Declaration of Intent
I am a Vampire.
I am a loyal Member of the Temple of the Vampire.
I aspire to be worthy in the eyes of the Undead Gods Who rule the Temple.
They expect me to not advocate or involve myself with crime or physical blood drinking.
They view blood drinkers as self-deluded at best and mentally unbalanced at worst.
Crime is commonly associated with such practices and is therefore rejected by Them.
They view crime as a confession of personal weakness.
They view mere “energy†drinkers as incomplete.
True Vampirism requires the completion of the Lifeforce Circuit with the Undead Gods.
Anything less is meaningless and ephemeral in its value.
The Temple is unique.
This is the only true Vampire religion in the world.
The Temple of the Vampire remains the only authorized public access to this religion. is the only authorized Temple internet connection.
The Temple does not recognize any other person or organization claiming to be Vampire.
Do not be fooled.
Copyright © 2007 Temple of the Vampire
I am an Adept in the Temple of the Vampire. I expect all those asking to be my friend and on my friends list to be responsible, adult members of society. I will not accept members to my friends list who condone acts which are illegal in this country or the country in which that potential "friend" resides. I do not and will never condone illegal, irresponsible behavior such as using illegal drugs, committing acts of unjustified violence, drinking blood, participating in cannibalism, or anything of that nature. Please note this before asking me to be your "friend." And if you are denied by me, this is likely the reason why I have done so. Thank you..
I hold the title of "Witch" in The Church of Satan and was given the honorary title of "High Priestess of the Salem Witches", an honor bestowed upon me by the Witch King himself, the late Shawn "Krowklaws" Poirier. I am also a member of LttD and The Mephistophelian Midway. If you don't know what those are, check out the following links. Now, before you even think about hitting that little "Add" button, in addition to the aforementioned guidelines there are a couple of things that you need to be aware of. I reiterate, if you are not yet 18 years of age or older, do not ask me to be your friend. It's nothing personal, come back after you turn 18 and ask me then. If you are only interested in stirring up trouble, do not ask me to be your friend. One last thing. If you send me an add request and I don't know you, or you are using an ID that would be unfamiliar to me, please send me a brief message beforehand. If you don't, I will assume you didn't bother to visit my page before asking and I will deny your request. Now, do yourself a favor and check out the great music from Le'rue Delashay and RazorDog.