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Bela Lugosi,Boris Karloff,Peter Cushing,Vincent Price,Peter Lorre,Jeremy Brett,Christopher Lee,Barbara Steel,Lovecraft,Poe,Verne,Lord Byron,Barbey d'Aurevilly,Oscar Wilde,Brummel,Caravage,Vinci,Whistler,Lautrec,Degas,Walter Sickert and so on...Doctor West's Tattoo Club
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Wagner,Bach,Frehel,Yvette Guilbert,Aristide Bruant,Caruso...
"M le maudit" "Frankenstein" "The hound of the Baskerville" "The fall of the Usher house" "Le Bal des Vampires"
H P Lovecraft,E A Poe,Joris Karl Huysmans,Jules Verne,Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,Claude Seignolles
Julien Sorel,Des Esseintes, Sherlock Holmes, Professeur Moriarty, Mr Hyde, Phileas Fogg