Sorcery (Non-Ordinary Levels of Awareness/Non-Ordinary Levels of Control); Personal Immortality.
Current and Future Lords & Ladies of Life.
Any and all styles that reflect the lifestyle/perpective of alignment with the "Darkside" and/or an intense Lust for Life.
Dark City; Lifeforce; The Howling; Big Trouble in Little China; StormRiders (Hong Kong); Cat People; Star Wars (all movies); Enter the Dragon; Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon; The Golden Child; Hero; Dagon; V for Vendetta; Vanilla Sky; Waking Life; In the Mouth of Madness
No, hardly ever at this point. The few truly entertaining and/or thought-provoking shows that I recall are: The Twilight Zone; The Outer Limits; Tales From the Darkside; The Addams Family; The Simpsons; Mortal Kombat (the series); Aeon Flux (the animated series); Poltergeist/Legacy; The Sopranos.
The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey; The Vampire Bible by Temple of the Vampire; The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason; The Self-Aware Universe by Amit Goswami, PhD; The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom by Mark Amaru Pinkham; The Art of Chi Kung by Wong Kiew Kit; The Jade Emperor's Mind-Seal Classic (Ancient Taoist Text); The Book of Night by Daniel Kemp; The Engines of Creation by K. Eric Drexler
First, I'd like to hear YOUR definition of "hero".