>>>>>>>>" essential viewing " --Nick Kelly IRISH INDEPENDENT ------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------> In a short period of time this four-piece have become the toast of the Limerick scene."--IRISH DAILY STAR--------------------------------------------------------
--> "Talking Heads-meets-The Rapture" -- Stuart Clarke HOTPRESS----------------------------------------------------
---------------------------> "this Limerick/Leitrim four-piece has discovered they possess the power to turn mere water into funk. And people are queuing to be baptised." --THE CLARE PEOPLE-------------------------> "Even one quick listen shows you're dealing with an act more than a little above average" -- CONNECTED---------------------------------------------------
---------->"You've set a new standard, twas totally awesome, primal and ferocious.Keep it real!!!--DJ Ajax GREEN & LIVE------------------------------------------------------&g
t; "...uncontained psycotic live energy, a band loaded with natural adrenalin...infectious, one to watch! " -- The FREQUENCY IRELAND ------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------> "Knockout stuff!"-- THE WEEKENDER-------------------------------------------------&g
t; "LimROCK's finest, not to be missed"---Limerick Post ------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------> "Talking Heads and Zappa vying with more recent influences..Watch Them Go!" --Jackie Hayden HOTPRESS----------------------------------------------------
------------------------> " purveyors of arse-shaking funky new wave tunes with popping basslines and flurried drumming... an exciting live act.." ---Alan Jacques HOTPRESS/LIMERICK INDEPENDENT-------------------------------------------------
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Greetings Ladies & Gents,
Hope you're all feeling well...........IF NOT perhaps we here on the good ship Mitty have something that'll put the wind in your sails, take the poop from your shoot or even coax out that smile you've been saving for the day your rich successful neighbour looses it all to a gypsy rogue in a foolish street corner bet.........................................here's the scoop so far >>>>>
W.M. & T.R. are currently recording their debut al-bum with Mr. Fergal Lawler ex 'THE CRANBERRIES' drummer !! (more info available in our blog above)Although they have not released anything ...yet, national T.V. and radio broadcasters TG4 and 2FM have invited them into their studios to play live. Radio station 2FM recently invited them in to record 3 live acoustic tracks for Cormac Battle's "Wireless" show....They later recorded a live show for broadcast.
LIVE 95FM, SPIN FM, Limerick West Radio,WIRED FM, RED FM, BEAT FM, and Cork College Campus radio followed suit inviting them in for live studio sessions and interviews. Although still a relatively new band they've had the good fortune to have already shared stages and shed many rock tears (i.e. sweat, a lot) with many Irish + UK heroes ( check blogs for HOTPRESS review of a recent gig with Dirty Pretty Things).
In their first year as a band, then 3-piece, Walter Mitty & The Realists appeared at the HARD WORKING CLASS HEROES Festival '07...
......They are currently alive and gigging so keep an eye and an ear out for them, they promise they won't abuse them....much.Thanks for your time, Yours Truly,
WM&TR, xxx