Higher Frequency profile picture

Higher Frequency

We can change our destiny from within

About Me

Internet Sacred Texts Archive
Wild Mind Meditation
Mary Sutherland Archaeologist
Psi Palatium Psychism and Magick Resource
Michael Tsarion Main Page
Alex Jones' Prison Planet
Alex Jones' Info Wars
The Secret Official Website
James Scott King Solomons' mines
Aloha International Huna Resource
International Center for Reiki
Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry and the Human Form
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings
Earth Spirit Medicine
World Center for EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
Dr. Boylan's Official Website
Wikipedia Sacred Geometry
Mission Indigo Site
Osho's Official Site
Channelings from Leah
Ancient Egyptian Pictures Gallery
Ancient Abnormal Skulls
This profile was edited with Easy MySpace Profiles

My Egyptian Name is Kesi (born of a troubled father).
Take The Egyptian Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey 's Name Generator Generator .

"As human beings we all want to be happy
and free from misery.
We have learned that the key to happiness
is inner peace.
The greatest obstacles to inner peace are
disturbing emotions such as
anger and attachment, fear and suspicion,
while love and compassion, a sense of
universal responsibility are the sources of
peace and happiness."
--Dalai Lama

My Interests

Have you ever wondered WHO you really are? Watch the
video above that will answer a lot of these questions
for you. "Conversations with God"

Live in Joy, In love,
Even among those who hate.
Live in joy, In health,
Even among the afflicted.
Live in joy, In peace,
Even among the troubled.
Look within. Be still.
Free from fear and attachment,
Know the sweet joy of living in the way.
There is no fire like greed,
No crime like hatred,
No sorrow like separation,
No sickness like hunger of heart,
And no joy like the joy of freedom.
Health, contentment and trust
Are your greatest possessions,
And freedom your greatest joy.
Look within. Be still.
Free from fear and attachment,
Know the sweet joy of living in the way.

I'd like to meet:

Do you wish to change your life and change the world
around you to a higher frequency vibration? Watch
this video "The Secret". It truly is inspiring!

The Secret is based on the Emerald Tablets of Hermes
Click the link below for more information.
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Link Generator for MySpace

2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking
until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled.
When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished,
and he will rule over the All."

2) [Jesus said]: "Let him who seeks not cease until
he finds, and when he finds he shall wonder;
wondering he shall reign, and reigning shall rest."

3) Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See,
the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky
will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is under the
earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.
Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is
outside of you. [Those who] become acquainted with
[themselves]will find it; [and when you] become
acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that]
it is you who are the sons of the living Father.
But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in
poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

30/77) Jesus said: "Where there are [two, they are not]
without God, and when there is one alone, [I say,] I am with
him. Raise the stone, and there you will find me;
cleave the wood, and there I am."

The Gospel of Thomas
Link Generator for MySpace


(1-3)What the BLEEP Do We Know!?

Get this video and more at MySpace.com What the Bleep Do We Know!? has been a wake-up call for millions of people around the world who have been addressing Lifes BIG questions: Who are we? Where are we going? What is consciousness? Do we create reality? How do we effect change?

(2-3)What the BLEEP Do We Know!?

Get this video and more at MySpace.com

(3-3)What the BLEEP Do We Know!?

Get this video and more at MySpace.com


Your Birthdate: September 11
Spiritual and thoughtful, you tend to take a step back from the world.
You're very sensitive to what's going on around you, yet you remain calm.
Although you are brilliant, it may take you a while to find your niche.
Your creativity is supreme, but it sometimes makes it hard for you to get things done.
Your strength: Your inner peace
Your weakness: You get stuck in the clouds
Your power color: Emerald
Your power symbol: Leaf
Your power month: November What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
You scored as One Intelectual Individual. You're a thinker. You see things from a very different prospective than the rest of the world, and probably find release and self-expression in music, painting, scalpting, or any other form of art. People see you as a deep person, full of knowledge that they don't understand. People are attracted to that, but there's a good chance you don't care.

One Intelectual Individual




Original Hippie


New Age Hippie


Not a Hippie



What type of hippie are you?
created with QuizFarm.com


What Planet Are You From?
this quiz was made by The Autist Formerly Known As Tim
CURRENT MOON about the moon


Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors.
Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

My Blog


How to Make an Orgonite CloudBuster 1How to Make an Orgonite Cloud Buster 2You can check out the Blogs via the Links below, and use the Back Button on the left hand side to go as far back as you desir...
Posted by Higher Frequency on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 09:46:00 PST

Fluoride: What you don't hear about it

THANX TO: Pharmaceuticals KILL People & Animals!Fluoride, the FACTS you don't HEAR !!Tenerife has recently had a drinking water scare due to too much fluoride getting added to the supply in some areas...
Posted by Higher Frequency on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 09:33:00 PST

"The Secret" Mega Post

The Secret - TrailerAdd to My Profile | More VideosThe SecretAdd to My Profile | More VideosThe Secret - Behind The ScenesAdd to My Profile | More VideosBob Proctor Speaks OnAdd to My Profile | Mo...
Posted by Higher Frequency on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 02:52:00 PST

Kramer makes a very bad career move: I'm sorry for his prejudice.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: The Slack RepublicDate: Nov 22 2006 9:32 PMThat's right... comedian Michael Richards, who played Kramer on NBC hit show Seinfeld hates niggers...
Posted by Higher Frequency on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 09:53:00 PST

Six minutes of Truth

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: RainbojanglesDate: Nov 18 2006 12:36 AM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------Thanks all: I Have Woken UP!, barbaraRE: How Muslim...
Posted by Higher Frequency on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 04:51:00 PST

A Revelation

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: DaliborDate: Oct 27 2006 11:26 AMA RevelationIf we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100people, with all the exist...
Posted by Higher Frequency on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 01:47:00 PST

A Great Revelation

updated letter from the rice experimenter.I see a few blogs. The newest one seems to be Oct. 16th. Which one is it?I saw that flash movie on your page about Conversations with God. It was great.I'm so...
Posted by Higher Frequency on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 03:56:00 PST

WAKE UP...WAKE UP.:Who Do You Think Actually Runs our Govt??

WAKE UP...WAKE UP.:Who Do You Think Actually Runs our Govt??Does anyone actually think that humans can do the things that the Governments across the world are doing? Why do they want constant war? D...
Posted by Higher Frequency on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:38:00 PST


Sherry Talk RadioLink Generator for MySpaceSherry Talk Radio (Part II)Link Generator for MySpaceREVERSE SPEECH: BUSH, REPTILIAN AGENDA& MARCH 7 RAPTUREPosted By: IZAKOVIC Date: Thursday, 23 June 2005,...
Posted by Higher Frequency on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 04:25:00 PST


From: FreedomWarriorDate: October 15, 2006 12:52 PMBody: From: Freedom WarriorDate: Oct 15, 2006 11:08 AMMuch Love To The Rev:From: Rev. DeWayne Hice, Jr. Date: Oct 14, 2006 6:54 PMI just wanted you t...
Posted by Higher Frequency on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 01:29:00 PST