alan moore, alchemy, ales, alexander lowen, alliterates, ancient egypt, ancient weapons, beer, bioenergetics, body work, book collecting, book reviews, bookbinding, books, bookstores, brainstorming, buffy the vampire slayer, candles, celtic mysticism, celtic shamanism, chaos magic, chaos magick, charles de lint, city of heroes, college football, comics, conspiracy theories, cooking, creativity, d&d, deep tissue massage, dungeons and dragons, ed greenwood, edgar rice burroughs, editing, energy work, england, fantasy, fantasy fiction, fantasy movies, fiction, fight club, firefly, fitness, forgotten realms, founding fathers, game industry, games, gaming, genre fiction, george r.r. martin, ghosts, grant morrison, graphic novels, guinness, h.g. wells, history, home brewing, horror films, inklings, intelligent conversation, j. michael straczynski, j.r.r. tolkien, jane austen, jeff grubb, jim marrs, joss whedon, katherine kurtz, left-wing politics, legion of super-heroes, liberal politics, libraries, literary fiction, literature, log cabins, lord of the rings, magic, magic realism, mark twain, mary shelley, massage, michael chabon, michael harner, monasteries, mythology, national public radio, neil gaiman, neopaganism, nina kiriki hoffman, old books, old hollywood, old houses, old movies, pacific northwest, paganism, pagans, pirates, publishing, reading, redheads, roald dahl, robert e howard, role-playing games, rpgs, sacred sexuality, sarah mclachlan, science fiction, science fiction & fantasy, science fiction movies, scotch, scotland, scrabble, secret history, shakespeare, shamanism, smart people, snow, speculative fiction, spicy food, spirituality, star wars, stargate, swimming, tattoos, the invisibles, the onion, tim powers, umberto eco, walking, warren ellis, whiskey, wine, writers' letters and journals, writing, young adult literature.
Five movies I would watch over and over: 1. Wonder Boys 2. The Godfather 3. Casablanca 4. Raiders of the Lost Ark 5. Jaws
Only major hooks right now are Heroes and Studio 60, the latter of which I've heard is due for cancellation (sigh....general stupidity among network execs leads to the death of so many good shows).
I have more than 2000 books which I'm trying to currently catalogue for the first time. The bulk of my library has been in storage for more than 4 years, so it's like Yule with each box opening to find books I thought I'd long since sold or lost. Alas, that works in the flip-side, as books I was looking for or hoping to find aren't there any longer. Suffice it to say I've at least 800 fiction hardcovers, about that same number in trade or mass market paperbacks, 300-500 nonfiction hardcovers for research, 34 long boxes of comic books and magazines, and probably 400-500 RPG game products (rule books, adventures/modules, sourcebooks, etc.)