Astartiel profile picture


Astartiel's Expressions

About Me

*** Seriously Guys, if you created a mostly empty Myspace account just to invite people to chat with you on Yahoo or some other chat program, then you are wasting your time emailing me! I DON'T CHAT! I don't even have any chat programs installed and I WON'T install any because of anyone's sweet talk. I have a LiveJournal account and this MySpace account for communicating with, so if you can't use these sites for communicating then you are out of luck with me. Sorry, I just had to post this because I'm getting WAY too many email requests of this nature! ***Your thoughts become things every single day, no matter what the occasion, no matter where the energy vortices lie, no matter when the equinox starts, no matter what the economy is doing, no matter who is in office, no matter what you want, no matter when you want it, no matter what, no matter what, no matter what.Any other thinking just gives your power away.Love you by leaps and bounds,
- The Universe
Rainbows and butterflies, cattails and dandelions, waterfalls and rainforests, puppy dogs and dragonflies, sea foam and orcas, sunshine and comets, snowflakes and ice cycles, wildflowers and Astartiel....Did I think of everything, or what?Crazy, sexy, cool,
- The Universe
Who am I? I am a poet, philosopher, writer, singer, songwriter, photographer, future cinematographer, future film director, reiki master, eft tapper, new ager, daydream believer, computer wizard, daughter, mother, sister, lover and friend - just to name a few things.I am Jenny Johnson. I am also Guinevere Hempstead. And finally I am also Astartiel. One is my real name, one my poetry name, and one my online name. There are a million or more Jenny Johnsons in this world and as much as I love my name, it does get a bit old. Guinevere Hempstead, though is a pretty rare name. I choose the name because I almost was named Guinevere and it has always been my other name. Hempstead is a great grandmother's maiden name and I've always loved it.The name Astartiel is part of the evolution of my online name. I wrote a poem once with the made up word "Astare" in it. Then I learned of the goddess Astarte. When I started going online on a regular basis around 1995, I choose Astarte as my username. But when I would go to New Age websites, I'd find that the name was not uncommon. So, I changed it to Astartae (which I found out later is literally plural for Astarte). Then that name also began to get use. SO, I thought about it and played around with my username until I came up with Astartiel a few years ago, and it's been that ever since.I have a challenge to meet:To go beyond what I've done, where I’ve been and who I have become. To do more, go more places and be more.I am dedicated to the depths of my soul and down to each strand of DNA in my body to meet this challenge.It is a challenge I must meet every second of my life – every heartbeat of my body – every fiber of my soul - and I'm dedicated to meeting it totally and completely.If anyone making a film, public television program or documentary of any kind filming in the South Western Black Hills and Plains areas of South Dakota and surrounding area needs another person for pretty much any job, I'm your woman. I will work for next to no pay - just gas money to get me there will do. I'm looking for experience. I can't afford to go to school right now and I can't uproot my daughter that way. So, I have only the school of life - all of you already trained and working in this business - to teach me. I'm a willing student wanting to learn all about cinematography and digital film work as I can. I learn computer and camera things very quickly and find I enjoy working equally with both. Currently I make my living doing computer installing and repairing but I'm more interested in using computers in the entertainment and educational purposes of "moving pictures." I'm quite amazed at what you can do with a computer to help make a movie like an old film-maker who remembers the beginning might. Perhaps I reincarnated from another life as a film director back in the 1920's or something but I have deep feelings about film-making from very early on as a child that has never left me despite all efforts by others to grind me down. So, here I am online trying to let others in the world know what I'm about and what I'm striving to become. What do I want to become? I want to become someone that knows all aspects of film-making from sound mechanics to camera operation to editing to directing to even acting, if I have to. And I'm willing getting coffee or whatever to start. Like I said, if you are in the area and need another person for pretty much any film or television job (nothing naughty now! ;-), then let me know through here or my email address astartiel at gmail.I am currently seeking a creative position with a television, radio, film, video or photography company where I can engage in work that contributes my comprehensive computer, writing, music, photography, multi-tasking, research, editing and interpersonal skills to both my and my employer’s greatest advantage. Please contact me, if you want to see a resume and consider me for employment. ;-)I desire to spend my life traveling and immersing myself in the many varied and amazing cultural experiences, events and places in the world from local theatre to far-flung ancient monuments, from art museums to anthropological digs, from giant skyscrapers to small, out of the way Indian resturants. Fantasies of traveling and seeing all there is to see in the world seem to fill most of my spare hours.I believe in art - poetry, music and film especially. I am seeking to find employment that lets me express myself through poetry, music and film.I am very interested in finding film work as a production assistant, film director or other "entry level" position. ;-) If you find you want to give a girl like me a chance to change the odds of women making movies these days and help me try to do what I just might love, then please let me know. I'd also love to get paid for singing, songwriting, poetry writing, photography, research, numerology reports, reiki, eft, editing or writing. If I can't make money off my talents and interests, then why have them at all?PS - I recently worked as an extra in National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets. ;-) Yay me! Look for the back of my head at the end of the movie when you watch it in the theater this winter!My Online Presence: Astartiel's Expressions & Creations - My personal website - which houses my biography, my goals, my resume, my favorites lists, some of my poetry, numerology reading stuff, reiki stuff, Jane Robert's quotes (Seth & Tweety's Little Book), Motivational Quotes, political viewpoint pages, and my "Love of Viggo" page (about a crush I have on some weird Danish-American artist guy for about ten years now). So, reader beware. You may find out more about me than you'd like! ;-) Astartiel's Dream - This is where I have a few of my humble attempts at singing my more musical poems. If you want to add me, then add my myspace music profile too. Thanks! Astartiel's Talent Profile - I just made an account here so there isn't much to look at yet. Eventually I'll add photos, poetry, etc. Go check it out and make one for yourself while you are at it! Astartiel's deviantArt - My photos and poetry - I've been scribbling words and taking artsy photos since I was a teenager. Now, thanks to the internet, I can subject the world to my odd viewpoint on it and everyone and thing within it. Astartiel's LiveJournal - My day-to-day journal about my life and thoughts, dreams and ideas I have about it. Astartiel's Facebook - I'm just starting an account here, so if you have an account there too, I'd appreciate you adding me there too. Astartiel's Resume - Perhaps after reading all of the above, you desire to hire me. Stranger things have happened. If so, then go take a gander at my resume and by all means do hire me!..

My Interests

There is always more to learn, understand, realize and do in this world. There is always more and more to become interested in within this world.Some of my interests include: 1.618, 13, 42, Abraham, Affirmations, Astral Projection, Architecture, Art, Beaches, Beauty, Chaos Magick, Chakras, Comedy, Computers, Creativity, Crystals, Dark Chocolate, Dreaming, EFT, ESP, Exploration, Fantasy, Filmmaking, Galaxies, Ghosts, Golden Ratio, Hiking, Hope, Ideas, Inner Growth, Indian Food, Inspiration, Joy, Laughing, Learning, Lestat de Lioncourt, Lexx, Lord of the Rings, Love, Meditation, Metaphysics, Monty Python, Movies, Mystery, Nature, Numerology, Other Cultures, Paranormal, Peace, Phi, Philosophy, Photography, Playgrounds, Playing, Poetry, Questioning, Reading, Reality Creation, Reiki, Runes, Science, Science Fiction, Seashells, Self Help, Seth Books, Singing, Songwriting, Space, Stars, Swimming, Swings, Swords, Tarot, Technology, The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything, The Law of Attraction, The Secret, Theatre, Tolkien, Travel, Viggo Mortensen, Wonder, World Peace, Writing, Yerba Maté, and many more...

I'd like to meet:

I am always ready to meet the atypical, unique, interesting, creative and dynamic individual who is making the world his or her own as they create their own reality in this amazing world of ours.Also, I have another profile to showcase my musical ability here on myspace @ Astartiel's Dream . Please add me there, if you are a musician or if like what you hear, and I'll be glad to add you back!
There is also a certain tall, dirty-blond, blue-eyed, Danish-American poet/painter/performer guy from New York, California, Argentina and Denmark with the funny name of Viggo that I've been suffering love for around close to a decade now that I'd really like to experience that love with ...Lastly, I'm in love with another blue-eyed, blond boy but since he's a fictional vampire by the name of Lestat, there's little chance of ever fulfilling my fantasies of him...What can I say, I guess I'm a sucker for blonds...Save The World - One Click At A Time!

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CURRENT MOON moon phase

Previously I had 1721 visitors but that page stoped working so here is my new map:

If you've read all of this page to the bottom, then I want to be your friend. Anyone who can read all this and not want to leave the page is worth my getting to know. So, what are you waiting for? Send me a friend request already! ;-)


I enjoy most kinds of music from classical to classic rock. I'm usually willing to try out a new band or new form of music. I like trying out different kinds of world music as well as American genres. I don't care too much for country or rap.Here is a sampling of some of the musicians I like:The Band, The Beatles, Billy Joel, Bob Dylan, The Byrds, Carla Ulbrich, Charlie Chaplin, Creedence Clearwater Rivval, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, The Cure, Don McLean, The Doors, Ella Fitgerald, The Eagles, Enya, Five For Fighting, George Harrison, The Grateful Dead, Harry Chapin, Harry Nilsson, Heart, Helen Reddy, Iron Maiden, Janis Joplin, John Rafferty & The Beaver Brown Band, Jefferson Airplane, Jethro Tull, Jewel, Jim Croce, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Joni Mitchell, Kansas, Katalina, Kenny Loggins, Loreena McKennit, Louis Armstrong, Madonna, The Mamas and the Papas, Meredith Brooks, Monty Python, Mozart, Neil Young, Paula Cole, Peter, Paul & Mary, The Platters, Portishead, Procol Harem, Queen, Santana, Sarah McLachlan, Smash Mouth, Steve Martin, Sting, Styx, The Who, Weird Al Yankovic


Romance: Made In Heaven, Somewhere in Time, Sleepless In Seattle, Moulin Rouge, Ladyhawke, Legends of the Fall, Practical Magic, Always, Only You, A Walk on the Moon, WimbledonAction/Adventure: Hidalgo, Pirates of the Caribbean, The League of Extraordianry Gentleman, Spiderman, Desperado, A Knight's Tale, HighlanderSciFi: Galaxy Quest, Dune (both versions), The Matrix, Star Trek, Star Wars, The Fifth Element, MIBEpic: Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Thornbirds, Fiddler on the Roof, Yentle, The Stand, Gladiator, Braveheart, A.I.Comedy: Roxanne, LA Story, The Jerk, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike BackDrama: The Last of the Mohicans, The Big Chill, Good Morning Vietnam, Field of Dreams, The Commitments, City of Angels, The Dead Poet's SocietyVampiric: Interview with the Vampire, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Modern Vampires, Blade, Blood and DonutsChildren's: Harry Potter (all), Pocahontas, The Lion King, Brother Bear, Finding Nemo, Willow, Charlottes's Web, Fraggle Rock, Secret of Nimh, The Incredibles


My Favorite Shows include: Dr Who, Ghost Hunters, My Hero, Futurama, The Family Guy, South Park, The X-Files, Angel, Buffy, Charmed, Forever Knight, Lexx, Stargate SG-1, Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Roswell, Farscape, First Wave, Earth: Final Conflict, Red Green, Monarch of the Glen, Mash, Highlander, Quantum Leap.


Fiction: The Complete Works of Shakespeare; The Dune books by Frank Herbert; Stranger in a Strange Land and other books by Robert A Heinlein; The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien; Harry Potter books by JK Rowling; The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and other books by Douglas Adams; The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis; Sherlock Holmes by Sir AC Doyle; The Vampire Lestat, The Vampire Chronicles and the Mayfair Witches by Anne Rice; The Gunslinger series and The Stand by Stephen King.Non-Fiction:The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, The Seth books by Jane Roberts; The Abraham books by Esther Hicks, books about acting and singing; New Age books; Self Help books; Philosophy books; Mythology books; and many, many more...And I must not forget such classics as: The Spells of Astoroth, The Necronomicon, Tobin's Spirit Guide, Handbook for the Recently Deceased, and The Slayer Handbook. ;-)


I find heroic things in so many people that I couldn't just name a few! Although both of my Grandfathers do come to mind...

My Blog

Short, Meaningless Messages

It annoys me to no end when I get email messages here on myspace that amount to no more than a barroom come-on.  Here is the latest "stunning" example:  "hi, how are you beautiful??."  ...
Posted by Astartiel on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 08:56:00 PST

Te Quiero, I Love You

So much to say and so little time to say it all.Viggo posted that poem / song Te Quiero again on PP. Of course, it is dedicated to the soccer / futbol team he is "in love" with, San Lorenzo. His love ...
Posted by Astartiel on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 12:29:00 PST

Expressions of Hempstead

Someone did a search for the term "expressions of hempstead," perhaps seeking well known expressions people from Hempstead, NY say or something.  When I did the same search, my own website came u...
Posted by Astartiel on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:23:00 PST

Weird Wedding Dream

I had a dream this morning that seemed to mirror my problem with attracting men.  I always seem to not attract men.  Whenever I go anywhere, wherever it is, guys might look but no one ever a...
Posted by Astartiel on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:51:00 PST

Mark Frankel and Kindred

As many people probably are, I have been watching Kindred: The Embraced, a short-lived series from 1996, being shown on the Chiller channel.  Tonight I watched the episode "Cabin in the Woods" an...
Posted by Astartiel on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 10:52:00 PST

Pre-Dawn Rants

Rant 1 - Paparazzi:  Is it just me or is that category of "journalists" and photographers often referred to as paparazzi WAY out of control these days?  What gives those people the right to ...
Posted by Astartiel on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 03:17:00 PST

Viggo the Ranger on Colbert

It seems Viggo’s vote for President this November will be Stephen Colbert. Well, it will be if he shows up in full Ranger mode come voting day. You see, last night Steve got a really big lette...
Posted by Astartiel on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 02:07:00 PST

Toronto Int. Film Festival - Eastern Promises

Eastern Promises, the new David Cronenberg movie starring Viggo Mortensen and Naomi Watts, is playing at the Toronto International Film Festival today and I’d give anything to get to go to see i...
Posted by Astartiel on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 01:34:00 PST

Making Moving Movies

Sometimes, I feel like I have a sort of "romance" with movies - with the art form that is filmmaking.  To think that you can take all these congruent parts of film, put them together, and get the...
Posted by Astartiel on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:03:00 PST

Related to Annie Talent!

This weekend we took my daughter and her cousin to an old fort out by Stockade Lake near Custer that was once occupied by Annie Talent.  The cool thing about that is I recently found out that my ...
Posted by Astartiel on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 08:53:00 PST