NOTE: All works on this profile (music, images, poetry) are copyrighted by Andrei A. Sorokin 2008.Greetings!
Welcome to my MySpace page! Please enjoy the music!
If you have questions about me or about my music - don't hesitate to send a message and push "add" - button. I usually respond to all of messages eventually (that is only if they are smart and written with NORMAL English. Without any internet pseudo-communication writing).Please: NO STUPID QUESTIONS!
Now, here are few words about my music itself: I am applying principles of Dark Art in my music, as did masters of Satanic music of the past (who were Rahmaninov, Shostakovich, Sibelius, Beethoven... among others).
They say that inspiration is for ameteurs, but I don't agree. Inspiration is a very nice feeling, but it certainly is not needed for the creation of a piece. If you call yourself an artist, you should always be able to create with or without inspiration!
I get ideas to my music at nights usually. Night is calm, mysterious, romantic... All the things I want to include in my music! My music comes out off an impression or expression rather than inspiration! Enjoy!
Remember to take a look at my paintings on Artistic Devil
I was born in Leningrad, USSR. Today that city is known under name of St. Petersburg.
I started working with art as an amateur photographer when I was 12 years old. My father bought me an old Zenit and so I started taking pictures of everything I saw. Now when looking at my old photos, I see that they have no people in them at all. It seems that I am a loner by my nature! By the age of 14 I had my first photo exhibition at museum of Anna Akhmatova, in Leningrad. At that time I have also got interested in the dark art of music.
At the age of 15 I got tired of photography and moved on to oil and acrylic paintings. Portraits were (and are) my fauvorite subjects. I paint people who are talented and inspiring. Artists, writers, poets, friends...
Right now I live in Finland and study most of my time. I study philosophy, literature, psychology, memetics - among others.