Member Since: 9/13/2006
drum machines and rollerskates, swimming in noise, that first cup of coffee in the morning, Marty McFly (time travel becomes possible when the Delorian reaches exactly 88 mph), Holden Caulfield, the term ‘Disco’ instead of ‘night club’, the term ‘Discothèque’ instead of ‘Disco’, male falsetto, that third cup of coffee at lunch, words beginning with ‘fl’ that express bewilderment such as ‘flabbergasted’, ‘flummoxed’, and ‘floundered’ (The word 'floundered' is actually akin to clumsiness rather than bewilderment, but that makes me like it even more because I am indeed quite clumsy I think), Malchris for figuring out what 'floundered' actually means, Jozi’s pollution induced pink skyline, when you give me back my CDs and books you borrowed from me like a year ago you bastard, that fifth cup of coffee in the afternoon when you know you really shouldn’t, music, soul-shaking, electro-shocking, body-breaking, planet-rocking music...
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