Greetings, My name is Ken and I would like to welcome you to my page. I am a firm believer in The Law of Attraction and the use of affirmations. I am assuming if you are reading my page, you may be too. I work as the Director of my families company Awake2000, Inc. headquartered in Kailua, Hawaii. I however, live and work in Austin, TX. I got into affirmations through my Dad and watching the progress in which he had made with his own recoveries. Following his success using affirmations he began development of a device called the Mindmaster that repeats your affirmation 80 times a night while you sleep on a scheduled program, not a loop. That is when I started really getting involved with wanting to learn more about the use of affirmations in my own personal life. I think this is a remarkable unit in the fact that most people that practice affirmations use them with an Mp3 player which runs their affirmation on a continuous loop. I tried it and found that it was a personal distraction for me that kept me from getting a good nights sleep. I've since found that this is the same with most other people too. The Mindmaster doesn't loop and runs on a scheduled program allowing you to sleep which is ideal and you still receive your affirmation 80 times every night. So, when my Dad had created the first prototype, I couldn't wait to try it.
It is really an effortless way to change any aspect of your life. I love the benefits I receive from my own personal use of affirmations and enjoy speaking to others about them as well.
I welcome you to please share with me the following:
Where have affirmations taken you in life?
How long have you been using them?
What do you use them for the most?
I would love to talk more with you either on my page here or in our forum at I answer to everyone I can, sometimes my Dad and others get involved in the forum. There are also some interesting articles on affirmations and some new audio files that are currently being added. Thanks so much to everyone who has shared their use of affirmations with me, it is truly enlightening to hear all of your stories and positive replies. Hope to hear more from all of you, take care and keep Maximizing Your Affirmations!!
If any of you are interested in submitting me an affirmation you personally like, I will consider putting it into my next video, just send it to me either here or through the "Contact Us" at the bottom of home page.
Powerful Affirmations
This Unit Repeats Your Affirmation 80 Times A Night While You Sleep!
Beautiful Affirmations and a Journey Across The Island of Oahu