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Laughing Vulcan

From Each According To Their Ability, To Each According to Their Need ...

About Me

LOVING my 17 year old daughter and my 15 year old son! ... CAN YOU TELL I'M A NOVELIST? Yes, I write. A LOT! But, more than that, I am a Philosopher. Of the Old School. So,if you have an interest in Philosophy, plunge forward, my friend! ...
INTRODUCING the world to The Laughing Vulcan through My Space! Read the entire full-length novel in my blog section !!! Utilizing characters from the latest incarnation of the venerable series, I write my first novel. I start with a title, The Laughing Vulcan, and a word count, approximately 75,000. One chapter a day, off the 'Top Of My Head,' I produce a story, my story, and, now, your story. Free for the taking, no strings attached. ... I WROTE The Laughing Vulcan several years ago as an experimental novel just to see if I could write. After I wrote the novel, I researched the Star Trek series of books by reading dozens of the, so called, best Star Trek novels, and realized that The Laughing Vulcan is the greatest Star Trek novel ever written! The story flies in 'way under the radar' and begins very simply. When you have completed the novel, however, you realize that you have just read a story with unusually deep themes, including a new metaphor for love, and a pathway toward the integration of the Male and Female aspects of the human mind. You will never see The Laughing Vulcan in print, however, because the novel utilizes characters from the Star Trek series 'Enterprise,' which are owned by Paramount Studios. Also, the novel's story line goes outside the story line used in the TV series, which breaks a primary rule for submitting the book for legitimate publishing. So, I'm giving the complete novel away for free. Have Fun!...
JUST received the copyright for an old, 1980 paper I wrote in college: Melville's Psychological Law, in which I discover and describe the Submerged Model in Moby Dick. You can't understand the book without it and it has been hidden in the large book for 150 years! ...
Submerged Models are unconscious mental mechanisms that unknowingly dictate the surface, or conscious level, of thought. The Submerged Model in Moby Dick, which I call Melville's Psychological Law, is hidden in one of the most boring chapters of the book. Past and current commentators do not notice its existence or operation. That is because they have not had the specialized Philosophical/Scientific/Artistic training that is required for the revelation of its existence or operation.
I was fortunate to have studied Philosophy under the guidance of Colin Murray Turbayne and Lewis White Beck, at the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. They were both approaching 65, the forced retirement age for Professors, in my senior year. At the end of their long careers of teaching students, they were both shining and exemplary examples of the 'Old School Philosophers.' Both utilized the Socratic Method in their classes. I remember so well being fully prepared for every class, because you were often required to stand and endure intense question and answer sessions in which your understanding and your will was tested by these two powerful intellects. Many students withered under these intense examinations and dropped the classes. However, fully 30 years after these experiences, I look back in fondness to these great intellectual experiments in which the highest levels of Logical Thought were transmitted to another generation. As my memory and my imagination recall the lives of, and my interactions with, these two monumental Philosophical Thinkers of the 20th century, I weep. I weep for us, the living, because Colin Murray Turbayne and Lewis White Beck, have passed into the Great Beyond.
My particular area of specialty was the Philosophical Foundations of the Scientific Method. I was a student of Professor Turbayne when he made two of the greatest seminal discoveries in Philosophy of the 20th century. Those two discoveries are the Submerged Model used in Plato's Timaeus and the Submerged Model used in Aristotle's DeAnima. I highly suggest that you read The Myth of Metaphor, by Colin Murray Turbayne, and that you read Metaphors for the Mind, The Creative Mind and Its Origins, by Colin Murray Turbayne. Have a copy of the Timaeus to read, and a copy of Aristotle's DeAnima, as well as a copy of Aristotle's Generation of Animals.
The Timaeus was written at the end of Plato's life. The Timaeus, if you are at all familiar with it, is mostly known as the first example in Western Civilization of the Continent of Atlantis. However, Plato was extremely concerned, at this period in his life, to simplify his Theory of Forms and to transmit to all eternity a complete codification of the most important information that he had discovered. The style of transmission for this knowledge, though, is a special style, or system, used to educate the High Initiates of the Academy. The Inner Knowledge, therefore, is encoded underneath the surface story. Colin Murray Turbayne uncovered and revealed this code in a seminal paper. Professor Turbayne called this Submerged Model, The Procreation Model of the Timaeus. I will tell you, that the Intelligentsia of the time, the Great Philosopher/Scientist/Artists of the Golden Age of Philosophy did not really believe that the basic elements of physics were Earth, Air, Fire, And Water. Plato, this Great Mind of the Golden Age of Thought, this Gift of God to the Future, discovered, by mental means, that underlying these basic elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, were purely mathematical forces of attraction, repulsion, and impenetrability. These underlying forces operated according to rules that could be discovered by mathematical means. It was Plato who discovered that all the Primary Platonic Shapes could be constructed out of the two irrational triangles: 1, 1, and the square root of 2, and the irrational triangle 1, 2, and the square root of three. Furthermore, he believed that there was a fifth substance, Aether, which was represented by the 12 sided Dodecahedron, that could also be constructed out of these two triangles. The Aether, the Fifth Substance, was Divine and existed to allow the transmission and movement of Light and Pneuma throughout the universe. Now, remember, that the ancient Greek Philosopher/Scientist/Artists believed that there were 4 'Causes’ that had to be described and calculated in order to understand any existing thing. Those 4 causes are the Formal Cause, which is the mathematical form of a thing, the Efficient Cause, or the motion which created it and supports its continued existence, the Material Cause, which is the material out of which a thing is made, and, since the Great Philosopher/Scientist/Artists of the Golden Age of Thought were Teleological, the Final Cause, or the purpose for which a thing was created. I should point out, that, although almost all historical commentators of the Golden Age of Thought discuss the 4 causes, the Intelligentsia of the Golden Age of Thought surmised that there were actually 5 causes. The Material Cause, according to these ancient Intelligentsia, was actually 2 causes. There was the Material Cause, or the material out of which the thing was made, but there was also the Spatial Cause, or the space within which a thing existed. And this Spatial Cause had an underlying secret, hidden set of qualities upon which and in which the material particles clung to for their existence and operation. Plato believed that he had discovered the Mathematical Chromosomes that the Divine Cosmic Male inseminated into the womb of the Divine Cosmic Female. These Divine Chromosomes are the two irrational triangles. He believed that the Divine Male aspect of the universe supplied the Formal Cause and the Efficient Cause for the creation and continuous operation of the universe and that the Divine Female supplied the Space and the Material for the creation and continuous operation of the universe. And the universe is the Divine Child of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father. The Divine Child is forever being inseminated and made to move by the Divine Father in the space and womb of the Divine Mother. The two, the Divine Male and the Divine Female are continuously in motion and are continuously giving birth to the universe.
Now, the DeAnima, by Aristotle, is the first book ever written in Western Civilization, on, what we call today, the Mind. Interestingly, Aristotle composed the DeAnima immediately after he composed the Generation of Animals. Of course, ancient Philosopher/Scientists/Artists were fascinated by the insemination, gestation, and birth of animals. What exactly did the male supply to the female to get the process of gestation going? Was it homunculus, tiny little preformed creatures, fully formed, miniature versions of their parents, that only needed the warm womb to incubate and grow larger? Or was it something else? Aristotle studied the mystery and came up with his own conclusions about the Great Mystery of Birth. Aristotle was a serious student of Plato. The Procreation Model that Plato utilized to understand the physics of the universe was known and understood by Aristotle. Inseminated into the womb of the mind of the young student, Aristotle, the Procreation Model lay dormant and hidden to the conscious workings of Aristotle's mind. Unconsciously, he utilizes the elements and structure of this powerful model to explain the process of insemination, gestation, and birth of animals. Like the Divine Male in Plato's account of the operation of the universe, the common male contributes the Formal and Efficient Causes for the creation of the baby. Once the common male contributes these Divine Elements, he can, in our world, leave, and the process of gestation can continue without any further intervention by the male. The male deposits the Formal Cause and the Efficient Cause into the Space and Material supplied by the female. The female, who supplies the Material Cause and the Spacial Cause for the gestation of the baby, allows the baby to grow to fruition in the womb. Aristotle, though, is curious about the creation of the Efficient Cause. What is this Divine Force that is gathered by the male from the Aether and inseminated into the female womb? No one had ever thought in these terms before and there was no language to explain the Aetherial, Spiritual Element given by the male to the female to get the process of gestation going. Aristotle believed that he had discovered a, heretofore, unknown essence. And, as is the prerogative of the Scientist who discovers it, he names this new element. Aristotle coins the word 'Energeia' to name the mysterious divine element in the semen of the male that gets the process of birth going. The Generation of Animals is the first book that contains the newly coined term Energeia, from which, of course, we 'moderns' have derived the term Energy.
Immediately after, or, perhaps at the same time, Aristotle's great mind ponders the workings of the human intellect. Again, unconsciously, Aristotle utilizes the Procreation Model of Plato's Timaeus to solve the great riddle of the creation, gestation and birth of Ideas. To make a long story short, Colin Murray Turbayne puts the operation of the human mind, that Aristotle discovered, into modern terms so that a new generation of Philosopher/Scientist/Artists can Understand and Operate With these Elements of Knowledge. In short, the Understanding supplies the Space and Material for the Creation of Thought. The Will supplies the Form and the Energy for the Creation of Thought. And the Divine Baby, or the Final Cause of Thought, is an Idea. The Divine Female Understanding and the Divine Willing Male are in continuous dual motion, creating, giving space and material for, the Birth of Ideas. Hence, the name for Professor Turbayne's seminal paper, which is, Aristotle's Androgynous Mind. If you can read and understand these five books, The Timaeus, by Plato, the DeAnima, and The Generation of Animals, by Aristotle, The Myth of Metaphor, by Colin Murray Turbayne, and, Metaphors for the Mind, The Creative Mind and Its Origins, by Colin Murray Turbayne, then you will be an Initiate into the Great Mystery. This is the beginning of your Great Journey ...
My daughter is currently typing into the computer 2 more Submerged Model papers from 1978 and 1980, which, I have recently realized, are extremely important to the world at large. ...
The 1st is called A Comparison of The Myth of Metaphor, by Colin Murray Turbayne, and The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas Kuhn. Unbeknownst to Thomas Kuhn, he is victimized by a hidden Submerged Metaphor, of which he, and his followers, are unaware. This Submerged Metaphor, and its associated referents, grows into a Submerged Model. The hidden workings of this Submerged Model act as an unseen mechanism that unconsciously dictate the development and conclusions of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Published in 1962, the Kuhnian notions of Paradigms, Paradigm Shifting, Paradigm Change, and New Paradigms, have entered into the coenesthesis of Western Civilization, coloring the world view of the intelligentsia and lay people, alike. Hidden since the book was first published, and inherently self-stultifying, the Submerged Model in Kuhn's Structure, when properly viewed, is seriously flawed, and the associated referents developed from that core work over the last 25 years are also flawed. Alas, that my voice is only a blade of grass in a forest of tall trees! I am reminded of George Berkeley. ...
The next paper that my daughter is typing into the computer (I wrote them using typewriters !), is A Comparison of The Geneology of Morals, by Friedrich Nietzsche and The Gorgias, by Plato. This paper reveals the Submerged Model unconsciously used by Nietzsche in all his works. And, yes, yes, yes, the concept of nihilism and the Eternal Recurrence of the Same are both natural and LOGICAL end results GENERATED by the unconscious, hidden workings of this mental mechanism. ...
MY 3RD NOVEL has just germinated and is currently gestating. It will be an answer for Septimus, from Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. Dedicated to Septimus, I think I will call it A Sense Of Gravity. Septimus still needs help, society still needs to develop an answer, a proper proactive answer, to the problems posed by Septimus. Please believe me ... Virginia Woolf did not answer or help him and neither did The Hours.
Western Civilization has focused upon and worshipped The Divine Male for millennia. While marvelous for moving our unique form of 'science' 'forward,' wonderful for conducting war and religion, and just perfect for developing psychological strategies for 'mental health,' the over-emphasis on The Divine Male has, according to Melville's Psychological Law, caused The Divine Female to remain hidden, down-trodden, abused, and totally misunderstood. If I am correct, the problem lies so deep and is covered by so many incorrect and unhealthy layers of cultural and intellectual associations and referents, that there is no current analysis available for today's civilization to see clear to an appropriate answer. We are, as a time, a place, and a culture, so biased in our thought processes that even those that think that they have found The Divine Female are mistaken. Using thought processes and underlying associations from being raised in our time, our place, our culture, these seekers of The Divine Female do not, absolutely do not, have the necessary tools to properly analyze the problem and to, ultimately, synthesize a solution. If I am correct, the future of the human race depends upon the proper revelation of The Divine Female, the proper revelation of The Divine Male, and their proper integration. ...
I HAVE also begun working on my first nonfiction book, In Order To Fly, You Need Resistance. The germ-seed for this book comes from a lecture series that I have developed, called The Basic Building Blocks Of Professionalism: The Class That THEY Forgot To Teach. It will be a course in Proper Goal Setting and Proper Motivation for our troubled times. I've conceived the work around 3 sections. In Order To Fly, You Need Thrust, In Order To Fly, You Need Resistance, and In Order To Fly, You Need Symmetry. Now, you know that, if I were Teleological, I would have a fourth chapter for this book, called, The Destination. Of course, it will develop the tools to analyze and, ultimately, synthesize The Integrated Mind. ...
LOOKING for an agent for my 2nd novel, The Philosophy Of Murder. The Philosophy of Murder is an exciting and ground breaking work of art. On the surface level, the pulse is quickened by the elements of Hollywood, complete with producers, directors, actors, and scriptwriters, a vicious and horrible serial killer, the fast paced police investigation to stop the evil creature, and a haunted mansion. Underneath, the mind is drawn into the highest level search (or, should I say, the deepest level search,) for the underlying etiology of a vast and omnipresent human spiritual malaise, a spiritual illness that exists at the heart of the modern human experience. ...
To create both a fast-paced novel exciting to the masses and a philosophical treatise into the source of human misery and fright and loneliness, I had to work on several levels. On the visceral level, I utilize sex, drugs, violence, fear, hatred, and alienation, to illuminate a pathway toward friendship, community, and unconditional love. ... To feed the imagination, character development is deep and satisfying. We enter and understand and empathize with their innermost being. ... And The Ghost! ... Even the most cynical will be gratified to be able to suspend belief concerning the most unique ghost in literature. By borrowing symbolism and terminology from both the most current trends in physics and ancient treatises on the subject, a perfectly believable, yet strange and mysterious ghost, comes into being and plays an integral part in the development of the story. ... To feed the intellect, I have included an analysis of the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, complete with a brand new way of viewing the Philosopher and his work. ...
Stylistically, the most mundane elements of ordinary life are the starting points for a deep, deeper, deepest inquiry into the spiritual malaise of our time. Without even realizing it, the reader will be transported from the ordinary to the fantastic, back to the ordinary, but with a subtle change. As the novel moves through its material, though, the movements from the ordinary into the fantastic become deeper and deeper. The very foundations of thought and language are explored again and again until, in the final analysis, a new view of human nature, and a new set of human capabilities, is revealed and explored. Without even realizing it, the reader has been transported to a new world, a world full of a new type of hope and a new type of potential. ...
Interestingly, the novel is complete with the actual analytical method used to lift the veil of words from the fairest tree of knowledge, so that the fruit of this knowledge is within reach of anyone. ... Along with the revelation of this ancient way to knowledge, ‘The Metaphorical Way,’ I include a meditative technique and a Mantra that has existed from the earliest times. This Mantra is a meaningless sound taken from the natural world vast ages ago. Its two syllable mental intonation can bring relaxation, peace, and serenity to the troubled human spirit. ...
In conclusion, this novel is a sweeping vision of the inward and outward motions of the human mind, heart, and spirit, veiled by a surface story that is meant to satisfy the desires of the mass marketplace. The deeper into evil the novel goes, the higher into human love and compassion the story can go. Ancient symbolism is explored. A new metaphor for love is offered. Emotional and intellectual, visceral and spiritual, the novel reveals elements of our human condition that we need to see and understand so that we can come together as a culture and work towards a future of health and happiness. I welcome any interest on your part to venture upon this quest. The word count is 135,000. The novel is grammatically correct and, amazingly, an easy read. If you are a legitimate, registered literary agent, please contact me for a copy of the complete manuscript. ...
CURRENTLY working on a Young Adult book that is called Christopher Magellan Smith and the Emerald Tablet of Magical Knowledge. This book is dedicated to inseminating, gestating, and birthing healthy thought processes for the next generation. I am madly at work on it right now, and all other projects are taking a back seat. I'm very excited about the way all my ideas and concepts for this book are falling into place. I can't wait to see how it ends !!!

My Interests

Philosophy, particularly the history of the scientific method and submerged models. I have a triptych of Submerged Model papers, written in early 80's, that I am preparing for publication. Moby Dick, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and The Geneology of Morals are included! I am looking for an appropriate agent to help with the variety of projects that I have completed and that I am currently working upon. Feel free to read my 'About Me' section and the novel, The Laughing Vulcan, that I have placed in my blog section. If you are a registered literary agent, please read the details about The Philosophy Of Murder. This novel was written with publishing in mind. Flying in 'way under the radar,' this novel, first, epically, then dramatically, explores the underlying mechanisms of human relations. Scary, hilarious, fun, sad, contemplative and thoughtful, the novel ends up leaving the dear reader breathless with the notion, the realization, that there is a pathway toward that 'City of Hope and Joy, Glistening in the Far Distance.' Star Trek !!! Check out my full-length Star Trek novel, The Laughing Vulcan, in my blog section. So far, everyone who has read it wants me to pen a follow up novel. I should point out that many readers did not have any interest in Star Trek or science fiction, but they enjoyed it anyway. They enjoyed it because, ultimately, they fell in love with the characters!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone! Everyone! The lady who invented chocolate! The guy who invented peanut butter! The old, happy, married couple that made the machine that put them together! Tom, from MySpace! Jolene Blalock! William Shatner, Scott Bacula, and more to follow!


Jazz, hard rock, heavy metal, and classical.


Closer, Crash, Lord of the Rings, Firefly, Reservoir Dogs, Million Dollar Baby, Pulp Fiction, Underworld, V for Vendetta, Vanilla Sky, There's Something About Mary, All the Charlie's Angels, Pulp Fiction, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Napoleon Dynamite, Old School, Anchorman, Sin City, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet, The Crow, The 5th Element, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Tomb Raider Series, Zoolander, Crouching Tiger / Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Apocolypse Now, The Patriot, The Gladiator, Dr. Strangelove,Anything With Hillary Swank, Natalie Portman, Julia Roberts, and Jolene Blalock.


Monk, Fox News, Star Trek, of course! Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, Eureka, X-Files (still), Firefly, Dr. Who, Judge Judy


The Dictionary, The Elements of Style, by E.B. White and William Strunk, Jr., The Republic, The Gorgias, and The Timaeus, by Plato, The Generation of Animals and The De Anima, by Aristotle, The Complete Works of George Berkeley, The Myth of Metaphor, by Colin Murray Turbayne, Metaphors for the Mind: The Creative Mind and Its Origin, by Colin Murray Turbayne, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas Kuhn, Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf, The Good Soldier, by Ford Madox Ford, The Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad


My Mother, Socrates, Plato, George Berkeley, Virginia Woolf, Ford Maddox Ford, Joseph Conrad, Bill O'Reilly

My Blog

Any pics of a Laughing Vulcan?

I'm looking for a good pic of a Laughing Vulcan. As you probably know, they are hard to come by! I couldn't find any good pics of a Laughing Vulcan, so I settled for a smiling picture of the actress,...
Posted by Laughing Vulcan on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 07:37:00 PST

How To Use This Blog Section

Thanks for your interest! I've noticed our myspace blog section isn't the best format for a long book. For example, the later chapters are listed first! There are several ways to use this section. To ...
Posted by Laughing Vulcan on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 09:31:00 PST

Melville's Psychological Law

 Ó 2006 Robert Caviston Walter E. Bezanson, in "Moby Dick: Work of Art," and R.W.B Lewis, in The American Adam, explore two different methods of criticizing Moby Dick. Bezanson writes that:"...
Posted by Laughing Vulcan on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 08:35:00 PST

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 After lunch, the Captain had his daily meeting. He told everyone that he felt that Michael was ready to get out amongst the crew. Chef had already told him that Michael was working out rea...
Posted by Laughing Vulcan on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 12:25:00 PST

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Michael had finished cleaning the mice cages and was working on the rats. "Michael!," screamed Hoshi, "you have a rat on your shoulder!" "That's okay, Hoshi, she's friendly. This is Mama r...
Posted by Laughing Vulcan on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 12:03:00 PST

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 The next morning, the Doctor arose early. He had a lot to do today. There were some exciting experiments that he wanted to conduct, he had to finish correlating some interesting data that ...
Posted by Laughing Vulcan on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 11:32:00 PST

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Michael had a great time at dinner and everyone had a great time with Michael. He had a wonderful sense of humor and made friends easily. He was very good at remembering everyones names an...
Posted by Laughing Vulcan on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 11:09:00 PST

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Trip was drying his hair after his morning shower when his intercom buzzed him. He had the day off except for the usual daily meeting at thirteen hundred hours that the Captain had been hav...
Posted by Laughing Vulcan on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 10:40:00 PST

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Phlox was amazed. Michael's recovery from stasis was remarkable. His body's powers of healing and rebuilding were unprecedented. Phlox was studying readouts from his medical sensors. Michae...
Posted by Laughing Vulcan on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 10:10:00 PST

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Hoshi was putting on her morning makeup, getting ready for her day. She was excited and looking forward to her first lesson with Michael. She was really curious about what it would be like ...
Posted by Laughing Vulcan on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 09:34:00 PST