Maybe I just wanna fly
I wanna live; I don't wanna die
Maybe I just want to breathe
Maybe I just don't believe
Maybe You're the same as Me
We see things they'll never see
You and I are gonna live
Oasis, "Live Forever"
Those with Potential.
Those with the Promethean Spark.
Those within whom the Black Flame burns brightly.
I only wanna see the light
That shines behind your eyes
~ Oasis
I hold the degree of Warlock in the Church of Satan.
If you're not a part of this organisation, please read about it at - or even a few words and thoughts of My own at .
No, I have absolutely no interest in "converting" you, and such is not even possible if you are not already at heart a Satanist. However, it will do you good to at least understand better what real Satanists are. Better the devil you know, eh?
If you wish to be added to this page as a "friend", understand that claiming to walk the Left Hand Path is not enough. You must at least appear to be actually walking it, from what I can see of you and how you present yourself. This will rule out most of the lunatic fringe of wannabes.
This friends list is subject to periodic pruning, and if I find that someone who previously appeared to be a respectable individual is no longer worthy of such respect, then that person will be deleted.
Responsibility to the responsible!
I hold the grade of Adept in the Temple of the Vampire.
Declaration of Intent
There are many people and groups that call themselves “vampire†but these are merely blood drinkers or “energy†drinkers, or less, if that's possible.
From the Dayside We view blood drinkers as self-deluded at best and mentally unbalanced at worst. Crime is commonly associated with such cannibalistic practices and is therefore rejected by Us since crime is a confession of personal weakness.
From the Nightside We view “energy†drinkers as incomplete. True Nightside Vampirism requires the completion of the Lifeforce Circuit with the Advanced Members of the Temple Family. Anything less is meaningless and ephemeral in its value.
We are unique.
Ours is the only true Vampire religion in the world, and the Temple of the Vampire remains the only authorized public access to Our religion. is the only authorized Temple internet connection.
We do not recognize any other person or organization claiming to be Vampire.
Do not be fooled .
I expect all those asking to be My friend and on My friends list to be responsible, adult members of society. I will not accept members to My friends list who condone acts that are illegal in this country or the country in which that potential "friend" resides. I do not and will never condone illegal, irresponsible behaviour such as using illegal drugs, committing acts of unjustified violence, drinking blood, participating in cannibalism, or anything of that nature. Please note this before asking Me to be your "friend." And if you are denied by Me, this is likely the reason why I have done so. Thank you.
Or it could be simply that I don't like you. I will accept requests only from a few outstanding individuals.
You may note that the top 36 below, for example, are all outstanding individuals whom I have met in the flesh. Of course I hold the others in equally high regard, or else they would not be on this friends list at all. I simply like to make a point.
I'm in love with the real world
It's mutual or so it seems
'Cos only in the real world
Do things happen like they do in My Dreams
Some of the rules may be different
But maybe they'll stay the same
In the real world
In the real world
We both win when
We play the same game
~ The Buzzcocks, Real World
I am guardian angel of My friend's band, Bauer . Here is one of their songs. It is called "Connected". Enjoy.
Leave a kind comment on this video on YouTube here .
I will not go on for pages as many music lovers do. I would, however, additionally list as particularly important: Aziz, Badly Drawn Boy, Bach, Bauer, Beethoven, Blondie, Blur, Brahms, Buzzcocks, Charlatans, Damien Rice, Dodgy, Doves, Dvorak, Elbow, Full Time Villain, Genesis, Gilbert and Sullivan, Grieg, Handel, Happy Mondays, Healers, Holst, Ian Brown, Inspiral Carpets, Izazel, James, Joy Division, Kula Shaker, Lustmord, Morrissey, Mozart, Muse, New Order, Oasis, Ocean Colour Scene, Primal Scream, Puressence, Richard Ashcroft, Rolling Stones, Smiths, Stereophonics, Stone Roses, UNKLE, Verve, Vivaldi, Wagner, Widor
AI, Amelie, Blackball, Communion, Donnie Darko, Hannibal, Harvey, Labyrinth, Last Samurai, Lifeforce, Matrix, Meet Joe Black, Omen Trilogy, Pirates of the Carribean, Rocky Horror, Red Dragon, Seventh Seal, Silence of the Lambs, Vanilla Sky
Aeneid, Adventure of English, Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere, Age de Raison, Alexander Technique, Alice in Wonderland, Alice Through the Looking Glass, Alien Dawn, Also Sprach Zarathustra, Alternate Realities, Alternative Science, Anatomy and Human Movement, Anatomy Palpitation and Surface Markings, Ancient Times: A History of the Early World, Androphilia: A Manifesto, Ape That Spoke, Arguments for Freedom, Art of Looking Sideways, Art of Memory, Art of Rhetoric, Art of Seduction, Art of War, Atheism, Ayn Rand, and Other Heresies, Atheism: The Case Against God, Automated Alice, Behaviour, Big Bang Never Happened, Bioenergetics, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Bodily Communication, Bloodlines, Body Quantum, Book of Cool, Book of Five Rings, Book of Tells, Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, By the Sword, Calvin and Hobbes, Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal, Chariots of the Gods, Church of Satan, Class, Cognitive Illusions, Complete Course in Magic, Complete Herbal, Confessions of a Medium, Conscious Universe, Construction of Reality in the Child, Crime and Punishment, Destiny, Purpose, and Faith, Detecting Lies and Deceit, Devil and the Jews, Devil's Chaplain, Devil’s Notebook, Devil You Know, Diable et le Bon Dieu, Dialects and Morphology, Dialogue Skill and Tacit Knowledge, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, Discours sur Inegalite, Dracula, Dreaming Body, Dreams and Nightmares, Dynamic Aikido, Edge Effect, Emily Strange, End of Faith, Eternal Egypt, Etre et le Neant, Empires of the Word, Enigma: Psychology, the Paranormal, and Self-Transformation, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Etranger, Existentialisme est un Humanisme, Expressions of the Emotions in Man and in Animals, Extended Sexual Orgasm, Face to No-Face: Rediscovering Our Original Nature, Fang and Claw: A Treatise on Practical Combat, Field, Fight Club, Fighting Edge, Fighting Without Fighting, Fire from Within: Nemo on Satanism, First Immortal, Folklore of Sex, Forty-Eight Laws of Power, Fourth Dimension: Toward a Geometry of Higher Reality, Frame Games: Persuasion Excellence, Frogs into Princes, Full Facts Book of Cold-Reading, Fundamentals of Chinese Acupuncture, Gates of Hell, Geburt der Tragodie, General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, Gesture and Environment, Get Anyone to do Anything, Gift of Fear, God Delusion, Gods of Eden, Gospel Fictions, Grannies Remedies, Graphology, Gray’s Anatomy, Guide to Rational Living, Harry Potter, Hidden Dimension, Hidden Roots of Aikido, Hiram Key, Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Holographic Universe, Holy Blood Holy Grail, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered The World: A Short History of Modern Delusion, How Real is Real?, How to Develope a Super Power Memory, How To Learn Any Language: Quickly, Easily, Inexpensively, Enjoyably and on Your Own, How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You, How to Talk to Absolutely Anyone, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Huis Clos, Human Action, Human Nature After Darwin, Humans and Other Animals, Hungry Ghosts, Hypnosis: Compliance and Belief, Hypnosis: Current Clinical, Experimental, and Forensic Practices, Ian Brown: Already in Me, Individual in a Social World: Essays and Experiments, Inevitable Illusions: How Mistakes of Reason Rule our Lives, Influence: Science and Practice, In the Dark Places of Wisdom, Intuitive Body, Jenseits von Gut und Bose, Learn to Remember, Look for Yourself: The Science and Art of Self-Realization, Loom of Language, Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul, Lucid Dreaming, Lucifer Principle, Magic in Action, Mains Sales, Makko-Ho, Man and His Symbols, Mancs Vs Scousers; Why Manchester Is More Buzzin' Than Liverpool, Man into Superman, Man into Wolf, Mannerisms of Speech and Gestures in Everyday Life, Man Visible, Invisible, March of Unreason: Science, Democracy, and New Fundamentalism, Masks of God, Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci, Menschliches, Allzumenschliches, Millionaire, Millionaire Next Door, Mindgym, Mind-lines: Lines For Changing Minds, Minds and Bodies, Morgenrote, Mort dans l’Ame, Morts sans Sepultre, Mostly Harmless, Mots, Mur, Myth of Irrationality, Nanofuture, Nature of the Beast, Non-Local Universe, Never be Lied to Again, New Creations in Human Beings, Nourishing Traditions, Number Devil, On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious, Opening Skinner's Box: Great Psychological Experiements of the Twentieth Century, Oyxgen Breakthrough, Patterns of the Hypnotic techniques of Milton H. Erickson, People of the Secret, Persuasion Engineering, Phanomenologie des Geistes, Philosophy Gym, Phoenix: Therapeutic Patterns of Milton H. Erickson, Picture of Dorian Gray, Politics of Experience, Potions, Remedies, and Old Wives' Tales, Power of Internal Martial Arts, Practice of Chinese Medicine, Practice of Process Meditation, Presenting Magically: Transforming Your Stage Presence with NLP, Principe, Principles of Human Knowledge, Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution Pscyhology of the Psychic, Psychology of Women, Pygmalion, Quantum Healing, Reflections, Reframing, Return of the Gods, Revelations, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Root of Chinese Qigong, Rules of Work, Salmon of Doubt, Satanic Bible, Satanic Life, Satanic Rituals, Satanic Scriptures, Satanic Witch, Satan Speaks, Scared to Death, Sceptical Essays, Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything, Secret Life of a Satanist, Secret Origins of the Bible, Secrets of Aikido, Secrets of the Amazing Kreskin, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Self-Aware Universe, Self Hypnosis, Selfish Gene, Sense of Being Stared At, Seven Experiments That Could Change The World: A Do It Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Shaman's Body, Signals: How To Use Body Language For Power, Success, And Love, Silent Language, Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast, Skeptic's Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions, Snake Oil, Sorcery, Sophie’s World, Sourcebook of Magic: A Comprehensive Guide to NLP Change Patterns, Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness, Steps to an Ecology of Mind, Structure of Aikido, Structure of Magic: A Book about Language and Therapy, Tai Chi Theory and Martial Power, Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy, Terror in the Mind of God, Theorem, Thinking from A-Z, Third Eye, Thirteen Steps to Mentalism, Thought and Language, Three Faces of Eve, Total Aikido, Trance-Formations, Transhumanism, Transformation: The Breakthrough, Trick of the Mind, Truth about Lying, Truth Vs Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Ultrametabolism, Unbounded, Uncommon Therapy Techniques of Erickson, Understanding Power, Unmasking the Face, User's Manual for the Brain, User's Manual for the Brain, Vol. II: Mastering Systemic NLP, Vampire Bible, Vampire Predator Bible, Vampire Priesthood Bible, Vampire Sorcery Bible, Vampire Adept Bible, Verrine Orations, Web That Has No Weaver, What the Face Reveals, Why Atheism, Why I am Not Christian, Why People Believe Weird Things, Winning Through Intimidation, World of the Paranormal: The Next Frontier, You - Forever, Your Memory
Anton LaVey, Capt Jack Sparrow, Cicero, Hannibal, Henry Sweet, Ian Brown.
The rest know who They are ;)