Josephine profile picture


Josephine Seven

About Me

..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
Member of the Temple of the Vampire(
I am a Vampire.I am a loyal Member of the Temple of the Vampire.There are many people and groups that call themselves “vampire” but these are merely blood drinkers or “energy” drinkers.From the Dayside We view blood drinkers as self-deluded at best and mentally unbalanced at worst. Crime is commonly associated with such cannibalistic practices and is therefore rejected by Us since crime is a confession of personal weakness.From the Nightside We view “energy” drinkers as incomplete. True Nightside Vampirism requires the completion of the Lifeforce Circuit with the Advanced Members of the Temple Family. Anything less is meaningless and ephemeral in its value.We are unique.Ours is the only true Vampire religion in the world, and the Temple of the Vampire remains the only authorized public access to Our religion. is the only authorized Temple internet connection.We do not recognize any other person or organization claiming to be Vampire.Do not be fooled.(Copyright (c) 2007 Temple of the Vampire)The Vampire Religion requires that all members refrain from any and all criminal acts as defined by their respective governments. To be a Vampire, a member of the Vampire Religion, you are expected to behave in a responsible and adult manner within society. I expect all those asking to be my friend and on my friends list to be responsible, adult members of society. I will not accept members to my friends list who condone acts which are illegal in this country or the country in which that potential "friend" resides. I do not and will never condone illegal, irresponsible behavior such as doing drugs, committing acts of unjustified violence against another, drinking blood or participating in cannibalism, or anything of the like. Please note this before asking me to be your "friend." And if you were denied by me, this is likely a reason why I have done so. Thank you.
Also, Member of the Church of Satan, The Order of the Eastern Star, Sigma Omicron Kappa and Member of our local Home School Coop
You see in my profile there is a hand gun. I wanted to add this comment after the silliness with that Canadian Vampire Freak Guy. I do not advocate illegal or unecessary violence. I do advocate our right to bear arms and I think anyone, especially a woman, should be well trained in a number of methods of self defense. I went through significant training with weapons while on the job and I am totally in support of those who own handguns and are responsible with them. I am not a "gun nut" or "gun freak". I am a member of the NRA. I practice at a range and I own a weapon to protect myself and my family. I wanted to make that clear so as to seperate myself from the teenage angsty idiots who think guns are an extension of their penis or "cool". Guns are serious and deadly and should never be treated as a joke. If anyone is interested, the NRA maintains significant literature and educational material. I advocate responsibility to the responsible. I have never had to use my weapon on the job or in my personal life, and I hope I NEVER will. But if I have to use ANY weapon in defense of my life, I am trained and prepared. Thank you.

My Interests

Reading, Cooking, Weight Lifting, Decorating, Party Planning, Art, Home Schooling, History, Mysteries

I'd like to meet:

I am not a people person.

Let me add a little note here for My Space folks.

I am knew to all this nonsense so when I have recieved a friend request from someone I did not recognize, I politely clicked on their picture to see if it was someone I know maybe using a different picture then I am familiar with or perhaps someone who I knew at one of my schools, etc.

I am finding that 99.99999% of these folks are either trying to sell me something (from Viagra to make $ at home scams to sex) or they are trying to advertise some band they are in. *sigh* As a result I need to make the follwing warning:

If I do not recognize your avatar or name I will deny requests without looking at your profile.

If you feel I did this in error or we are buddys from so long ago you feel I just forgot or didn't recognize you, send me a quick message.

If you feel that even though you do not know me but really do want to, send me a message.

If I get one more friend request from "Bambi" or "Earth's Sludge Rocks" or even "Bob's Real Estate and Fish Bait" I am deleting. (Same goes for bimbo men). Now, if Bambi or Bob or Earth send me a message along the lines of "Gosh Josephine! You seem like such a keen girl and I really would love to get to know you since I am so interested in cooking and I would love to know more about the Temple/CoS or discuss our delight in watching the handsome Mr. Jim Rockford each evening before slumber..."

Well, then I might go ahead and add you.

But there has got to be something in it for ME!

And, again, if you have changed your name and avatar 8 bazillion times since we have met to something I might not recognize....that's fine, just drop me a note so I can add you.

I refuse to waste any more of my time clicking on idiots.

Thank You All for your time and attention to this matter!


80s, Jazz, Rock, Dance, Anything with a good beat that I can dance to.


Desperado, Murder By Death, The Thin Man Series, Clue, Peter Seller's Pink Panthers, The Maltese Falcon, Peter Ustinov in anything Agatha Christie, Transylvania 6-5000


Nero Wolfe, Columbo, Monk, CSI, Law and Order, COPs, Rockford Files, La Femme Nikita, Psych, Star Trek TNG, Eureka, X-Files


The Vampire Bibles, The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Witch by Anton LaVey, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne, Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe Series, The Plum Series by Evanovich, Dean Koontz (especially Snow Man and Odd Thomas)


Wonder Woman

My Blog

Where the hell IS she?

  I know, I know.  Where the hell have I been?  I do not have time to check in with each and everyone so here is the run down: June is super busy for me.  Hubby's bday is the last ...
Posted by Josephine on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 08:38:00 PST

Miss Josephine Leads Early Morning Parade!!!!

I recently had an experience that really brought to thought the whole "sheep" vs "us" mentality. When I go into the city for work during the week, I drop my daughter off by my mom's house as she is my...
Posted by Josephine on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 05:49:00 PST

Praise to Hubby! 9 Years!

My 9 year wedding anniversary is coming up next week.  Wow.  Nine years.  Hard to believe. This weekend I was not home from Thursday through Sunday evening.  I had to work and was ...
Posted by Josephine on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 08:39:00 PST

What's In Ned's Head?

Ready for some early Xmas shopping for the kiddies? Looking for a fun game that will make all the normals in the room queasy when the kids open it? Look no further then the What's In Ned's Head? Game...
Posted by Josephine on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 08:42:00 PST

The Evil Overlord "To DO" List

Being an Evil Overlord seems to be a good career choice. It pays well, there are all sorts of perks and you can set your own hours. However every Evil Overlord I've read about in books or seen in movi...
Posted by Josephine on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 06:47:00 PST

Colorado Potato Supremes

I got the recipe for these from a magazine ad for Colorado Potatoes.  We tried them and they came out very good.  Notice they are gluten free for those who are working towards that goal. NEE...
Posted by Josephine on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 02:07:00 PST

Book Review - WWJD?

What Would Jackie Do?  An inspired guide to distinctive living.  By Shelly Branch and Sue Callaway I must admit that I was not familiar with Jackie aside from the bazillion replays of her i...
Posted by Josephine on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 07:16:00 PST

Adventures - A Week in the Life

For those who wonder why I have been rather quiet, I just spend over a week home alone with my toddler.  My mom had to go out of town to take care of a sick friend so Luna and I hunkered down and...
Posted by Josephine on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 06:24:00 PST

Secret Adventures - 9 Sept 06 0615

Well, it is 0615 in the morning and I cannot sleep.  Don't get me wrong, I am tired and yawning but cannot SLEEP.  So I decided to get up and catch up with some things. I need to make a flye...
Posted by Josephine on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 04:05:00 PST

First Day of Home School!

Yesterday was Little Luna's first official day of HOME SCHOOL. My mom and I have decided that since she is ready to work on several of the Kindergarten Standards of Learning and has already mastered m...
Posted by Josephine on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 08:39:00 PST