Vanessa profile picture


Please Add Sugarvenom in my top friends!!

About Me

Hope: to wish for something with expectation of it’s fulfillment. My name is Vanessa and I have been writing songs for as long as I can remember. Writing is like breathing for me, I have to do it. I grew up in small-town-Mississippi where people walked to church and our local radio station played country music and sold livestock on air. I went on to college getting the this-is-the-next-step degree and worked in my field several years until I realized that writing is what really made me happy. I’ve had the great pleasure to work with some amazing co-writers and couldn’t be happier picking up my paper and pencil each morning. I have had a long string of indie cuts and a couple of major holds recently. I am still waiting in the line for big breaks but life is good, the people I meet are generous, and at the end of the day my sucess is getting to do what I love. When I’m not writing, you’ll find the "suburban mom me" chasing after my twin daughters. I want to thank all of my new friends for stopping by, listening to the music and staying in touch. Take care everyone...peace and blessings to you all!!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 8/20/2006
Band Members:I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
Influences: Every song that has ever made me laugh, cry, or want to jump in my car and drive to who cares where, Love, Loss, Beginnings, Endings, Appreciation, Forgiveness, Passion, Dreams, Pain, Loneliness, Happiness, Friendship, Family, Laughter, Tears, Hope, Vulnerabilility, and Simplicity...cotton candy, high heels, the sound of my children's laughter swirling in harmony, four muddy paws jumping on my white pants, the smell of rain in Mississippi, and the sun bouncin' off that stained glass cross in the church where I grew up.


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Sounds Like: My Little Ones Are In This Kevin Montgomery Video ;)href=" Y29tL2pvaW5yZWQ=" target="_blank"
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Cut....!!!!!! and Update!!!!!

Hi Everybody, Just wanted to share a little good news with you all.  A song I co-wrote got picked up by recording artist Carla Williams (on my front page).  The project was produced by Milto...
Posted by Vanessa on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 07:36:00 PST

Some Things Really Are Priceless

Hi everyone, I wanted to share one of my treasures with you today.  My little girl who is 9 years old wrote this.  Where I am From I am frommouth watering meals, hot potatoesand s...
Posted by Vanessa on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 11:19:00 PST