If its abstract and noisy (yes images can be noisy...) I like it. Im an Elite-ist by force, connoiser of blips and bleeps and a general madman. Thus the name...Mad, maybe not in the traditional sense, but get too know me and youll know what "they' mean. Who am I? a 31 year old(young) Male currently based in Dubai. My biggest passion is life is the development of Afrikaans as a language and working towards a way to give unheard of and young budding writers in Afrikaans a platform to start publishing and getting their works to the masses. My wife to be, Bianca, is the rock in my life and would not be where I am today if it was not for her. I dabble in electronic music production and use Cubase SX with Fruity Loops and Reason rewired. I havent made my Big Hit yet, but am working on it. Im also quite involved in the South African Music industry where I do reviews for any kind of musican and help to promote young newcomers who I feel have talent.
Feel free to read my complete blog at MIO BLOG
My Afrikaans Poetry is here: Roekeloos