Heinrik Wulfherz profile picture

Heinrik Wulfherz

Visio Vigilantum

About Me

T o start off about myself my first name is Henry or Heinrich in German, or you can call me by my middle name Jerry; I was born a Satanist on September 15, 1981(XVI ANNO SATANAS)in a well populated town in South Texas, there is a lot of history in my town, history has it that even Al Capone had a hideout in a two story building with a secret under ground basement. My town is expanding and business is growing every year. I have a German and Mexican background, which I take pride in having blood from both races. I have been a Citizen of the Infernal Empire since I was 15 years of age or an active member of the infamous Church of Satan for at least 10 years, if you want to know about my religion/philosophy ask me or go to www.churchofsatan.com which has a wealth of information on Satanism, you should also read The Satanic Bible written by Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey which explains my Satanic philosophy.F irst of all I am true to myself, I am who I am a true individual that is going die this way. I am not a slave to bullshit society. I am not like most. I also am a very respectable person, if you want to be respected then respect others you are just making a stupid idiotic fool out of yourself by not doing so. There are other things about me, like for instance I like interesting things like science and/or astronomy and how the world and universe came to be, things about the planets of our solar system anything to do with science the seen and unseen, the dark forces of nature, for there is a strange world of structure and order, which has infinite possibilities. I also love Egyptian, European, Asian history and many histories from different countries. I have quite a collection of books on WWII and that of The Third Reich which I find very interesting, as well as Europe itself. War is a part of life and evolution, we need war in life, and life is war and a great battle itself. We learn from history to prevent any idiotic mistakes the past leaders may have done. I also have quite a collection of books on Ancient Egypt and am fascinated with the mummification or the embalming process, as well as many things about ancient Egypt . I also am very fascinated with Ancient Cities in Asia , and have a quite a collection of books on that subject. That is what lead to my interest in Martial Arts, and the practice of Martial Arts, I love Martial Arts in any form or style, as well. My book section should explain more about what I enjoy reading. Art is another thing in which I enjoy either drawing, painting or other peoples artwork, I enjoy any type of artwork never say you can not draw or create anything with paint or colors for everyone has their own style of drawing and painting. The philosophy of science is also of interest to me as well of many types of philosophies; as a kid I always had my own in which is what worked for me through out my life. I also like poetry or any type poetry, especially dark poetry that comes from the inner thoughts that dwell inside of us only to be expressed for anyone to enjoy. I am a passionate person that will try his hardest no matter how bad the situation may be. I am fun to be with a loving person for which my Black flaming heart burns deep (to those I feel deserve my love) and a good friend to people I can tolerate and not get annoyed by, for those people that are friends I will be there for them no matter what the situation may be, I am a true friend, that will have your back no matter what the circumstances may be. For everyone is different that is the enjoyment of living, getting to know everyone's different interests and personalities. I do not judge any being in this world stupid, retarded; idiotic morons come in all age, race, ethnic and religion. I am an open minded, free thinking person, that will acknowledge anyone's opinion or way of living (unless you are an idiot and/or a retard), I am always open to possibilities in life, the world is limitless as long as you open your mind to all the possibilities of life then you will see the world is so much worth living. People or Social Diseases that can not handle life in this world deal with it or erase yourself from this world you are wasting my oxygen with your constant bitching and nagging (or do us a favor and blow your brains out, your absence will not be noticed and will be a blessing)! I also have 2 older sisters and 1 younger brother. There are many other mysteries about me, what I have told you is just a taste or a sample in which you should not judge me just based on that information. If you want to know more about me, ask and I shall tell...

My Interests

I would have to say and in no particular order, Satanism, The Church of Satan, Music, The Theater, American History, Egyptian or European or any type of Ancient History of many Countries,, History, WWII, War, The Third Reich, Entertainment, Poker, Chess, Literature, Guns, Rifles, Knives, Swords, Weaponry, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Vampirism, Lycanthropy, Demonology, Psychology, Perfectionism, Logic, Rhetoric, Mythology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Astronomy, Aesthetic Terrorism, Misanthropy, Social Darwinism, Food, Carnality, Females, Nazi Paganism, Computers, life, Death, Serial Killers, Cannibalism, Psychological Warfare, Interesting Individuals, Cats, Wild Cats, Wolves, Bulldogs, Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Animals, Wild Animals, Destroying People That Hurt Animals, Anatomy, Concerts, Poetry, Art, UNPOP ART, Black Magick, Dark Arts, Martial Arts, Female Androids, Revenge, Eye Candy, Necrophilia, Blood, Ãœbermensch, BDSM, Sex, and power and so much more, the interests of a Satanist is infinite. I learn new things everyday of my life to make the most out of my life and day. This world is never boring only to lazy brain-dead individuals with no imagination. There are many interests in which I enjoy in day to day life./p

I'd like to meet:

I would have liked to have met my father who served in the Military; he was in the Navy, Stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. He did a lot in his time, he was some one that was eternal, and he did a lot of memorable things in his life. The only way to live forever is to make a great impact on people’s lives. He unfortunately passed away before I was born, may he R.I.P. I would also like to meet people with similar interests and similar philosophies, as well as different interests and different philosophies, and people that do not fallow the herd of idiots. Who are like-minded. Who think for themselves and are not manipulated by bullshit ideologies. Who feel comfortable in the most stressful situations. Who have balls and can stand up, destroy and/or annihilate what ever stands in their path. Who are outstanding individuals. Great leaders of the past and present are also people I would like or have liked to have met, people that are changing the world into a tolerable society. People that are hypocrites, ignorant, idiots and are retards or people that lie to themselves are social diseases that I stay away from, self-deceit is one of the gravest sins along with stupidity, because you are only lying to yourselves, you are not being true acting like a programmed mind fucked android to please others. Me, I rage against the machine, stay forever true or stay the fuck away from me forever…


I like many types of music like any type of Metal, Rock, classical, Ambient/Noise, Psychedelic, Gothic, Industrial, Pop, Atmospheric and more. When it comes down to Metal, I enjoy Black Metal the most.

Burzum - Dunkelheit


T here are many types of movies I like for instance, Horror, Gore, Realistic Movies, Comedy, Action, Classics, True Stories, Documentaries, Suspense, Romance, Thriller, Occult, Drama, Disney, Pixar Movies, Animated or Anime, and so much more.

Documentary on The Church of Satan, Satanism and Dr. LaVey – Speak of the Devil


T elevision fries your brain, feeding you with lies, brainwashing you with bullshit, turns your world into a delusional reality, manipulated by television. It will make you Retarded.


I read anything from about Satanism, Mythology, Demonology, Philosophy, Psychology, Rhetoric, Esoteric, Anthropology, Serial killers, Astronomy, Logic, Religion, Occult, Dark Arts, Art, Pornographic Art, Poetry, Martial Arts, Black Magick, World War History, WWII, The Third Reich, American History, Asian History, Mexican History, Latin History, Fantasy, Horror, Egyptian or European history from many cultures and Countries many books out there anything interesting or by the fallowing authors, publishers and writers or books written in regards to the fallowing: Anton Szandor LaVey, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Friedrich Nietzsche, Walter Kaufmann, E. A. Wallis Budge, Peter H. Gilmore, Blanche Barton, Ragnar Redbeard, Ayn Rand, Mark Twain, William Blake, Sir Basil Zaharoff, Julius Evola, Albert Einstein, Charles Manson, Gavin Baddeley, Orrin Klapp, Max Reinhardt, Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin, Ambrose Bierce, Barnabas Saul, John Dee, Aliester Crowley, Hans Poelzig, Jerry Mander, Hans Brick, Jim Goad, Edgar Allan Poe, Phineas Taylor Barnum, Jack London, Ambrose Bierce, Karl Haushofer, Carl Jung, Stephen King, Michael Moynihan, Didrik Søderlind, Hans Brick, Robert Louis Stevenson, William Mortensen, Robert Becker, Gary Selden, Robert W. Chambers, H. G. Wells, John Milton, Hieronymus Bosch, Wilhelm Reich, Sigmund Freud, Anne Rice, Boyd Rice, Alessandro di Cagliostro, Reginald Marsh, Martin McIntosh, Martin McIntosh, Sven Kirsten, Marilyn Manson, Adolf Hitler, Plato, Aristotle, Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli, Friedrich Anton Christian Lang, Ira Levin, Thomas Hobbes, Michel Foucault, Karl Heinrich, Marx, Reginald Marsh, John Locke, James Blish, Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre, Ben Hecht, Stephen Hawking, Bruce Lee, ect. And so much more the list goes on and on, I try to read as many book as I can as they say knowledge is power and plus you learn the authors perspective on what he/she wrote in fiction or non fiction books. Note: Remember it is not just about reading books anyone can read a book, but if you do not get jack shit about what the author getting at, then you’re wasting your meaningless time. If anything read your books more than once and understands what the book is about! It is always good to read it expands you mind! For all of you illiterate idiots that do not read, go away, we have nothing in common!