Reverend Harris, host of Satanism Today, has been affiliated with the Church of Satan since June of 2000. He got his start in broadcasting during his years in college, garnering awards for his show in the areas of creativity and controversy. He continued in professional broadcasting, both in an on-air and sales capacity, until April of 2002, when he finally had gotten tired of the petty politics involved in commercial radio.
Since Satanism Today's inception in the fall of 2001, Reverend Harris has had many an intellectually stimulating guest on his program. Some of the alumni include High Priest Peter H. Gilmore, High Priestess Peggy Nadramia, Magistra Templi Rex Blanche Barton, Magister Nemo, Magister Michael Rose, and Reverend Thomas Thorn just to name a few.
In his spare time, Reverend Harris enjoys writing music, lifting weights, meditation, and of course, canoodling with Mrs. Harris.
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