Fantasy Football, cooking, reading, the stock market, music.
I like music, I'm not going to list everything because that would take too much time. Currently I'm listening to Bauhaus, Spoon, Muse, Foo Fighters, anything 80's. Fiona Apple, The Killers, Oasis, Pixies, old punk, old rap.
Star Wars of course, Serenity, Blade Runner, Brick, Layer Cake, Pride and Prejudice, Rushmore, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Children of Men, The Fifth Element, Mad Max, Elizabeth, Henry V, MST3K, KUNG FU HUSTLE!
I'm currently watching, Dexter, Robot Chicken, House, Grey's Anatomy, and Boston Legal. And almost ANYTHING on the History channel. I'm hooked and I can't stop watching it.
The Pale Horseman, Through a Glass Darkly, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Sun Also Rises, Sandman, Memoirs of a Geisha, Angels and Demons, The Stolen Child, Mortal Love, The Lord John Series, Y: The Last Man is next on my list.
Henry Rollins. My mom. Anyone in customer service.