but we knew a good tune when we heard it so we went with it. LOL! The Liberty Bell (Located in my favorite city (PHL) That's Philadelphia for you non-aviation people has a misprint right on it. Ahhhhh America! I love ya honey! Really I do. I play violin, mandolin, piano and flute. I am also a vocalist.I enjoy cemeteries, haunted houses, and the company of intelligent hard working friends. Comedy is also a large staple in my life. I enjoy laughing often and do so every chance I get.I LOVE to READ. Chances are that if I am not on this computer or watching the History channel that I am either working, cooking, OR HAVE MY NOSE is in a BOOK. Book's are everything to me.

I'd like to meet:

Scientist. Free thinkers, strange people (with a BRAIN THANK YOU).Anyone involved or linked with our Space program/NASA. Chemist. People who study cold fusion. Individuals who are in support of any Scientific research that involves the sustaining of human life. Individuals involved in cloning and that of stem cell research.I would also be interested in people who enjoy studying the Roman Empire. People who like my type of books and music HOWEVER DON'T send me stories about how you cut your wrist and drank some blood. NOT interested.I think that's about it. Maybe...I'll like YOU! My weapon of choice. I love My gun.. We are watching.

The HSN Network!

Evil Eve has infinite friends!


MINISTRY,Iron Maiden. Need I say more about this band? I am dating myself but I asked my nutty mother to buy me "Live After Death" and I got DIO instead. What a let down. No offense to Ronnie James(who I have met as my friend married his drummer) BUT it was still a dissapointment to me. I eventually bought the album myself and much to my Mothers dismay posted a huge Iron Maiden poster above my wall. I always loved the Eddie artwork on the covers. Powerslave was my favorite Iron Maiden album. Skinny Puppy, Lords of Acid, Danzig, Misfits, Samhain, Henry Rollins, Suicidal Tendencies, DIVO, Voodoo Organist, Madonna (don't ask) Depeche Mode, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, NIN, Marilyn Manson, Tori Amos, Dido, Mozart, Mendelson, Sisters of Mercy, Prong, Electric Hellfire Club, Stray Cats, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Glen Miller, Fred Astair, Nat King Cole, KMFDM, Pigface, White Zombie, Rob Zombie, Type O Negative, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult,Cheap Trick, Violent Fems, Janes Addiction, Roy Orbisson, Elvis, Rolling Stones, REVCO, Butthole surfers, KISS, David Bowie, Irving Berlin, Emenim, Black Sabbath (With Ronnie James Dio that is).(OLD SCHOOL and I DO MEAN OLD SCHOOL Metallica).The Kidney Thieves, The Brian Setzer Orchestra, I also enjoy many others (too many others to list) including classical. I know everything classical. My father shoved that into me as a young girl. Thank you Dad. Oh and also... Evenescence, GARBAGE/Shirly MANSON.


Love and a .45 (I eat those tomatoes!) American History X. Euro Trip (Excusi!) LOL! Corpse Bride. Lost Highway. The Nightmare Before Christmas. HellRaiser Edward Scissorhands. Raising Arizona. The Exorcist.(Original format). The Texas Chainsaw massacre) ORIGINAL FORMAT. Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Dazed And Confused. The Craft. CABIN BOY. HELLO FANCY LAD!A Christmas Story (You'll shoot your eye out!) Deck the halls with baerws of horry fa ra ra ra....ra ra ra ra. I like the TIN MAN!)Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Johnny Depp) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Gene Wilder) BEST of the BEST). I love Gene Wilder. Corky, witty, ummm well, a lot like Johnny Depp! What's Eating Gilbert Grape? ANY Disney move or Pixar/stop animation type movie. Any movie produced by TIM BURTON ( A FUCKING GENIOUS). Dumb And Dumber.(I can relate to this movie). LOL! The Cable Guy. (Don't youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu want somebody to lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve don't you NEED somebody to loooooooooooooove? Don't you WANT somebody to luuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvv better find somebody to luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv!.The Ring.Charlie Brown and the 'Great Pumpkin'.Sleepy Hollow. (Johnny Depp).Mad Max.Romper Stomper. (Russel Crowes greatest film).The Gladiator. I have too many movies to list. I have a dear friend begging me to watch the razors edge.... think I will this week......


TWIN PEAKS! Do you even understand the splendor of that show? How cool is was and still forever will be? If not. Don't bother writing me. Foamy the squirrel (not really Television but it's awesome!) Go check out FRIENDS OF FOAMY .. and watch all the videos. LOL! LOVE IT. I got kicked off a favorite car web board of mine for posting a fucking LINK (at that) of Foamy on Halloween for profanity. Idiots. Ummm Squidbillies!(This is a KICK ARSE cartoon) on Adult Swim. Man if you haven't unlocked the Pandora's box that IS ADULT SWIM I strongly urge you to get up and go check it out. Lot of talent on that program. A LOT!The Soprano's.Seinfield!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Oh I love ya George! I love ya Jerry, NEWMAN! JERRY!!!!!!!!!!HBO (Lives in crisis) series. (It's fun being entertained by the misery of others is it not)?Ummmm what else? I have to admit that I don't watch a great deal of Television. However, entertainment is a necessary evil so on occassion I do indulge.Let us not forget A&E. They got some good material on that particular channel.Local Evening news. I know their isn't a place for newspapers but USA Today is my favorite. I like the crossword puzzle in it along with other things.PEE WEE'S PLAYHOUSE (now on Adult Swim) I have the box set.Twilight Zone, Addams Family, the Munsters,Bewitched,Green Acres, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Court TV (love ya Henry Lee). Tales from the crypt(more an HBO show than that of a prime time television show), Night Gallery, Amazing Stories, Outer Limits. Squidbillies, Aqua Teen Hunger Force (number one in the hood G). Space GHOST Coast To Coast, WILL & GRACE (Odd yes, but those moe's crack me up)I own 5 seasons of this show, PLUS I worked with a million of them in the airlines so I'm used to it. I am NOT homophobic nor never will be. Some people hate me for based on their own homophobic fears. I couldn't care less of their opinions of me.Forensic files, Dale Henman, Body Of Evidence, and shows of like nature.CNN headline news with ROBIN. A&E. Science channel and anything that intrigues the brain and makes you think...... who cares what YOU THINK as long........ as you do infact, THINK.


The Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon. This book is the book of all books. The un-abridged version only has around 1500 pages, the abridged version? over 1 million and a half words. I plan to read this too! I'll find the time. This is the greatest story of all time. This is who we are because of "who they were". I am also reading about the great death. "The black plague and how it has made and changed who we are today. However, back to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire... Edward Gibbon, look him up. Not only is he very peachy keen he's ummm so very interesting. Read about his life and times. I also enjoy reading 'real ghost story' type books like Haunted Heartland or Haunted America. True crime books also interest me. I like to look into the minds of killers to try and understand 'why' they kill. I know this is all in vain as we will never 'truly' understand what makes a mad person mad, but it is jolly good fun... All books penned by Dr. Anton LaVey. The Satanic Bible The Satanic Rituals The Satanic Witch Satan Speaks! The Devils Notebook. Carl Sagan: Cosmos Carl Sagan's grown up version of Cosmos:A Demon Haunted World. SCIENCE as a candle in the dark.The Christian Bible. Yes the Bible I know everything in it.Henry Lee forensic pathologist I love his book "cracking more cases". It teaches me how to get away with well.... bad stuff.I love Ann Rice as well. The Mayfair witches is an excellent book. Anything involving the Mayfair's. Lestat was okay (the whole interview with the Vampire thing) but The Mayfair Witches is much more advanced (in my pardon the pun 'book'). Ann Rice also has erotica books called 'The Sleeping Beauty' books. EXCELLENT and down right hard core. LOVE IT!I'm going to have to make a box for magazines as well. I'll list the ones I like most in this box for now.Scientific American. Science Magazine. Popular Science! (Oh yeah baby). National Geographic Magazine. Wired Magazine. PC World Magazine. Fortune Magazine. TIME Magazine and many others. If I'm not sleeping or working chances are that I am READING or watching some show that everyone around me thinks boring and unimportant. Drones. YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED. I always think of 'The BORG' when people wail on me for watching what happened in Pompeii on the History Channel etc. Screw them.


My Father. The Greatest man still alive on this planet. He taught me EVERYTHING and still teaches. A wonderful violinist and someone who took my sister and I to the symphony on regular occassion. Someone who took us to the art museum's and other places of interest. Someone who placed us in expensive private schools. Someone (at that time) who did not have a lot of money and drove a Ford Grand Torino (rusted I might add) and fed us on liver, beans and franks etc. We still had the finest clothes, the best of the best because of his sacrifices. Daddy, I love you more than life. YOU ARE ALEXANDER THE GREAT TO ME.H.P. Lovecraft. DO I NEED to explain this to you?Jayne Mansfield. Tragic end to such a vixens life. A beautiful flower plucked from this world too soon. You play with fire...you may get burned. Much to Dr. LaVey's dismay he felt horrible about her death and many mourned the passing of such a lovely and graceful beauty. R.I.P Jayne.RONALD REAGAN. Mind you that in the end he could hide his own Easter Eggs but still this man was so COOL! He saw the Berlin Wall come down, Russia? Yeah he was there too when the Soviet Union went away and.... he was a movie star too! LOL! Nancy I'm not too very keen on but Ronald was sweetness in it's purest form. Love ya gipper! You may think me sad but I do have a book on Reagan and his life and times.J.F.K. HOLY SHIT! This man slept with Marilyn Monroe and still had a cute little Jackie on the side. He was awesome and instrumental in our space program. LOVE YOU J.F.K.Insteresting family... the Kennedy's. Tragic actually. More money than God and more booze than Ireland. How can you NOT love these people?Ted Kennedy..... well.... let's ask Mary Joe what she thinks about him. Heh.BETTY PAGE. This broad is amazing. Back in the day it was ILLEGAL to take pics like the ones she took. Ball gag? NO! Not back then. She did this amazing work and then she ran away. Thought she was going to be arrested, married a preacher..... and went into seclusion. She didn't even KNOW HOW HOT and BIG she was in our modern society. Sucks that people have been capitalizing on her image for years without her knowing. Betty girl, you are an icon to me. LOVE YOU! I (really mean that too). Thank you for walking the line. Glad you're back.Alexander the Great. The most dominant male of ALL time. My idol...... my hero. Watch the History channel and see how awesome he really was. Every General in war compares himself to Alexander.... there is NO COMPARISSON. Alexander was an enigma if you will. An anomoly....a true hero.Napoleon Bonaparte. This man is amazing. Very keen and slick. He had a great military mind as well. I like... smart people. I don't give a fuck what people think of the heroes I have listed. I have my reasons and believe you me they are in place and rock solid.I also enjoy Russian History such as Nicoli.....and Rasputin. Anastesia.. I have studied this family at great length along with the era. Amazingly Christianity killed this great empire..errr family... or is it amazing? I think not! His wife was the crux that ruined it I believe. After their son had contracted hemophilia his wife went a bit woooooooooo hooooooooo. That is where Rasputin comes along. She thought him to be the son of God. Well.... guess what? He wasn't and now? You are in a holding cell being shot to death along with your children and then burried in an in-disclosed place. La la la....Still, Nicoli himself was a great man. He did good for his country. I could say the same about Hitler all though some will think me politically incorrect. Let's face it people.. I am NOT LABELING MYSELF A RACIST but he did do good for his people. Built the highway system, brought food and comfort to his country. Too bad it was at the expense of others but he was a great military mind.Winston Churchill is a hero of mine as well. Watch 'lost cities' on History channel and see the underground bunkers in England. AMAZING!Neil Armstrong. This man stepped onto the Moon's surface, in the Sea of Tranquility, at 0256 GMT, nearly 20 minutes after first opening the hatch on the Eagle landing craft. As he put his left foot down first Armstrong declared: "That's one small step for man but one giant leap for mankind." Armstrong spent his first few minutes on the Moon taking photographs and soil samples in case the mission had to be aborted suddenly.He was joined by colleague Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin at 0315 GMT and the two collected data and performed various exercises - including jumping across the landscape - before planting the Stars and Stripes flag at 0341 GMT. Yeah...... he fucking ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Where are our heroes of today? Shit. Wish I were one but I am not. Let's get back to Alexander.... man I am telling you that HE was the hero of all heroes. The things he accomplished? The things he did? His bravery? Courage? Jesus H Christmas. So young. So dead.Cleopatria. What a goddess. What a queen. Read up on her. Eygptian hero......... beautiful.Lord George Gordon Byron. A poet that is...... hell he's the best.I also enjoy Poe. I love Poe. Shakesphere... I don't think I need to add anything to this.I study serial killers as a hobby and my favorite?Anton LaVey. Ever read his book(s) and no I am NOT just talking about the Satanic Bible. The man was brilliant. I will go as far to say that Dr. LaVey changed my life (or brought My life out into the open I shall say.)Anyone who disagree's with Dr. LaVey's brutal honesty, his clarity, or the Church Of Satan need not be on my webpage. YOU are NOT WELCOME HERE.Joseph Michael Linsner (creater of 'CRY FOR DAWN') A brilliant artist and someone who can put something down on paper that is so realistic that I'd fuck it. Love you Joe!

My Blog

I will no longer be...

GO AWAY I DO NOT NEED ANY MORE FUCKING FRIENDS!!!!!!!   I will no longer be Accepting friends request from individuals who are not members of :The Church Of Satan or members of The ToV, this is&n...
Posted by Evil Eve on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 05:04:00 PST


Hello everyone. A SIMPLE request: Read MY PROFILE before sending out a blind request to be added to my friends list. You MUST send me a message after reading my profile with 'why' you think I should a...
Posted by Evil Eve on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 08:28:00 PST

Science and Technology

..> Science & Technology I thought this may be of interest to some readers. This was taken from Scientific American. Enjoy! HS! Eve   ..> News January 29, 2007 Snake Bites the Toxic ...
Posted by Evil Eve on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 07:44:00 PST

ONLY IN INDIANA!!!!!!!! Heil Sig?? Read more....

Good day/evening to you.   My husband just told me a story that almost made me piss myself. Every morning he stops at a certain gas station to get his morning cup of Joe. Yesterday morning he sto...
Posted by Evil Eve on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 06:05:00 PST