Richard the Third profile picture

Richard the Third

Weapons of Mass Production

About Me

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I used to have a bio here, but I reckon nobody really reads them, so now I’m keeping it straight to the point. Here’s a picture of me pontificating...
It was taken when I was at the Red Bull Music Academy in Rome 2004. It makes me appear as if I am deep in thought about something important, but I was probably just wondering whether I should have drunk that third Red Bull or not.
A little bit more about myself: I’ve been making beats for years, used to make a lot of hip-hop, used to play in a band called High Society (if you want to call abusing your drum-machine playing). Now I DJ around town, my sound being a genre-slutting combo of hip-hop, electro, funk, soul and mashups. I still make beats, if you wanna know what they sound like take a listen at the top of the page.
Here are two pictures of me taken at the Creative Commons Salon “Remix Nation” event at the Godart gallery. These pics were taken by James Oatway and are licensed under a Creative Commons license. Before you do anything with these pics you must go here to see what CC rights are associated with them, you.
On the topic of Creative Commons, download Richard III remixes from my ccmixter site.
Go to and sign up. There you can hear other Richard III music in the Audio Gallery.
Download Safe Mode (my down tempo alias) tracks from (you'll need to register but its worth it if you enjoy South African electronica).
Look out for Breathe Sunshine 3 from Black Mango Music which contains the Safe Mode track, Woza. S'nice
Hype On It (instrumental) by Richard tha IIIrd (the other way of spelling my name is on the sleeve) is on Dubvaults vol. 2. Fire! The full version of Hype On It which features scratching from my DJ accomplice, the Shady Lurker, was out on the SL mag CD comp for October 2006. You can listen to it on the SL site.
The new Zubz album is out. From the Outrageous Records stable, it's called Headphone Music in a Parallel World. You'll be hearing more about it soon, much more. I produced the track Creation, which features an ex student of mine, Themba January, on the keys.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/13/2006

drum machines and rollerskates, swimming in noise, that first cup of coffee in the morning, Marty McFly (time travel becomes possible when the Delorian reaches exactly 88 mph), Holden Caulfield, the term ‘Disco’ instead of ‘night club’, the term ‘Discothèque’ instead of ‘Disco’, male falsetto, that third cup of coffee at lunch, words beginning with ‘fl’ that express bewilderment such as ‘flabbergasted’, ‘flummoxed’, and ‘floundered’ (The word 'floundered' is actually akin to clumsiness rather than bewilderment, but that makes me like it even more because I am indeed quite clumsy I think), Malchris for figuring out what 'floundered' actually means, Jozi’s pollution induced pink skyline, when you give me back my CDs and books you borrowed from me like a year ago you bastard, that fifth cup of coffee in the afternoon when you know you really shouldn’t, music, soul-shaking, electro-shocking, body-breaking, planet-rocking music...
Type of Label: None