|m/etal Queen profile picture

|m/etal Queen

It is the function of art to render attractive & significant those things that without it would

About Me

I believe in metal and mosh pits; violins and waltzes; the written word and the painted thought; Heaven on earth and Hell in our hearts. I'm a little odd, but I keep myself amused. I have no use for your porn, home business, web business, or anything else you're trying to sell me. If you make good music I want to know, but if you don't I won't be adding you even if I know you & your bandmates personally. (I can find enough ways to waste time, thx.)

My Interests

getting more sleep.kicking people

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I'd like to meet:

Check out my blog "support local music" to find promoters, clubs, photographers/vidographers, and other music lovers. Check out my blog "pix from shows" to find (of all things...) pix from recent shows.


Everything from AC/DC to ZZ Top, but mostly metal.At the moment I recommend checking out the new Type O Negative, "Dead Again", and last year's Kenny Wayne Shepherd/old school blues stars collaboration "10 Days Out - Blues from the Backroads". Both kick ass in their own genre and manner


thoughtful and/or bloody tends to work


MadTV, Powerpuff Girls, Simpsons, Chapelle's Show, Family Guy, but i haven't actually bothered with cable in my current apartment - 35 months and counting… - I can watch Bruins at the bar, so I'm good


anything by Tom Robbins, Shel Silverstein , Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. , or H.P. Lovecraft


Dude and the like. Thanx, Dude!

My Blog

How Usefulness of Individuals Differs

  It all started with Andy. Well, no, that's not true, but he brought it up. A frustration I can comprehend - the recurring question, "Why should I be responsible to tell a grown adult ...
Posted by |m/etal Queen on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 11:20:00 PST


So the point of this game is to post a blog about 10 weird habits/random facts about yourself and then "tag" 10 people who then have to post a blog about their 10 weird habits/random facts. You have t...
Posted by |m/etal Queen on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 09:13:00 PST

How to get promoted

I'm not a "promoter", but I'm usually more than happy to repost bulletins for bands I want to see and assist. In addition, please see these pages/people on my friends list for people and clubs that mi...
Posted by |m/etal Queen on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 02:29:00 PST

bring out your dead

Tomorrow, in about 12 hours, is the 7th anniversary of the death of a friend and poet named Josh Stow. Every year I take the day "off" - from work, violin lessons, school when it was applica...
Posted by |m/etal Queen on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 01:55:00 PST

my friends list

If I've recently deleted you, it's probably because you're a waste of flesh a waste of time or both   If you re-send a request and I deny you, see above...
Posted by |m/etal Queen on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 09:40:00 PST

pix from shows

here, have a link: http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/madviolin81/my_photos this includes shows from the Asylum Bus Trip, 2006 Bofest and Seacoast Metal Fest, Darian's 6/30 party, and whatever else i've ad...
Posted by |m/etal Queen on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 07:20:00 PST

rant and rebuke

Ok, so I went to the Brick House last night for the weekly Battle to play the Seacoast Tattoo Festival this October... As someone who has supported Fletch forever, I was psyched to see the room more f...
Posted by |m/etal Queen on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 02:02:00 PST


just want to puke to bleed to sob to scream to empty myself of today   the rock the rum the smoke for once didn't help the sorrow fade - 5/03/06...
Posted by |m/etal Queen on Sat, 06 May 2006 10:47:00 PST

i win

After four days of the ever-so-fun, unannounced FDA inspection, there's only half a day to go. The inspector will be back at Phase II from 8:30am till whenever tomorrow, and then I can go back to...
Posted by |m/etal Queen on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 03:10:00 PST

scribbles for Tina

one breath of sorrow will quickly encompass her reluctance to detach her chains. fleeting cat scratches on her wrists - "i was acting like your siblings again" she tells me like i should be...
Posted by |m/etal Queen on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 09:02:00 PST