New Page 1Underground PromotionUK
RhythmicVisions PR
RVUPInternational Music Services
Rhythmic VisionsPR,formally known as Rhymes N Beatz UK, began a musical venture in 2005 andconcludes an establishment which enforces a professional representation ofartist projects and movements. Artist development is the easy part as passionsgrow with age, but it’s the acceptance of our chosen ambition that our artistsstruggle to find a home in the world of music. The urban music industry is afunny place to be in, one minute it has its highs and the next it has its lowsand it’s about time it found a settled status. The UK music industry especiallyhas struggled to mark its territory on the musical map and it’s only been withinthe last few years that the determination of British artists has caused animmense impact to the scene.
Underground Promotions UKwas established in April 2006 with intentions of offering a range of promotionalservices to help expand the exposure and recognition of unsigned artists,excluding the concern of triple figured service fees. Although the company isbased within the UK, this compelling venture caters for musical bodies worldwidewithin the Hip Hop and UK Grime music genres. UPUK is expanding musicalhorizons daily, so whilst the service provided may appear limited it means thatall work ethics guarantee realistic accreditations.
Just like any project or movement it will only move forward if you work hard forit, and just because you’re not signed to a major label it doesn’t mean youshould neglect the main elements within artist development and musical projects.A problem which has occurred within the music scene is that opportunities inexposing music is very great, but because there’s not enough financialinvestment within the craft it’s all fallen into a trend and the importantelements perfecting projects as well as artistry have been neglected.
Rhythmic Visions PRand Underground Promotions UK are an international joint venture whichhave every intension of encouraging structured action plans and create awarenessto their artists of how important it is to raise their musical profile.Structured campaigns would be conducted at affordable prices in aim to presentprojects to the press and media in a professional manor, as well as raising theimportance of broadening every promotional avenue across the musical globe.
Services include:
- MusicConsultancyMarketingPublicRelationsRadioPluggingPromoti
onOpportunitiesCreativeWriting i.e. biography’s and press releasesMyspaceDesignInterviews& ProfilesMix TapeFeatures (UPUK & UK Spaders)ArtistDevelopmentOnlinePromotionVideo Production
- ElectronicPress KitsGraphicDesignPhotographyAdvertisementRVUP BookingAgencyRV OnlineCompilationMonthlyEvents
With all this being just the outline of forthcoming projects, it’sjust a short introduction of the UK movement uniting and BEING the movementalong with international status.
“RVUP International Unityâ€
“Urban UK At Its Finest Musical Eraâ€
United Kingdom Enquires
Nina Carmela
Rhythmic VisionsPR CEO
T: +44 (0) 7734414 280
United States Enquires
Danielle Fear
UndergroundPromotions CEO
T: +44 (0) 7786082 177
All OtherInternational Enquires