Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Groundhog Day, Hellraiser.
Okay - I just found out that I'm on VH1's - 100 Most Heavy Metal Moments Of All Time - but as a roadie for Van Halen. Woo Hoo!
Right now it's Farewell To Arms by Ernest Hemmingway - I love the subculture context of life and love within a war hospital in Italy - I figure it to be kind of the same as trying to live your own life while in a travelling big top tent with no running water. Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenence took me most of the tour to read - mostly due to distraction - or I guess you could say it took me 10 years since I started it in high school - but man's exploration of the inside of his own mind using miles of highway as a muse is pretty fascinating. A Brief History of Time blew my mind early mornings on the subway this winter - and How To Make Love Like A Pornstar by Jenna Jameson. It's amazing how the looks you get on the subway differ when you're reading about quantum mechanics and when you're reading a book with pictures of naked porn stars.
Ferris Bueller - James Bond