Mephistopheles and the muse. Black magic. Satanism (Church of Satan). Symbolism. Art & Aesthetics. Photography (classical & digital). Image manipulation and trick photography. Design. Photoshop. Surrealism. Alchemy. Death & Creation. Chaos & Order. Love & Hate. Carnal pleasures. Romance & Perversion. Political Incorrectness. Blasphemy. Absinthe rites. History of cinema and film, silent movies. Old and new film cameras. Movie making. Tintype photographs & vintage photography. Antique furniture and personal environments with dark walls. Savaged gardens and old mansions. Burning incense & fireplaces. Creating incense mixtures. Historical places and castles. Abandoned sites and old factories. Old cemeteries and burial rites. Volcanoes and volcanic rocks. Woods. Carnivore plants, flora in general. Animals. Traveling around the world. Sintra. The Quinta da Regaleira. Cooking & decadent dining. History of the devil & evil. Abraxas. Archetypes. Paradoxes. Polytheistic religions. German history. The Black Sun. Wewelsburg. Leni Riefenstahl. Propaganda. Fascism. Occult history and aesthetics of the Third Reich. Daggers and knives. Black leather. Style instead of fashion. Anatomy & taxidermy collections. Bog bodies and mummies. Collecting skeletal remains. Architecture & sculptures. Serial killers. Mass psychology. Book shops & expanding my library. Life-like plush creatures. Poker. Occulture and cults. Magical objects. Shamanism. H.P.Lovecraft. Art of Hieronymus Bosch, Arnold Boecklin, Salvador Dali, H.R. Giger, Stanislav Szukalski, Diabolus Rex, Harold Arthur McNeill, Kris Kuksi. Cultural terrorism. Cultural fascism. Apocalypse Culture. Social Darwinism and radical ideas for the future of mankind.....
I N D I V I D U A L S who surprise with intellect, radical ideas and their own universe. Citizens of the Infernal Empire. Artists. Scapegoats who have fun. Cultural terrorists and sorcerers.
Death In June. Lustmord. Der Blutharsch. Blood Axis. Current 93. Boyd Rice. NON. Coil. Coph Nia. Bain Wolfkind. Deutsch Nepal. Les Joyaux De La Princesse. Roses Never Fade. Sol Invictus. Stalingrad. Von Thronstahl. Death's Gladsome Wedding. Alio Die. Eletrólise. Kammarheit. Psychonaut 75. Stalker Vitki. Allerseelen. Tangerine Dream. Endura. Burzum. Darkthrone. Bathory. Golden Dawn. Samael. Diabolos Rising. Abigor. Hypocrisy. Abruptum. Hollenthon. The Nefilim. Faith No More. Summoning. Absurd. Pan Thy Monium. Rotting Christ. Satyricon. Tiamat. Type O Negative. Unholy. Moonspell. Therion. Mortiis. My Dying Bride. Paradise Lost. Rob Zombie. Laibach. Rammstein. Pazuzu. Raventhrone. Theatre of Tragedy. Tristania. Wagner. Orff. Smetana. Bach. Saint Saens. Beethoven. Berlioz. Anton Szandor LaVey. Apocalyptica. BThong. Darkseed. Bjoerk. The Doors. Velvet Underground. Pink Floyd. Tom Waits. Leonard Cohen. Edith Piaf. Billy Idol. The Rolling Stones. The Cure. Dead Can Dance. Depeche Mode. Marilyn Manson. Portishead. Sigur Rós. Fields of the Nephilim. Sisters Of Mercy. Joy Division. Christian Death. Alien Sex Fiend. Above The Ruins. Danzig. Diamanda Galas. Kirlian Camera. Nine Inch Nails. Tiermes. Nordisches Blut. Halgadom.....
Apocalypse Now. Das Boot. Der Untergang. The Perfume. 300. Blue Velvet. Mulholland Drive. Lost Highway. Shadow Of The Vampire. Gothic. The Ninth Gate. From Hell. Eyes Wide Shut. Hannibal & Hannibal Rising. Angel Heart. Red Dragon. Leolo. American History X. Delikatessen. Subconscious Cruelty. Four Rooms. Pulp Fiction. Reservoir Dogs. The Big Lebowski. Seven. Matrix. Alien. Killing Zoe. Fargo. A Beautiful Mind. Good Will Hunting. De grønne slagtere. Caligula. La Grande Bouffe. Les Rivières pourpres I & II. The Name Of The Rose. Perdita Durango. Braveheart. Leon the Professional. Immortal. Fight Club. Full Metal Jacket. The Doors. Triumpf des Willens. Cobra Verde. Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes. Taxi Driver. The Illusionist. Sick Girl. Nosferatu. Der Golem. Metropolis. Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari.....
Melanie Laetitia Mantis: SEPULCHRE I
(2008, RedMantis Productions)
Melanie Laetitia Mantis: SINTRA.
(2006, self release, out of print)
Herman Hesse: Demian. Carl Gustav Jung: Septem Sermones ad Mortuos. Anton Szandor LaVey: Satanic Bible, Satanic Rituals, Satan Speaks, The Devils Notebook. Friedrich Nietzsche: Thus Spake Zarathustra & other writings. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Faust. Adam Parfrey: Apocalypse Culture. Boyd Rice: The Vessel Of God, Standing In Two Circles. Robert Svoboda: Aghora - At the Left Hand of God. Alchemie & Mystik (Taschen edition). Ragnar Redbeard: Might is Right. Peter Gilmore: Satanic Scriptures. William Mortensen: The Command to Look. Stephen Kasner: Works. Stanislav Szukalski: Struggle. Giger's Artbooks. Artbooks about Hieronymus Bosch, Arnold Boecklin, Salvador Dali. All stories from H.P.Lovecraft. The Necronomicon. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri (with the Dore illustrations). Simon Marsden's photobooks. Austin Osman Spare. Charles Baudelaire. Franz Kafka. Charles Bukowski. Henry Miller. Dorothy Parker. Lord Byron. Oscar Wilde. Shakespeare. John Milton: Paradise Lost. Karlheinz Deschner: Das Kreuz mit der Kirche & Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums. Pompeji - Die Apocalypse. Volcanoes of the world. Maurice Krafft: Volcanoes.....
Here for:
Allies and Aliens.
Zodiac Sign:
I do not participate in the gene lottery.
Frau Doktor.
Artist. Photographer. Witch.