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So long, and thanks for all the fish!

About Me

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Time doesn't heal all wounds; it just makes some of them a little more bearable.
I prefer to stay pretty anonymous in cyberspace. But here's just a little bit about me...
I am passionate about my beliefs. And the older I get, the more passionate I become! (you 40+ out there can relate, I'm sure!) Global warming terrifies me; not for myself, but for my children, and for their children. Things will be so very different for them and their entire way of life will have to change if they are to survive.
I fear for our planet and the life it harbors.
I support our troops, regardless of their mission. It's those that order the missions that I don't always support.
I think today's politicians are grossly inadequate for what this country needs. Many of them are just plain morons. Some of them, I truly do believe, go into office with every good intention, but the reality of corruption and deception eventually gets to them and they fall, like all the others before them. I want to believe there is one honest politician out there that has nothing but good in their heart for the country, but I have yet to see anyone like that.
I work hard every day and dream every day of retiring and moving away from the insanity of the city; I have hope of finding sanctuary someplace where there is peace. I know in my heart that no such place exists.
I look up to the stars every night and wonder and hope.
I love the earth and the universe that surrounds it.
I started this page in hopes that I can help raise awareness on the issues surrounding Global Warming. I hope in some small way, I can help.
Click Here to Calculate YOUR Impact on Global Warming!
The United Nations' weather agency issued a report confirming fears that global weather extremes are now becoming the norm across the planet. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said that during the first months of 2007, the Indian subcontinent suffered TWICE the normal number of monsoon storms, and that global temperatures were probably the warmest since reliable records began in 1880. The report also pointed to record storms across Britain and the rest of Europe, as well as disastrous floods in Argentina and Uruguay as further indications of climate change. The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says man-made global warming is unequivocal. It notes that there has been an increasing trend in the extreme events observed during the last 50 years, particularly heavy precipitation events and heat waves.On Friday, August 17, 2007 it was reported that there was less sea ice in the Arctic than ever before. Satellite measurements showed 2.02 million square miles of ice in the Arctic, falling below the Sept. 21, 2005, record minimum of 2.05 million square miles. Sea ice in the Arctic helps keep those regions cool by reflecting sunlight that might be absorbed by darker land or ocean surfaces. Exposed to direct sun, for example, instead of reflecting 80 percent of the sunlight, the ocean absorbs 90 percent. That causes the ocean to heat up and raises Arctic temperatures. According to Mark Serreze, a senior research scientist at the Colorado-based National Snow and Ice Data Center "It is very strong evidence that we are starting to see an effect of greenhouse warming."
Check the facts, then tell me Global Warming is not true.
Nuff said

My Interests

Global Warming

Habitats and Cultures Everywhere React to Global Climate Changes

Help Your Kids Understand Global Warming

Natural Resources Defense Council

I love the art of Wyland . He has brought so much attention and focus on our oceans and it's inhabitants. Please visit his Wyland Foundation website and take a look around. It's well worth your time and donation!

I'd like to meet:

Click here to see where the candidates stand on Global Warming!


If you don't know this one, you don't deserve to know.

Dixie Chicks

Indigo Girls


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Global Warming.... 30 years away?


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My Blog

Warming "worse than feared"

Climate change 'significantly worse' than feared: Al Gore Climate change is occurring far more rapidly than even the worst predictions of the UN's Nobel Prize-winning scientific panel on climate chang...
Posted by TerraMom on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 08:19:00 PST

Global Warming in Election Politics

In the US elections, have you heard talk from the candidates about Warming? No? Me either. Sad isn't it? Are there any candidates out there that care about it? Granted, there are alot of other urgent ...
Posted by TerraMom on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 01:29:00 PST

Warming Destroying National Treasures Worldwide?

Global warming brings big problems to Giant's Causeway   . At Murlough Nature Reserve in County Down wetter winters and drier summers could put important dune and heath plants at risk as in...
Posted by TerraMom on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 01:20:00 PST

Food Chain

Posted by TerraMom on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 04:25:00 PST

Our Very Existence is Threatened! Please Read for Important Information!

'Humanity's very survival' is at risk, says UN --> --> --> --> A computer enhanced image of earth from space at sunset --> --> The speed at which mankind has used the Earth's resources over...
Posted by TerraMom on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 09:55:00 PST

Arctic Ice Melt and Other News

Arctic Ice Melt Opens Northwest Passage PARIS (AP)  Arctic ice has shrunk to the lowest level on record, new satellite images show, raising the possibility that the Northwest Passage that eluded fam...
Posted by TerraMom on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 12:49:00 PST

And the Strange Weather Occurances Continue....

MONSOONS Worsening floods across India, Nepal and Bangladesh have forced more than 19 million people from their homes since late July. Health officials warn that an epidemic of waterborne diseases may...
Posted by TerraMom on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 09:32:00 PST

1st Snow in Johannesburg, South Africa in 25 Years!

..> Johannesburg Gets First Snow Since 1981 27 June 2007 ..> ..> ..>The first measureable snowfall in almost 26 years has blanketed Johannesburg, South Africa, closing roads, delaying flights ...
Posted by TerraMom on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 06:54:00 PST

Happy Independence Day America!

This is for all the troops overseas and at home fighting for, and protecting our freedom.......God Bless you All!   ...
Posted by TerraMom on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 08:10:00 PST

Extreme Weather in London

Incredible.....in July no less! Summer under a cloud as weather turns angryLooming angrily over London, this is the massive cloud that brought weather havoc to the capital. Within an hour, its deva...
Posted by TerraMom on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 08:07:00 PST