There is always more to learn, understand, realize and do in this world. There is always more and more to become interested in within this world.Some of my interests include: 1.618, 13, 42, Abraham, Affirmations, Astral Projection, Architecture, Art, Beaches, Beauty, Chaos Magick, Chakras, Comedy, Computers, Creativity, Crystals, Dark Chocolate, Dreaming, EFT, ESP, Exploration, Fantasy, Filmmaking, Galaxies, Ghosts, Golden Ratio, Hiking, Hope, Ideas, Inner Growth, Indian Food, Inspiration, Joy, Laughing, Learning, Lestat de Lioncourt, Lexx, Lord of the Rings, Love, Meditation, Metaphysics, Monty Python, Movies, Mystery, Nature, Numerology, Other Cultures, Paranormal, Peace, Phi, Philosophy, Photography, Playgrounds, Playing, Poetry, Questioning, Reading, Reality Creation, Reiki, Runes, Science, Science Fiction, Seashells, Self Help, Seth Books, Singing, Songwriting, Space, Stars, Swimming, Swings, Swords, Tarot, Technology, The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything, The Law of Attraction, The Secret, Theatre, Tolkien, Travel, Viggo Mortensen, Wonder, World Peace, Writing, Yerba Maté, and many more...
I am always ready to meet the atypical, unique, interesting, creative and dynamic individual who is making the world his or her own as they create their own reality in this amazing world of ours.Also, I have another profile to showcase my musical ability here on myspace @ Astartiel's Dream . Please add me there, if you are a musician or if like what you hear, and I'll be glad to add you back!
There is also a certain tall, dirty-blond, blue-eyed, Danish-American poet/painter/performer guy from New York, California, Argentina and Denmark with the funny name of Viggo that I've been suffering love for around close to a decade now that I'd really like to experience that love with ...Lastly, I'm in love with another blue-eyed, blond boy but since he's a fictional vampire by the name of Lestat, there's little chance of ever fulfilling my fantasies of him...What can I say, I guess I'm a sucker for blonds...Save The World - One Click At A Time!
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Previously I had 1721 visitors but that page stoped working so here is my new map:I enjoy most kinds of music from classical to classic rock. I'm usually willing to try out a new band or new form of music. I like trying out different kinds of world music as well as American genres. I don't care too much for country or rap.Here is a sampling of some of the musicians I like:The Band, The Beatles, Billy Joel, Bob Dylan, The Byrds, Carla Ulbrich, Charlie Chaplin, Creedence Clearwater Rivval, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, The Cure, Don McLean, The Doors, Ella Fitgerald, The Eagles, Enya, Five For Fighting, George Harrison, The Grateful Dead, Harry Chapin, Harry Nilsson, Heart, Helen Reddy, Iron Maiden, Janis Joplin, John Rafferty & The Beaver Brown Band, Jefferson Airplane, Jethro Tull, Jewel, Jim Croce, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Joni Mitchell, Kansas, Katalina, Kenny Loggins, Loreena McKennit, Louis Armstrong, Madonna, The Mamas and the Papas, Meredith Brooks, Monty Python, Mozart, Neil Young, Paula Cole, Peter, Paul & Mary, The Platters, Portishead, Procol Harem, Queen, Santana, Sarah McLachlan, Smash Mouth, Steve Martin, Sting, Styx, The Who, Weird Al Yankovic
Romance: Made In Heaven, Somewhere in Time, Sleepless In Seattle, Moulin Rouge, Ladyhawke, Legends of the Fall, Practical Magic, Always, Only You, A Walk on the Moon, WimbledonAction/Adventure: Hidalgo, Pirates of the Caribbean, The League of Extraordianry Gentleman, Spiderman, Desperado, A Knight's Tale, HighlanderSciFi: Galaxy Quest, Dune (both versions), The Matrix, Star Trek, Star Wars, The Fifth Element, MIBEpic: Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Thornbirds, Fiddler on the Roof, Yentle, The Stand, Gladiator, Braveheart, A.I.Comedy: Roxanne, LA Story, The Jerk, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike BackDrama: The Last of the Mohicans, The Big Chill, Good Morning Vietnam, Field of Dreams, The Commitments, City of Angels, The Dead Poet's SocietyVampiric: Interview with the Vampire, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Modern Vampires, Blade, Blood and DonutsChildren's: Harry Potter (all), Pocahontas, The Lion King, Brother Bear, Finding Nemo, Willow, Charlottes's Web, Fraggle Rock, Secret of Nimh, The Incredibles
My Favorite Shows include: Dr Who, Ghost Hunters, My Hero, Futurama, The Family Guy, South Park, The X-Files, Angel, Buffy, Charmed, Forever Knight, Lexx, Stargate SG-1, Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Roswell, Farscape, First Wave, Earth: Final Conflict, Red Green, Monarch of the Glen, Mash, Highlander, Quantum Leap.
Fiction: The Complete Works of Shakespeare; The Dune books by Frank Herbert; Stranger in a Strange Land and other books by Robert A Heinlein; The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien; Harry Potter books by JK Rowling; The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and other books by Douglas Adams; The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis; Sherlock Holmes by Sir AC Doyle; The Vampire Lestat, The Vampire Chronicles and the Mayfair Witches by Anne Rice; The Gunslinger series and The Stand by Stephen King.Non-Fiction:The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, The Seth books by Jane Roberts; The Abraham books by Esther Hicks, books about acting and singing; New Age books; Self Help books; Philosophy books; Mythology books; and many, many more...And I must not forget such classics as: The Spells of Astoroth, The Necronomicon, Tobin's Spirit Guide, Handbook for the Recently Deceased, and The Slayer Handbook. ;-)
I find heroic things in so many people that I couldn't just name a few! Although both of my Grandfathers do come to mind...